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Consortium - a Forum Game - Voting Time

Started by Soopairik, December 27, 2016, 01:06:10 AM

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Out of the four of you left, two of you got zero votes. They are Ravonium and Acro-man.

The remaining two of you however, both got at least 1 vote. Neosodon only got 1 vote, so he is safe.

Raptor, after doing absolutely nothing for 6 rounds, is finally eliminated. With 10 votes.

Votes remaining - 29
Avg votes per person is 9.67.

FINAL ROUND BEGINS NOW! After the next elimination, the eliminated contestants will decide who should get the medal.


QQ: 909772216
Email: [email protected]


Eliminate me Neo, eliminate me.



Out of the remaining 29 votes I have 26 of them. GG  ;D
Quote from: Ravonium on May 11, 2017, 03:57:41 PM
Eliminate me Neo, eliminate me.
if ($message ===n '')
    return 'b';

Your wish has been granted. >:D

"3,000 km to the south, the massive comet crashes into Earth. The light from the impact fades in silence. Then the shock waves arrive. Next comes the blast front. Finally a rain of molten rock starts to fall out of the darkening sky - this is the end of the age of the dinosaurs. The Comet struck the Gulf of Mexico with the force of 10 billion Hiroshima bombs. And with the catastrophic climate changes that followed 65% of all life died out. It took millions of years for the earth to recover but when it did the giant dinosaurs were gone - never to return." - WWD


Ravonium, you still haven't sent a PM.


Ravonium has been eliminated with 10 votes, nobody else got any votes.

Neosodon and Acro-man are the finalists. Eliminated contestants, please place your vote on who you think should win.


I quit.
Ravo and I are allied. We should share the same fate of being eliminated.

Neo has been playing great. He hides himself so deep so well that nobody ever noticed his presence and the looming annihilation he is conceiving upon us.
Neo is undoubtedly the true ultimate, silent killer.
Well done.

Beside that me and Ravo targeted on DTF in Round 5 instead of Neo, another big mistake I made was - I didn't know the meaning of the word Consortium until yesterday I looked it up in the dictionary.
Luckily, we figured it out during the progress.
It's good to have Ravo on our side.

I second Neo is the winner.
QQ: 909772216
Email: [email protected]


NEOSODON IS THE WINNER!!! Although 2 people voted for Acro to win and nobody for Neo, since Acro himself has forfeit, Neosodon has won by default.

Neosodon is left standing with 16 votes remaining.
Runner up - Acro-man

Elimination Votes in total
Raptor - 46
Neosodon - 37
Acro - 34
GasMask - 10
Cryptic Prism  - 30
DTF - 54
Ravonium - 53
Hali - 25
Cloud - 14

Now that the game is over, would everyone like to share their secrets, feelings, strategies and alliances, stuff like that? Like an overall experience and analysis from your POV


Well this was a rather interesting game you put on Soup. I'm just surprised how quickly everyone ran out of votes. I was expecting the last couple rounds to be the most brutal. I guess people were so afraid of being taken out early that they would rather run out near the end than risk the embarrassment of being one of the first to be eliminated.

"3,000 km to the south, the massive comet crashes into Earth. The light from the impact fades in silence. Then the shock waves arrive. Next comes the blast front. Finally a rain of molten rock starts to fall out of the darkening sky - this is the end of the age of the dinosaurs. The Comet struck the Gulf of Mexico with the force of 10 billion Hiroshima bombs. And with the catastrophic climate changes that followed 65% of all life died out. It took millions of years for the earth to recover but when it did the giant dinosaurs were gone - never to return." - WWD


Congratulations, Neosodon. Thanks for running it, Soup. It was fun.

I found it difficult to decide what to do at the very beginning, but figured I was probably a target at high risk of early elimination. I received the most votes overall so was probably right about that. I was lucky to sneak back in on a technicality, and think this made things more interesting because of the threat of revenge :)

What did observers make of all this? Perhaps we can get more participants in game 2, round 1. A larger group would see more allegiences develop. 8)


Should we run a Consortium 2? If Soup can't run it then I'm happy to run it.

Just like DTF, I found myself confused about who to side with at the start. I wasn't the one who considered the alliance between me and acro-man. I am surprised about how far I got in the game.


That's the appropriate word to describe my feeling.

Neo you are wrong. This game is about alliance, just as the title suggests.
If you just hide there and do nothing you may still be eliminated by accident.
Hali in Round 3 was an example. I targeted him with no reason  O:-)

Sorry about that bro!
QQ: 909772216
Email: [email protected]


Yes, I like how Neo kept on voting Raptor until he got eliminated because everyone else ran out of votes quickly. Pretty surprised to see Ravonium live so long, considering he spent 40 votes on the 1st round alone. I think what made Neo win is he spoke just the right amount on this thread. You speak too less, people think you're hiding something. You speak too much, you may unintentionally give away too much of your strategy. Neo spoke just the right amount not to be suspected by anyone. I thought the Cloud-DTF alliance would last longer than the Acro-Ravonium one, but DTF made a fatal flaw in Round 4 by not voting at all, causing Cloud to be eliminated. Then after that DTF was completely on his own, which led to his elimination.

Acro-man was more conservative with his votes than Ravonium, but I think the fear of being eliminated next made him very paranoid towards the end, making him vote a lot towards the final round, casting 21 votes at Halichoeres in Round 3. Not sure if this is true, but I believe Cloud and Hali were in some sort of alliance. Hali was allianced with Cloud, but not DTF, while Cloud was allianced with both. This gave him a major advantage, and being silent during the first few rounds allowed him to stealthily make his way through the rounds. However, eventually, people grew suspicious and eliminated him.

Not too sure why Hali was eliminated, but it may have been because people were jealous he survived the first two rounds with no votes.

In the Final Five, it became apparent that the winner would be either Acro, Ravonium, or Neosodon. Raptor was inactive the whole time and DTF had lost his ally by not voting. As early as Round 3, I began suspecting Neo could get the crown. He had always voted conservatively and like I said, talked the right amount not to be suspected. Both Acro and Ravonium spent their votes foolishly in at least 1-2 rounds, and the only reason they even made it to the Final Five was because of DTF's mistake.

So DTF was obviously not going to win, and it soon became clear he was going to be eliminated. Before anyone even cast their votes for Round 3, I had a feeling Cloud/Hali would be eliminated due to their clean no-votes records. But anyway, DTF was eliminated, leading the Final Four. At this point, there was an actual legit chance Raptor could make it to the Final 2, considering how he had been voted on every round yet never lost.

However this thought was quickly wiped out when people realized how many votes Neo had and I knew Neo always voted for Raptor. At this point, there was really no way Neo couldn't make it to the finals, he had more votes than Acro and Rav combined. Neo had a close call in Round 2, if people eliminated him then, the Acro-Rav and DTF-Cloud rivalry would get more intense.

Point is, after Hali's elimination, people were so obsessed with eliminated each other and keeping alliances, they completely forgot about Neo. They were probably like "well Neo has no confirmed alliance he is in" he should be an easy target, we can first eliminate our main threats then target him. Little did they know Neo was the true enemy all the time. This was probably Neo's plan all along, only he had been more careful with his actions than say Cloud or Hali. Neo, just curious, did you have any alliances?


Quote from: Soup on May 13, 2017, 07:54:25 PM
Point is, after Hali's elimination, people were so obsessed with eliminated each other and keeping alliances, they completely forgot about Neo. They were probably like "well Neo has no confirmed alliance he is in" he should be an easy target, we can first eliminate our main threats then target him. Little did they know Neo was the true enemy all the time. This was probably Neo's plan all along, only he had been more careful with his actions than say Cloud or Hali. Neo, just curious, did you have any alliances?
No, acro asked me to help him eliminate DTF but I had already voted the round he asked me too. So I never actually cooperated with anyone. I actually thought raptor was going to win because he was so inactive. I thought he was secretly saving all his points for the last round so that is why I targeted him for much of the game.

"3,000 km to the south, the massive comet crashes into Earth. The light from the impact fades in silence. Then the shock waves arrive. Next comes the blast front. Finally a rain of molten rock starts to fall out of the darkening sky - this is the end of the age of the dinosaurs. The Comet struck the Gulf of Mexico with the force of 10 billion Hiroshima bombs. And with the catastrophic climate changes that followed 65% of all life died out. It took millions of years for the earth to recover but when it did the giant dinosaurs were gone - never to return." - WWD


Uh no. Raptor never sent any PMs to me, so by Round 5/6, he was out of votes. Each round I receive no Pms from you, you lost 10 votes.


It didn't do me any good, but it seems I fooled everyone into thinking I was in a consortium with Cloud. In reality there was no such allegiance.  ;)


Top 3 biggest mistakes I made in this game

  • Spend 40 votes in round 1
  • Change my votes a lot during the voting periods
  • Target Halichoeres in Round 3 for no reason                           


Quote from: Ravonium on May 13, 2017, 10:08:19 PM
Top 3 biggest mistakes I made in this game

  • Spend 40 votes in round 1
  • Change my votes a lot during the voting periods
  • Target Halichoeres in Round 3 for no reason                           

Well, I don't know if number 3 was a mistake; I was eliminated after all.

I have no comments on my strategy, except that I definitely used too many votes early on.
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