And here they are, Haolonggood’s Stegosaurus trio! And lest anyone point out that Stegosaurus toys are already aplenty, note that these are S. ungulatus, not the usual S. stenops. S. ungulatus was the larger of the two and had taller and narrower plates.
Brand: Haolonggood
News: Upcoming releases from Haolonggood (New for 2025)(Pt.1)
Review: Wuerhosaurus (Haolonggood)

4.6 (42 votes)
Wuerhosaurus is a genus of stegosaurid that lived during the early Cretaceous in China. Being from the early Cretaceous makes it notable as it means it’s one of the last living stegosaurid genera. While stegosaurids as a group flourished during the late Jurassic, they went completely extinct by the end of the early Cretaceous.