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I See Sue By Simon And Schuster Interactive And BigFun.Net

Started by MaastrichtianGuy, April 09, 2016, 06:21:20 PM

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Sue.One of the most famous notable Tyrannosaurus Rex Fossils Ever Discovered And Found In the Whole Entire World Which Was A Female Paleontologist Who Was Named After Her Ever Since Her Fossils Was Taken To The Field Museum in 1997 and other places rather than the Field Museum While Her Popularity Gains From Any Dinosaur Fan Ever Since She Was Discovered. in 2000 The Field Museum Wanted To Add Her in the Museum As A Full Complete Skeleton of Herself So Since The Field Museum Wants To Promote Her Great Debutness Here In the Field Museum As A Complete Skeleton of herself they wanted to request companies to Make Books Other Items Focusing On Her And What Else They Wanna Request Simon And Schuster Interactive Stone House Productions And BigFun.Net to Make A Game Off of Her.make it For Children.And Make It For The Computers
Heres The Game.I See Sue By I See Sue By Simon and Schuster Interactive Stonehouse Productions and BigFun.Net

Heres The Title Screen Of the Game

So When I noticed it was Gonna Be An Educational Computer Game Like The Magic School Bus Explores The Age Of Dinosaurs.It Was An Interactive Board Game.Like An Interactive Version Dr Toys The Dinosaur Game So Looks Like Im Gonna Show you The Features Of the Game


Now There Are Four Trails You Can Beat Your Opponent In
1.Wood Trail

2.Swamp Trail(You Can Still See An Adult Saurornitholestes(Identified Raptor In Game) in this Trail But Sadly it Was Unshapeshiftful)

3.Night Trail(You can Now See A pair of Adult Saurornitholestes in this Trail Too Same With The One You See In the Swamp Trail)

4.and The Shore Trail

While You Play On Any Of The Four Trails You Need Have The 3 Correct Tiles Of The Correct Dinosaur You need to move your Player in

While Your Turn is Up You Get Danny Tamberelli Being The Computer Trying To Beat You

Whatever You Move Your Shapeshifting Dinosaur In Any Space To Colored Stone in Any Of Four Trails(Pink in Wood Trail Green In Swamp Trail Yellow In Night Trail And White In Shore Trail) You Get A Bonus Where you Have To Click On it See If you get Good Luck With Or Not


After You Put The 3 Correct Tiles Of The Correct Dinosaur Your Player Get To Shapeshift into 7 Dinosaurs and move into any space that are in this Game
Ankylosaurus(Resembles A Euoplocephalus Than An Ankylosaurus)

Elasmosaurus(Identified as Plesiosaur in Game)


Pteranodon(Identified as Pterosaur in Game)

A Juvenile Saurornitholestes


And Troodon Aka Stenonychosaurus

When You Win The Game In Any Of Four Trails You Get To See 4 Cinematics Focusing On Sue
1.Winning in the Wood Trail Gives You The Foot Of Sue Stomping In The Ground

2.Winning In The Swamp Trail Gives You Sue Roaring On Top Of A Cliff During Sunset

3.Winning In The Night Trail Gives you Sue Stalking And Chasing A Struthiomimus During Nightfall Which Another Unshapeshiftul Dinosaur Same With The Adult Saurornitholestes

4.And Winning In the Shore Trail Gives You Sue In Her Actual Self Roaring At You In The Horizons

And While Your Done Seeing 4 Cinematics Focusing On Her Get to Go Into The Printables Made By Ed Heck Which Is the Prize For Winning The Game Lets You Print Any Of the 7 Dinosaurs You Can Shapeshift your Player In This Game Also Theres Happens To Be A Printable Of Sue Which is Herself That You Can See Her In the All 4 Cinematics Which You Can Print On


Heres The 10 Facts About Her

Now Heres The End Credits For the Game

E.D.G.E. (PainterRex)

Thank you for this post! I used to play this over and over again as a kid! I love it!
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Quote from: PainterRex on April 10, 2016, 02:55:46 AM
Thank you for this post! I used to play this over and over again as a kid! I love it!
Your Welcome PainterRex  :)


Topic Updated:
Added Printables that were put in the Album Book in my Third Reply (but with Colors that i Colored them in)

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