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Insecticon's Drawings

Started by E.D.G.E. (PainterRex), February 27, 2015, 06:55:40 PM

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E.D.G.E. (PainterRex)

I hope to be able to post more!

Here are some from my deviant art, (Sorry if this is in the wrong place)

These are speculatively evolved dinosaurs from the future if the meteor never landed!

Avilophosaurus Iguanotherium

The Avilophosaurus is largely used as a beast of burden for the few humans that survived the Primal Rift incident. The Avilophosaurus can be found in regions that are relatively warm with tall grass and trees. The Avilophosaurus, hunts small prey from above tall grass. The Avilophosaurus lives generally around the central United States including; Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Wyoming, and Arizona. Avilophosaurus means "Bird" "Crested" "Lizard", while its species name, Iguanotherium means "Iguana" "Beast". The saddles for these creatures are commonly made out of dead or dying cattle seeing as they are much fewer in number than they once were. The Avilophosaurus makes a bird call unlike any other Avian or Saurian. The Birdcall of an Avilophosaurus is used to communicate with others of there pack as they hunt. The Birdcall sounds like a cross between a Peregrine Falcon and a Common Poorwill.

Sorry if this doesn't work

Pyropteryx Compsodromeus

The pyropteryx is probably one of the most dangerous wildlife of primal rift. It evolved as a mutation in a raptor Genome. The mutation granted the raptor rudimentary second arms with long bony fingers. This event6ually evolved into wings upon the raptor's back. Because another mutation occurred in another raptor and the two mated they continued on the mutated genes onto other proto-raptors continuing the gene strand eventually evolving into the form you see here. Pyropteryx means "fire wing" and its species name compsodromeus means "elegant runner" for the creature's seemingly unlimited stamina. The Pyropteryx hunts from the air and from the ground being able fold its wings down and run a high speeds. The pyropteryx consumes coal and other minerals in which it digests in a second stomach that's filled with extremely acidic fluids that incinerate the minerals into a flammable gas that it emits from a fleshy hole under the tongue. Apparently used as a defensive weapon and on some occasions to kill its prey the pyropteryx hates eating burnt flesh and will usually turn away any carcasses singed by the behemoth cousins of its genus. The pyropteryx lives in the Mexican and southern North American borders. It likes hot dry and humid areas with high amounts of foliage or dense vegetation. The main prey of the Pyropteryx include but are not limited to, Plateotops, Cryptodactylus, and Titanotops. The Pyropteryx hunts in packs and attacks big lumbering herbivores within tall grasses and from above. The pyropteryx is dwarfed however by its much bigger cousin the pyrorex compsodromeus. The pyrorex preys upon the pyropteryx commonly but never usually seems to catch an entire pack.

Kentrosuchus Lystrolana

Kentrosuchus is a crocodile like theropod that lives in lakes, ponds, and rivers. The Kentrosuchus can live on land just as good as in the water. Because the Kentrosuchus lives in the water for most of its life and sits still for hours on end, algae and bacteria cling to the Kentrosuchus' back. This is why the Kentrosuchus is such an excellent hunter, nothing knows it's there until it has it's jaws clenched around the throat. The Kentrosuchus tends to subdue its prey on land and then drown it in the water that it lives in.

And this one has nothing to do with dinosaurs but I wanted to post it so...yeah

The Smog Monster

The smog goo had engulfed a drug store shortly after its creation and retained the physical aspects of the scuzzy convenience store. Because this particular store happened to have a crowd of people out side smoking and the store made the majority of its sales from cigarettes and tobacco products, the monster took on the aspects of smoking. It grew nasty twisted features and the skeletal structure burned through the sludge as it acidified its flesh. Giant cigarettes sprouted from its back and random limbs erupted from places that they shouldn't have. A tail burst out of its behind and was rat-like and hairy, The foul smelling beast used its new form to wreck havoc upon the city and crowded the sky with repulsive tobacco fumes.
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