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Dinotasia aka Dinosaur Revolution ?

Started by Blade-of-the-Moon, March 25, 2012, 06:33:25 PM

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Well, I still have yet to get this on BluRay (remember I had actually bought the Region 2 DVD since my player could play it, since I was impatient). Good news now though is that the BluRay has seemed to gone down in price (at least for now). Currently about $18 on Amazon brand new. So I may be getting it fairly soon now.

Other than that, I recently e-mailed the Scorebuzz facebook, which had put up the main title music from the show on their YouTube account (which the extended version is still there). I asked them if Dinosaur Revolution would be getting any kind of soundtrack release, either a promo or what have you. As I probably posted in this thread before, an isolated score was something I really wanted for this release, but it didn't happen. So here was their response:

QuoteThank you for your support. In the next few weeks we will be releasing some of the Dinosaur Revolution music on iTunes. As you may know, DR was condensed and released as the film DINOTASIA last year. The iTunes score will be released under this name. Stayed tuned for the release date. Thanks again!

So stay tuned, people! I for one really liked the music score, especially for the Troodon section.
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I've had it on Blu Ray for a month but my Blu Ray player didn't come with any cords to hook it up with ! So I have to make a trip to town sometime and buy a set of HDMI cables. :/


I watched it recently and thought it was pretty good, but I enjoyed it a little more in its long television form. I am glad they included the full uncut Allosaurus episode in the special features though.

Oh, and the ending depressed me.   :P

Click sig for my collection! :)


Quote from: Thundercharge on January 28, 2013, 05:32:10 PM
I watched it recently and thought it was pretty good, but I enjoyed it a little more in its long television form. I am glad they included the full uncut Allosaurus episode in the special features though.

Oh, and the ending depressed me.   :P

Yeah, most dinosaur documentaries are pretty depressing at the end. The one thing I liked about Planet Dinosaur was that they skipped the whole "ENTIRE EPISODE DEDICATED TO K-T IMPACT" thing. Come on, guys! We know it happened. Is it because people for some reason have this obsession with natural disasters? It's a real pet peeve of mine


Well here is a bit of exciting news for those who liked the orchestral score to Dinotasia/Dinosaur Revolution (me included). Today the music score has been released in digital format! Now I'm not sure which music is missing (there usually always is on these kind of releases), however it appears to have definitely most of the music, anyway, including the lovely Troodon music. It seems like it may only have some of the Dinotasia versions of certain tracks that were re-recorded just for it (notice the "Allosaur suite"). One thing this digital release doesn't have for sure? The main theme from the Dinosaur Revolution TV show intro. According to the music label that alerted me to this release, they had to leave it off due to legal reasons. However, a number of posts back, their YouTube account actually put up the main theme (which has since been taken down, but luckily I saved it) and even a lovely extended version of it (that version is still right here). So the exclusion of the main theme is not really a loss at all.

There seems to be two different ways of buying this score (each offer it at $9.99).

First is the ever-popular iTunes:

And also, apparently, a place called CD Baby, which features MP3 versions and apparently a lossless FLAC version as well! I think I may buy it from them:

Each site features their own preview clips for each track. This is totally awesome!
Jurassic Time is back... and this time, it will stay with you forever.

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Just watched Dinotasia for the first time (thanks, Netflix Canada!).

I have yet to see a worse (modern) dino documentary/movie.

I realize that some things came from the Dinosaur Revolutions footage (so, oddly sped up running, some silly sequences) but overall, it was almost incoherent. Even my kids were pretty much angry with it by the end (they had already seen DR quite a while ago). And kids are usually forgiving of things with dinos.

Some of the issues?

  • Not a single dino name given
  • No explanation for what was going on within sequences
  • some sequences or animals hinted at or given very short shrift with no explanation, or any kind of closure to why they were briefly included[\li]
    • removal of any of the science stuff--the entire purpose of the original DR--so that the sequences could be disordered for some sort of emotional impact, I guess?
    • ridiculous, pompous narration sequences that were tenuously connected to the scenes that they accompanied
    • a weird emphasis on a snot-covered mosquito for some reason[li/]
      • a movie with English narration spoken by someone with an accent so thick it was almost incomprehensible (note: not a complaint about accents--a complaint that there may be one or two narrators out there with a fairly neutral accent for English listeners--it would be like having me narrate in French; I could probably get by, but it would hurt French ears! ;))

      The only reason we kind of knew what was happening was because we saw the original DR. And it was still a pretty hard watch.

      The best part may have been the end-title sequences with the lab recreation moments. But the dino recreations were still cool; I'm just inclined to prefer them as presented in DR.

      I'm going to guess that Werner Herzog was pretty much given free reign with the edit. And the dialogue. And the critics listed here are far more capable than I of going further...I know some people enjoy it, but I guess I'm at a loss to know why (other than the renderings and colouring patterns, which I quite like, but those are not Dinotasia choices). I want to make clear--I am just venting my frustration with 1h22minutes I won't get back. ;D

      Suffice to say, this may be the first paleo documentary that I could never see myself adding to the bookshelf--and I have Monsters Resurrected for goodness' sake!

      It's too bad DR isn't on DVD-BluRay.


You pretty answered why we'd buy it there at the end's all we have so far.  Just about all the DR fans want the full version released..but til then we're stuck. I would have preferred it was edited differently myself. 

Did you watch the full Allo episode in the bonus features ? Or was that not on Netflix ? I haven't watched it there as of yet.


You make some very valid points here that I do agree with. However, I think that the reason why some people actually do like this version, some may even prefer it, is because this isn't, and apparently never was, supposed to be a real documentary. It's not even supposed to be informative, really. That may sound silly to some, but I fall into the camp that there are times that I want to learn about dinosaurs... and there are times that I want to EXPERIENCE them. Dinotasia tried to do just that... experiencing the world of the dinosaurs, just with the dinosaurs themselves. Letting their own nature tell the story. Dinosaur Revolution was not the original version of this program either, by the way. If memory serves right, they made the dinosaur program, intending it to be basically as it is seen in Dinotasia, only with ALL the stories filmed. At the same time, they made basically a "making of" documentary, that I think was meant to follow the program immediately after, and went behind the stories of the dinosaurs that had been presented, explaining what they were, where they were inspired for the stories, etc. Basically, Discovery made them mesh the two together and became Dinosaur Revolution as we know it.

I will be honest though... Dinotasia is a bit frustrating even for fans who "get" or "like" the premise. As you mentioned in your review, the fact that they abridged some parts and sped things up, going into montages even... It just makes me wonder why? I know they tried to make it into a movie, but it's not even 1 hour and 30 minutes. I forget my calculations, but if they were just going to show the dinosaur footage, I think it still would have been under 2 hours. Why didn't they? Granted, some things they left off were for good reason (most of the stuff from the first episode of Dinosaur Revolution), but other things were unforgivable, honestly (cutting the Allosaur story in half... make that MORE than half... was a huge mistake, despite the entire thing being a bonus feature... it's entire story was the highlight of the entire series). Because they cut so many parts out, the flow the stories had in Dinosaur Revolution is... nonexistent.

So the big dilemma for me in watching either one of these is this:

Dinosaur Revolution features all of the stories, which usually flow much better here than in Dinotasia, however it has unnecessary narration, and the fact that they intermixed the "behind the scenes" footage with the actual stories almost gives the entire program a "advertisement" feeling, that pulls you out of ALL the stories frequently.

Dinotasia, on the other hand, features only a handful of the stories (with mere glimpses at some of the others), loses the flow, but at the same time retains it's original intent of having no narration (except between the stories), feels more immersive since the "behind the scenes" footage is gone, but at the same time, even without knowing what dinosaur footage was cut, you feel like you aren't getting the whole story (and in fact, bonus content aside, you AREN'T getting the entire best story of them all).

So how does that make me feel, to be honest? A bit frustrated. The only way to truly enjoy this program is to have BOTH versions of it. Which is really a unnecessary thing to have to do. Many fans really wanted to just have all the sequences from Dinosaur Revolution free from the narration and "behind the scenes footage, wrapped around with in-between voiceovers. Instead they just got an abridged version of that dream, leaving I think many, like myself, NOT satisfied. The best thing they could have done was forget trying to make it into a movie, and just have done that instead, with the "behind the scenes" footage as it's intended second documentary in the bonus features, so everyone would get the best of both worlds. If they would have only done that, I think almost everyone would have been happy. But instead, each version has frustrated both camps, for different reasons... leaving probably many to just shrug it off and walk away from it entirely.

It's really sad. Because I still think there is a LOT to like from the show. I love the premise! I love most of the stories! Hell, the Allosaur story alone is worth the entire purchase (having it as an extra feature was definitely appreciated, making me wish they would have just done this for ALL of the remaining unused stories in the Dinotasia version). But I must say... if they were somehow able to release a third, and final version of this show as I described above... I think people would think differently of this entire show. Sadly, I doubt now that it will ever happen.
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Not meaning to double-post (well, kinda, haha), but I just want to make clear that I DO like both Dinotasia and Dinosaur Revolution a lot, despite my big issues mentioned above. If I had to choose a preference, in the end Dinotasia would actually be the winner (but would have to be directly followed by the Extended Allosaur bonus feature).

But I still wonder if Dinosaur Revolution will get a stateside BluRay or even DVD release? I own the BluRay from the UK, but it sadly only works on my laptop and not my regular BluRay player with my TV (although this isn't the case for everyone over here, it seems to depend on the player). I think part of the frustration I, and many others, had with the Dinosaur Revolution show was the availability of it. I mean, it started right away with the airing of the last two episodes on a different channel (one that not everyone even had, including me) and time due to 9/11 specials airing, the sudden cancellation of the Discovery Channel DVD release due to Dinotasia happening, etc. I think these things added to the frustration to some, including me to a point. Which has nothing to do with the creators of the show, but the studio.

To change topic again for a moment, I just want to say again that I am VERY happy with the soundtrack release this film/series got, mentioned a few posts back. I had basically been waiting for a soundtrack release since the show aired, so the wait for that has been even longer than seeing the show again itself. After the BluRay came out without a isolated score I had wondered if it would really happen. I always thought it was good, but finally being able to listen to a healthy selection of music from it apart from the film,  you really appreciate and admire the music a lot more. It has great variety and flow, and even some nice reoccurring themes. I find myself listening to it a lot lately since I first heard it. As noted before, it doesn't feature ALL the music (like 90% of average soundtrack releases), but it does feature, I think, at least one track from each story.

If anyone wants me to do a full analysis of the music release and point out which track goes where, I can. :D
Jurassic Time is back... and this time, it will stay with you forever.

Jurassic Time... it can now belong in your own museum.


Just so everyone knows, Dinosaur Revolution was recently put on Netflix Streaming in HD! Yes, the Discovery Channel version. Dinotasia is also on there.

EDIT: Oddly, its only the first two episodes. I don't know why.
Jurassic Time is back... and this time, it will stay with you forever.

Jurassic Time... it can now belong in your own museum.


Quote from: scallenger on October 25, 2013, 09:40:09 PM
Just so everyone knows, Dinosaur Revolution was recently put on Netflix Streaming in HD! Yes, the Discovery Channel version. Dinotasia is also on there.

EDIT: Oddly, its only the first two episodes. I don't know why.

I noticed that it was only the first two which frankly, pissed me off. Netflix is a continuing source of disappointment.


Quote from: Gwangi on October 26, 2013, 12:10:42 AMI noticed that it was only the first two which frankly, pissed me off. Netflix is a continuing source of disappointment.

Out of curiosity, why the 2nd 1?
I'm also known as JD-man at deviantART:


Quote from: HD-man on October 26, 2013, 12:36:50 AM
Quote from: Gwangi on October 26, 2013, 12:10:42 AMI noticed that it was only the first two which frankly, pissed me off. Netflix is a continuing source of disappointment.

Out of curiosity, why the 2nd 1?

I liked the second episode just fine, it was my favorite of the series (a little cheesy of course). I was just annoyed that they didn't include the entire show. Netflix does this all the time, it is like paying to watch samples of a show.


Quote from: Gwangi on October 26, 2013, 11:43:34 AM
Quote from: HD-man on October 26, 2013, 12:36:50 AM
Quote from: Gwangi on October 26, 2013, 12:10:42 AMI noticed that it was only the first two which frankly, pissed me off. Netflix is a continuing source of disappointment.

Out of curiosity, why the 2nd 1?

I liked the second episode just fine, it was my favorite of the series (a little cheesy of course). I was just annoyed that they didn't include the entire show. Netflix does this all the time, it is like paying to watch samples of a show.
What is it about The Watering Hole that you like? I'm just curious. I liked it too, but it's not my favourite episode because of the slightly cheesy narration. I liked how it showed that herbivores (sauropods) can actually be extremely dangerous and not just helpless fodder for the carnivores. And I love the Torvosaurus' design.

I liked End Game best. The T.rex designs were awesome, the rex hatchlings were so cute and story was so sad :( I ended up wishing that they hadn't died at the end, and that we could have seen some more scenes with Tinkerbelle and Stumpy :)


Quote from: tyrantqueen on October 26, 2013, 12:23:20 PM
Quote from: Gwangi on October 26, 2013, 11:43:34 AM
Quote from: HD-man on October 26, 2013, 12:36:50 AM
Quote from: Gwangi on October 26, 2013, 12:10:42 AMI noticed that it was only the first two which frankly, pissed me off. Netflix is a continuing source of disappointment.

Out of curiosity, why the 2nd 1?

I liked the second episode just fine, it was my favorite of the series (a little cheesy of course). I was just annoyed that they didn't include the entire show. Netflix does this all the time, it is like paying to watch samples of a show.
What is it about The Watering Hole that you like? I'm just curious. I liked it too, but it's not my favourite episode because of the slightly cheesy narration. I liked how it showed that herbivores (sauropods) can actually be extremely dangerous and not just helpless fodder for the carnivores. And I love the Torvosaurus' design.

I liked End Game best. The T.rex designs were awesome, the rex hatchlings were so cute and story was so sad :( I ended up wishing that they hadn't died at the end, and that we could have seen some more scenes with Tinkerbelle and Stumpy :)

Yeah, I think I preferd End Game. The Watering Hole was still good though. Also, do you have a T.rex fan girl bias?  ;)


Quote from: Balaur on October 26, 2013, 04:10:29 PM
Quote from: tyrantqueen on October 26, 2013, 12:23:20 PM
Quote from: Gwangi on October 26, 2013, 11:43:34 AM
Quote from: HD-man on October 26, 2013, 12:36:50 AM
Quote from: Gwangi on October 26, 2013, 12:10:42 AMI noticed that it was only the first two which frankly, pissed me off. Netflix is a continuing source of disappointment.

Out of curiosity, why the 2nd 1?

I liked the second episode just fine, it was my favorite of the series (a little cheesy of course). I was just annoyed that they didn't include the entire show. Netflix does this all the time, it is like paying to watch samples of a show.
What is it about The Watering Hole that you like? I'm just curious. I liked it too, but it's not my favourite episode because of the slightly cheesy narration. I liked how it showed that herbivores (sauropods) can actually be extremely dangerous and not just helpless fodder for the carnivores. And I love the Torvosaurus' design.

I liked End Game best. The T.rex designs were awesome, the rex hatchlings were so cute and story was so sad :( I ended up wishing that they hadn't died at the end, and that we could have seen some more scenes with Tinkerbelle and Stumpy :)

Yeah, I think I preferd End Game. The Watering Hole was still good though. Also, do you have a T.rex fan girl bias?  ;)'s sorta obvious. Sort of like how BotM has an Allosaurus bias >:D

Actually, I have reasons besides that. I like T.rex, sure, but I also think that the story of End Game draws you in the most. With other documentaries, I don't always pick the T.rex one. With WWD my favourite episode was the Ballad of Big Al, and I didn't really like the WWD version of Tyrannosaurus rex.

Anyway, I think the Watering Hole and End Game are probably the strongest two episodes in this short lived series because they focused on one time period and one group of animals. On the other episodes, it sort of went all over the place the Eoraptor and then the Cryolophosaurus and then the Mosasaurus. For me, personally, I liked it when they stuck with one story the whole way through.

Just my thoughts :)


Quote from: tyrantqueen on October 26, 2013, 04:27:00 PM
Quote from: Balaur on October 26, 2013, 04:10:29 PM
Quote from: tyrantqueen on October 26, 2013, 12:23:20 PM
Quote from: Gwangi on October 26, 2013, 11:43:34 AM
Quote from: HD-man on October 26, 2013, 12:36:50 AM
Quote from: Gwangi on October 26, 2013, 12:10:42 AMI noticed that it was only the first two which frankly, pissed me off. Netflix is a continuing source of disappointment.

Out of curiosity, why the 2nd 1?

I liked the second episode just fine, it was my favorite of the series (a little cheesy of course). I was just annoyed that they didn't include the entire show. Netflix does this all the time, it is like paying to watch samples of a show.
What is it about The Watering Hole that you like? I'm just curious. I liked it too, but it's not my favourite episode because of the slightly cheesy narration. I liked how it showed that herbivores (sauropods) can actually be extremely dangerous and not just helpless fodder for the carnivores. And I love the Torvosaurus' design.

I liked End Game best. The T.rex designs were awesome, the rex hatchlings were so cute and story was so sad :( I ended up wishing that they hadn't died at the end, and that we could have seen some more scenes with Tinkerbelle and Stumpy :)

Yeah, I think I preferd End Game. The Watering Hole was still good though. Also, do you have a T.rex fan girl bias?  ;)'s sorta obvious. Sort of like how BotM has an Allosaurus bias >:D

Actually, I have reasons besides that. I like T.rex, sure, but I also think that the story of End Game draws you in the most. With other documentaries, I don't always pick the T.rex one. With WWD my favourite episode was the Ballad of Big Al, and I didn't really like the WWD version of Tyrannosaurus rex.

Anyway, I think the Watering Hole and End Game are probably the strongest two episodes in this short lived series because they focused on one time period and one group of animals. On the other episodes, it sort of went all over the place the Eoraptor and then the Cryolophosaurus and then the Mosasaurus. For me, personally, I liked it when they stuck with one story the whole way through.

Just my thoughts :)

I agree with you 111%. I prefer one story, rather than a bunch of stories jumping around from time period to time period.


I own this movie on Bluray, and honestly, i like it better then the Episodes of Dinosaur Revolution i Saw.

Cloud the Dinosaur King

The first time I watched this I had yet to see Dinosaur Revolution and the headless Ornitholestes gave me a shock!

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