Classification: Therapsid (non-mammal)

Review: Lisowicia (CollectA Deluxe)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type:

5 (25 votes)

Time has eventually come, for one of the most impressive CollectA figures of 2020 to hit the European continent. And fittingly, it represents a European species.

In 2006 paleontologists Jerzy Dzik, Tomasz Sulej and Grzegorz Niedźwiedzki discovered large bones in a clay pit in Poland.

Review: Lycaenops (Jurassic Park, Series 2 by Kenner)

Genus: Brand: , Classification: Age: Type:

3.3 (9 votes)
Review and Photos by Griffin
Lycaenops was a three foot long mammal-like reptile, or Therapsid from Southern Africa during the Late Permian. It’s a distant later relative of the much more famous sail-backed, Dimetrodon. Its name means “Wolf Face” rightfully so due to its canine-like fangs on its upper and lower jaws.

Review: Lystrosaurus (Jurassic World: Dominion, Captivz by ToyMonster)

Captivz Lystrosaurus, left side.

4.2 (33 votes)

One of the positive outcomes from the release of Jurassic World: Dominion was its launching of the generally obscure Lystrosaurus to stardom.  Although relegated to what was basically a cameo appearance in the film it was enough to give the little synapsid far more public attention than it would have otherwise received.

Review: Lystrosaurus and Velociraptor ‘Beta’ (Jurassic World by Mattel)

Toys in packaging.

3.6 (20 votes)

Review and photos by Faelrin, edited by Suspsy

In 2022, the last of the Jurassic World films was released, ending the trilogy that started back in 2015, for better or worse. While I didn’t enjoy the film overall, I did enjoy some aspects of it, one of those being the batch of new creatures.

Review: Moschops (White Post)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type:

3.5 (6 votes)

White Post is no company, but the location of “Dinosaur Land”, a theme park dedicated to prehistoric animals in Virginia, USA. This park has been run as a family business for over 50 years now. Early in the history of the park the operators had the idea of having some of their lifesize figures made into small plastic figures for their souvenir shop.

Review: Placerias (Deluxe Prehistoric Collection by CollectA)

4.8 (49 votes)

Before we begin the review, I would like to extend my gratitude towards Happy Hen Toys for sending this figure along as a review sample. Happy Hen Toys is a U.S. distributor of animal figures and one of the only places in the country where you can get CollectA figures at a reasonable price.

Review: Placerias (unknown company)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type:

3.7 (14 votes)

Today I`d like to review a figure that is a quite uncommon in several ways. First of all, it technically already has a review on this blog as part of a box set, but I felt it deserves its own entry.

Secondly, it is a Placerias, a species that, despite its certain popularity for appearing in the BBC series “Walking with Dinosaurs” is neglected by almost any toy company you can name.

Review: Prehistoric Animals (Panini, review part 2)

Panini prehistoric animals and dinosaur toys

4.3 (10 votes)
In part 1 of this review we looked at 12 dinosaur toys (and one pterosaur) from Panini’s Prehistoric Animals line. In part 2 we pick up where we left off to complete the full set of 24 toys.

Figure numbers 13 to 15 are a trio of marine reptiles, and their dark blue colour works very well for aquatic animals.

Review: Prehistoric Mammals Tube (Collecta)

4.2 (17 votes)

Collecta has been bringing out prehistoric animal tubes over the last few years, and while some gave us some great new designs, others have just given us miniature versions of models they already have. This is a case of the latter, as they have released these small versions of their ancient mammals.

Review: Procynosuchus (Bullyland)

Genus: Brand: Classification: Age: Type:

4.9 (19 votes)
Today I want to introduce to you an extraordinary Bullyland figure that is not available that easily: The Procynosuchus from the “Korbacher Spalte” in Germany (“cleft of Korbach”). Also called the “Korbach dachshund”, this ‘mammal-like reptile’ has been found in a cleft where Permian layers outcrop, about 256 million years old.
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