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Thagirion's Art

Started by Thagirion, May 01, 2012, 12:41:41 AM

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I love to draw and have been doing so since I was able to pick up a pencil. I have a story I have been working on and wanted to share with you some of my drawings I have made over the last few months.  I hope you will like them.  No dino art yet so I figured this should go in the general forum. But that dino stuff is in the works.  I draw these on paper with a mechanical pencil, then I scan them and ink them in Illustrator then color them in photoshop.

Meet Sorath and Thagirion. Thagirion is the black skeletal demon and creator of all in my little universe.  Sorath is the more colorful metal faced demon and the sun god. Sorath is Thagirion's second in command. They are not enemies and in this scene this is a sparring match to prepare them for a battle. My art and my storyline is very much inspired by my favorite style of music: true metal. It's quite obvious in this piece.

And here they are in human form. I actually enjoy using them more as humans than in their demon forms.  Sorath is Solan Rah and he's more than happy to drive around his master Davon Ember Flare.

This is Prof. Jonathan Cope. He's the only good character in my universe.  He's a brilliant young man but rather insecure and clumsy.  He's in trouble with the dean of his college because he's likely destroyed something while making demonstrations to his class.  He also has a speech impediment that causes him to stutter and doesn't help with his unsuredness.  To make things worse he's got a life long rival that hates him and he keeps running into.

And said rival.  This is Dr. Owen Marsh.  He met Cope back in elementary school.  Cope offered him friendship but Owen hated him from the start and they've been enemies ever since.  Owen is also a genius and only a year younger than Cope.  He's very out going and arrogant but unlike most jerks can back up everything he says.  He had an accident that caused him to get his fire hair that he can not put out.  He hates having it though it does not hurt him but to make things worth Thagirion thinks it's his fire and that Owen stole it from him.  He wants Owen dead for it so Owen's always having to watch his back.

That's it for now. If you guys are interested I shall post more. I've got some art in the works at the moment but I'm very slow to turn out any finished products like this.
Creation. Is an act of sheer WILL - John Hammond
*Thag's Journal * Thag's Flickr * Thag's Youtube *


 ;D It's always good to see your art anywhere, baby! Thagirion is just so awesome!
Hmm, Cope reminds me of someone.  ;)
I didn't earn the knowledge for my self & now I'm selling it SELLING IT!
My Flickr


Aw thanks. Yeah, Thag is one of my coolest characters.  Cope's just cute.  What about the rest of you? Do you like my art? My story is very in depth and thought out.  I'll be glad to post more if there's an interest.
Creation. Is an act of sheer WILL - John Hammond
*Thag's Journal * Thag's Flickr * Thag's Youtube *


Cool artwork. You have a very distinctive style  8)


Thank you. I'm glad you liked. Hum, yeah I've been told that before. I'm glad.  Well then here are a few more

I'm mixing in my older with my newer pieces so the quality may not be as good in the older ones.

Thanatos in his sights by Thagirion3, on Flickr

Jerone Thanatos.  Prefers to be called just Mr. Thanatos or by his last name.  Arms dealer and owner of Thanatos Industries a world wide corporation.  Owen Marsh works for him as his lead scientist in R&D.  Cope joined the team later on much to his dismay to find out Owen is his indirect boss.  Thanatos is my only normal human in that he has no special powers or isn't a genius.  He's got great survival and business instincts though and he's excellent with any firearm.

The Four Bad Boys by Thagirion3, on Flickr

An older drawing but still one of my faves. The company party.  Thanatos Industries partnered up with Flare Enterprise.  Both are out to eventually back stab each other. But at the moment Davon's got his eyes on Owen's fire.

Lab Fight by Thagirion3, on Flickr

Nerd fight. Eventually Thanatos had to place these two in separate buildings because they just could not get along. Mostly it was Owen starting stuff with Cope.  He needs both of them so he put up with their fighting as long as he could.  This is before Owen got his fire.

Owen Runs by Thagirion3, on Flickr

This is one of my faves. It's called Run From You.  Owen flees from the spiritual representation of Thagirion.  This is mostly in his mind and Owen has run out of places to hide in the city.  It's as if Thagirion is saying, "You have no where to go and you shall not return".

Thanks for looking.
Creation. Is an act of sheer WILL - John Hammond
*Thag's Journal * Thag's Flickr * Thag's Youtube *


Your Thag character is definitely your finest work (that I've seen), and suits my personal tastes the most. I love the fact that it sort of borrows elements from sci-fi, the occult, and dragons/dinosaurs, and that it looks like something you'd see on a Judas Priest album, but better. I'd love to see what becomes of your newest project (the Tyrannosaurus thing).

Were you influenced at all by Aeon Flux?


Thanks. I'm glad you like him. He's definitely awesome. Unfortunately he's probably my most difficult to drawwhich is why I rarely do. This year I hope to rectify that.  I have a few characters that don't get as much attention that really need it this year like Davon and Thanatos.  Yeah, my story is a mix of all those things actually. I'm glad you think they could be album covers. That's definitely something I'd love to draw up someday.
My tyrannosaur project is coming along nicely. I have decided to name the alpha female Ambush as per your recommendation. And the young male will be Cyrex. I still need something for the young female and there's a Troodon and a Compy that need names still and that's it for my main cast.  I'm dying to show what I've got so far but not quite yet. I'll definitely post it on the dino art section once I have enough material.

Nope never seen that.
Creation. Is an act of sheer WILL - John Hammond
*Thag's Journal * Thag's Flickr * Thag's Youtube *


Cool, I got to name a character ; ) Now, Cyrex - I don't know what it means exactly, but it has a really nice ring to it. It's gotta be hard to come up with names for a project like this. These characters - are they personified at all? Or is this more like Little Das/Raptor Red?

I was asking about Aeon Flux because your art in a vague sense sort of reminds me of the Aeon Flux cartoon - I don't know why, exactly.


Well it's kind of a combination of the name Cyril and Rex. Some might interpret it as cyborg and rex which is fine too although this takes place in the Cretaceous so no modern or future stuff.  I just love the sound of that name. Sometimes I'll just combine letters until they sound good and make names up. Like with my character up there Davon.  Names are hard for me to come up with.  I'm currently in the art design stage with all the characters. Some are finalized and others I'm still trying to figure out what they'll look like.  They are going to be in cartoon style so they will be able to talk to each other but I'm going to do my best to keep them looking realistic despite.  Young Cyrex is done. Adult Cyrex is almost done. His father Tyrannus is giving me a tough time though.  I'm having a hard time not having them look a like and not cheat by having them be different colors. I need to find a way to make them distinct in the face somehow.  And I have yet to draw the females. Hopefully I can get some preart up soon once I've worked out everyone's model sheets.

In the mean time here's so more of my other story. I love these guys.

Owen drowning by Thagirion3, on Flickr

Owen drowning. The more I love a character the worse their life tends to get.  I love placing them in bad situations.  Sometimes I come up with scenes that don't fit my main story but are fun to imagine. Like this one. I imagine that Owen was on a large ship.  He must have said something to piss someone off and was tossed over board into the cold north Atlantic.  Very bad move. How he gets out of this I still haven't figured out but it's one of those things I enjoy replaying over and over in my mind.

Thagirion over seeing by Thagirion3, on Flickr

Thagirion over seeing from the peak of a spire. Thought I'd share this one so you guys could see him from the back.

Cope Leaps by Thagirion3, on Flickr

This is a scene from an alternate story I wrote. Cope has leaped out of his flying car and coming down fast on his enemy. Most likely Owen. Cope is fun because he's got the coolest stuff. He's got his jet shoes, a death ray, and a flying car to name a few.

Solan's Office by Thagirion3, on Flickr

This is one of my favorite and newer drawings.  Solan the vice president of Flare Enterprise working diligently away at his desk.  He misses the old days of being a sun god and keeps old representations of himself around from by gone eras.  I actually wanted to fill his office with lots of statues but I only mangaged three as it was a lot of work with the detail I had already put into everything else.  So it's almost how I imagine his room.
Creation. Is an act of sheer WILL - John Hammond
*Thag's Journal * Thag's Flickr * Thag's Youtube *


I dig the fact that you put the Egyptian & Mayan figures in the background in the one picture. To make the Tyrannosaurs look different, you could always give the father a really stern, serious brow, maybe design him with more bulk, or a bite mark on his face ala Sue.


Thanks. Solan is responsible for all sun god legends as he was all of them and he misses the days when he was worshiped.
I am going to try to make him stockier than Cyrex.  Bludgeon is the one that will have all the bites and battle damage.

Ok here are a few more from my little universe.
Again old mixed with new.

Sorath and the sun staff by Thagirion3, on Flickr

One of my earliest drawings of Sorath the sun god with his sun staff. 

The Sorrion Song by Thagirion3, on Flickr

The Sorrion Song.  This small version dosn't do justice to the details of the full sized version.  Sorath and Thagirion singing together.  What do they sound like? If you've heard Graveworms's song Abhorrence Thagirion is the high vocals (black metal) while Sorath would be the low vocals (death metal) and they don't just sing like that, that is how they sound when they speak.

Sorath Sacrifice. A link because of blood.  It's cartoon blood but I don't know if it's allowed here even if it's mild.  Let me know as I'd rather not make links.  It's not bad though.  An Aztec priest makes a heart sacrifice for the sun god.  This was what I drew for a Valentine's in 2006 for my friends.

Destina at the city of gold by Thagirion3, on Flickr

Destina Gomez at the City of Gold.  Destina Gomez was a Conquistador from the 1500's.  Her powers are electricity and wind.  Very helpful on sailing ships.  This particular temple belongs to Sorath as you see his sun symbol at the top of it.

Sorath and the solar flare by Thagirion3, on Flickr

Sorath and the Solar Flare.  I just realized this set I posted is pretty much all about Sorath.  Hehe, it wasn't meant on purpose but kind of worked out that way.  I was very pleased with how this one turned out.  You don't want to make him angry. This is one of his powers. I'm not sure if he's doing this on the sun or if he's called these powers forth on Earth against an enemy. Either way it's a devistating attack.
Creation. Is an act of sheer WILL - John Hammond
*Thag's Journal * Thag's Flickr * Thag's Youtube *


You just posted some of my most fav' Thag' art.  >:D It was so nice to see Cope kick some a$$ during that alternate story flying scene!
Sorath is just a mix of awesome & freaky. No eyes.   :o Oh, & I love to see Owen get hurt or scared.
I didn't earn the knowledge for my self & now I'm selling it SELLING IT!
My Flickr



Malidicus- thanks. Yeah poor Cope was finally pushed over the edge on that one.  Hehe, yeah I love how freaky Sorath is.  And Owen is fun to torture.

Metallisuchus - what's a ziggurat?  ???
Creation. Is an act of sheer WILL - John Hammond
*Thag's Journal * Thag's Flickr * Thag's Youtube *


Ziggurat is a step-pyramid.


Ah ok. I wasn't familiar with that term.  Here are a few more.  If you guys like please comment.  I like hearing about it.

First one is a little fan art.

Deathclaw Charge by Thagirion3, on Flickr

I drew this back when I was playing Fallout 3 on Xbox. The Deathclaws were my favorite thing about the game because they reminded me of a wingless Thagirion. They're very demon like and just awesome powerful creatures. This is what you see if you encounter them in the game though. Not good.

Owen Marsh Lost In The Snow by Thagirion3, on Flickr

This is a scene from a short side story I wrote apart from the main storyline.  As Owen was  chased down the back allies of the city he came to a dead end and was cornered by Davon himself.  At last he had him and would finally take back his fire. But before he could he was interupted by one of his subordinate demons that there was a pressing matter back in the realm that needed attending to at once. It had to be pretty serious for Davon to let Owen go, but he did not just let him go. Before disappearing he teleported Owen to the huge forests of Canada in winter during the middle of a Blizzard.  He hoped the storm would do the job for him and put out Owen's fire. Like in the drowing pic doesn't look like much of  a way out of this one.

Four Bad Boys Band by Thagirion3, on Flickr

I toy with alternate realities way too much but I can't help myself. The name of the band is Lead and Brimstone. These four could not get their act together enough to ever be a band but I wanted to pretend they could.  They'd play power metal and Owen would have clear vocals.  But what's funny is that Davon on guitars still wants to kill him for his fire that he thinks he stole from him.  I imagine they're play when suddenly the guitar stops. Owen looks behind him and seed Davon messing with the cables on the ground.  He figures he's fixing a technical problem and keeps singing. The show must go on after all and you dont' stop in the middle of a song.  Well, there was no technical problem. That's what Davon wanted him to think.  He made a noose out of the cables and is about to strangle Owen in front of everyone. What's really funny about this to me is that Solan and Thanatos see all this and aren't doing anything about it. Solan wouldn't since he's Davon's right hand man.  But Thanatos who's Owen's boss and after Davon would let this play out.  Hehe.

Solan is Set Up

Link because of blood.  Very mild though. I still don't know if it's ok to post something like this in the open. Would like to know.  This is one of my faves because I finally got to use the reflection technique I've been wanting to try out for a while on this table.  Thanatos knows that Solan is Sorath.  He lures him to the office by saying he wanted to dispute a contract and redo it.  When he arrives and asks what the problem is Thanatos responds saying, "No problem, Sorath."  Solan is shocked to hear his true name. The distraction is perfect and he's nailed in the back of the head by a baseball bat. In the story it's a random goon doing this. I had started to draw a random guy but thought to make it more interesting it should be Owen. He works there and he'd would want to do something like this. Since Sorath is valuable to Thagirion this is one way he could hurt Thagirion since his fire is no match for Thag's powers.  I just LOVE Thanatos's smug content expression.

Cope Budgie Bite by Thagirion3, on Flickr

And let's end with something silly.  Jonathan Cope went to feed his budgie. He was changing her bowl when she bit him for no reason other than it's fun for her.  Ouch! Poor Cope.  She closed her wings to put as much weight as she could but knows just to bite so that it makes the most pain without drawing any blood. Yes budgies are experts at this especially female budgies. Cope's feelings were hurt more than anything else.  Mean budgie but I love them.
Creation. Is an act of sheer WILL - John Hammond
*Thag's Journal * Thag's Flickr * Thag's Youtube *

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