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Dinosaur Toy Forum Diorama Contest 2013

Started by DinoToyForum, April 29, 2013, 11:02:12 PM

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As announced on the Dinosaur Toy Blog here:

Drum roll please! It's competition time! This comes a little later in the year than usual, but I'm pleased to announce that The Dinosaur Toy Forum Diorama Contest 2013, sponsored by Safari Ltd, is now open! After our biggest ever turn out in 2012, we are now looking forward to seeing your dioramas for 2013! Of course, we have some great prizes up for grabs again, this year courtesy of our generous sponsor - Safari Ltd!

The rules and regulations for the 2013 contest are as follows:

-Entry is free.

-All members of The Dinosaur Toy Forum, including staff, are invited to participate. Non-members wishing to participate are invited to register to the forum, this is free.

-There are no categories. Dioramas have to be about prehistoric organisms (from archaeobacteria to Pteranodon, but it doesn't matter so long as it is prehistoric!).

-The deadline for entries is August 30th 2013. (Entries received after 00.00 hours GMT August 30th will be invalid.)

-One diorama entry per member.

-Entries must be accompanied by a creative title.

-If you have entered a diorama, you can't send in another one to replace the first one.

-Dioramas have to be new (never published on the web before) and you must have produced the diorama yourself. Stealing somebody else's diorama will result in disqualification.

-Photoshop is allowed, but the original photograph(s) must be your own.

-Entries will remain anonymous until the winners are announced.

-Entries should be submitted as a .jpg file, between 800 and 1000px wide.

-Entries should be sent via email as an attachment to The email title should read as follows: "dinosaur diorama contest - [forum username]", and the email body should include the diorama title.

-Winners will be selected by a poll open to all Dinosaur Toy Forum members (there will be no professional judges this year). There will be three winners in first, second and third place respectively (no joint positions). These will be the top three dioramas as selected by the poll. In the event of a tie for any position, a tie-break poll will be created. There will also be three non-prize winning honourable mentions.

-Prizes. A selection of Safari Ltd figures, kindly provided by Safari Ltd, will be awarded to the first, second and third place winners. The prizes will be as follows:

1st Place Prize
The first place winner will receive a total of five Safari Ltd figures and a 'toob'. Specifically, choice of three of the following Safari Ltd figures, all new for 2013!:

(Prize list 1)
Carnegie Concavenator (new for 2013)
Wild Safari Elasmosaurs (new for 2013)
Wild Safari Diabloceratops (new for 2013)
Wild Safari Gryposaurus (new for 2013)
Wild Safari Dimorphodon (new for 2013)
Wild Safari Gastornis (new for 2013)

...choice of two of the following Safari Ltd figures (prize list 2):
Carnegie Spinosaurus (2009)
Wild Safari Dinos Brachiosaurus (# 300229)
Wild Safari Coelacanth
Wild Safari Dracorex
Wild Safari Tapejara
Wild Safari Dunkleosteus

...and choice of one of the following prehistoric 'toobs' (prize list 3):

Prehistoric Sea Life Toob
Prehistoric Crocodiles Toob
Prehistoric Sharks Toob

2nd Place Prize
Second place prize will receive four Safari Ltd figures and a 'toob'. Specifically, second choice of two figures from prize list 1 above, second choice of two figures from prize list 2 above, and second choice of one 'toob' from prize list 3 above (i.e choice of those figures remaining after the first place winner has chosen).

3rd Place Prize
Third place prize is three Safari Ltd figures and a 'toob'. Specifically, those figures remaining from the above lists after the first and second place winners have chosen.

Good luck!!!


I can't wait to enter in this competition. It looks really cool!

"The world's still the same. There's just less in it."


Oh man, I've gotta get started! :))  Thanks for putting it on agian DTF! ;)  And it was really nice of Safari to sponsor the event, thanks Safari! :)


im a lil tired and a lil hungry


I'm excited too :) With your help this could be the biggest contest yet  8)


"you know you have a lot of prehistoric figures if you have at least twenty items per page of the prehistoric/dinosaur section on ebay." - anon.


Nice! I think I'll also participate. I don't think that I'll win, but it should be fun. 

Already got a rather unique idea. Atleast I hope so.
Jurassic Park is frightning in the dark
All the dinosaurs are running wild
Someone let T. Rex out of his pen
I'm afraid those things'll harm me
'Cause they sure don't act like Barney
And they think that I'm their dinner, not their friend
Oh no

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Quote from: CityRaptor on April 30, 2013, 10:20:01 PM
Nice! I think I'll also participate. I don't think that I'll win, but it should be fun. 

Already got a rather unique idea. Atleast I hope so.

Yes do participate! The more the merrier, and there's nothing to lose anyway ;)


Man. I'm stumped on wht to do for this year.     


Is it already time for this again? I better get brainstorming!


Amazing contest  ^-^ I will participate again ^-^.
[Off Nick and Eddie's reactions to the dinosaurs] Oh yeah "Ooh, aah", that's how it always starts. But then there's running and screaming.

{about the T-Rex) When he sees us with his kid isn't he gonna be like "you"!?

My website: Paleo-Creatures
My website's facebook: Paleo-Creatures


Ah, glad its officially on! CAn't wait to see what everyone come up with this year ;D


Yay! The contest is on again! Can't wait to make some dios... I hope this year I can come up with something unique!


It sounds fun!   :)  Although, at this time I do not have many little fellows to choose from (just starting to collect things).  I will see if I can come up with something! 


Great news! And fantastic that Safari Ltd. is sponsoring us  :D

Once these exams are out of the way  :-\ I'm definitely going to get creating. Looking forward to seeing everyone's entries.


Amazing! I have like 100 ideas to choose from...also,the contest ends on my birthday!I have a question though: Do I need to be from a specific country to participate?If I happen to win,where do I choose and recieve my prize?
Meet my friend orthocone!He is pretty quiet...


Quote from: ShadowYaverlandia756 on May 28, 2013, 11:51:59 AM
Amazing! I have like 100 ideas to choose from...also,the contest ends on my birthday!I have a question though: Do I need to be from a specific country to participate?If I happen to win,where do I choose and recieve my prize?
1. I'm pretty sure the contest is open to everyone. Doesn't matter what country you're from.
2. I think Dr Admin would contact you if you won and discuss that privately.


I received the prizes from Safari Ltd today!

Also, to those of you who have already submitted entries (don't say who you are), I wanted to confirm that I've received them. I'll send formal confirmations by email soon. I'd normally do this sooner but I'm a bit behind schedule this year.



i just realized that my birthday is on the deadline for entrys i still dont have an idea yet.


Quote from: Takama on June 11, 2013, 03:13:25 AM
i just realized that my birthday is on the deadline for entrys i still dont have an idea yet.

Well, there's still plenty of time ;)

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