Behold Mateo the Tyrannotitan, the very first toy of that particular carcharodontosaurid!
Unlike the last big theropod that PNSO released, Mateo lacks lips, although his teeth still aren’t as exposed as the ones on earlier products.
Here is yet another new Hammond Collection toy: Claire Dearing.
Claire features interchangeable arms and a removeable backpack and jacket.
Delta was already announced earlier this month, but now we have some clearer images. Other than her colour scheme, she is pretty much identical to previous HC raptors.
Given how Maiasaura‘s claim to fame is its active parenting skill, it makes perfect sense for Haolonggood to include juveniles alongside the adults.
They’re cute, aren’t they? Nice how their colour schemes resemble, but don’t match those of the parents.
And there’s also a nice prickly pair of Gastonia on the way!
Three new LEGO Jurassic World sets have been revealed! First up is a brick-built Baby Bumpy Ankylosaurus.
As you can see, Bumpy features a swinging head and tail and lots of yummy fresh greens to munch on.
Dinosaur Missions: Stegosaurus Discovery finally introduces an iconic dinosaur to the LEGO world.
Mattel has unveiled their upcoming Jurassic World Super Colossal Allosaurus!
At over 97 cm/38″ long, I do believe that this will be by far the biggest Allosaurus toy ever to be released by any company.
And like the previous Super Colossal theropods, this one can “swallow” JW mini figures (not included), or presumably other small dinosaur toys one has lying around.
Here are some of the images Creative Beast recently posted of the paint sample for their upcoming Beasts of the Mesozoic Utahraptor. The current projected due date for this big boy is sometime in June.
Whoever claims that feathered dinosaurs aren’t impressive or intimidating is clearly talking through their hat, as my dear old grandmother used to say.
Two more Hammond Collection toys have been revealed. Feast your eyes on the Pyroraptor and Velociraptor Delta. Quite the contrast, aren’t they?
Apologies for the poor quality of the images; they are taken from Amazon Japan. Once more and better quality images become available, they will be added to this post.
Two new Hammond Collection toys have been revealed, both creatures from Jurassic World: Dominion. First is the Giganotosaurus.
As you can see, this toy features some heavy articulation, including a jointed tongue and a flexible tail.
And the second new addition is the Therizinosaurus.
Showanna has revealed their upcoming 1:35 scale PVC model of RSM P2523.8, better known as “Scotty,” presently the biggest Tyrannosaurus rex specimen to have been formally described (there are other fragmentary specimens which could be even larger).
Beautifully sculpted, big and beefy-looking, dotted with battle scars, and boasting an articulated lower jaw, Scotty looks every part the undisputed sovereign of their world.
Creative Beast Studio has recently released a number of tantilizing images for Beasts of the Mesozoic and Cyberzoic. First up are in-package shots of the Achillobator and Utahraptor.
The packaging artwork is nothing short of superb as always.
And here are catalog shots for the Allosaurus jimmadseni, with and without its Tech Clan armour and pilot.
Make way for the monumental Mamenchisaurus, all three of them! Yes, as with their Alamosaurus, Haolonggood is offering another trio of titans.
I definitely like the blue version best myself.
But be warned, just one of these behemoths will set you back a bundle of money and a heap of display space!