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NHMU Paleontologist Answers Questions

Started by Neosodon, November 06, 2017, 02:24:39 AM

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I went to the Utah Mueseum of Natural History today while they were having a behind the scenes event. Got some cool pictures of the fossil lab and Mueseum overall. Was going to do a review of it on the forum. But when I got home guess what.... I  realized I forgot to put the USB card in the camera. ::)

But I did get to talk to a paleontolagist and got some questions answered.

Green Dinosaurs -
Their most likely was but green is not a color that we can tell in fossils yet like we can with black, white and brown.

Parasaurolophus -
A large crest does not have anything to do with gender or genus but rather the age of the individual.

Triceratops and Torosaurus debate -
Juvenile Torosaurus have been found. Although not made official yet. Age can be determined by growth rings but no one is willing to cut open a Triceratops skull just to see how old it is.

Feather vs skin impression preservation -
There is no real preservation bias for either one.

"3,000 km to the south, the massive comet crashes into Earth. The light from the impact fades in silence. Then the shock waves arrive. Next comes the blast front. Finally a rain of molten rock starts to fall out of the darkening sky - this is the end of the age of the dinosaurs. The Comet struck the Gulf of Mexico with the force of 10 billion Hiroshima bombs. And with the catastrophic climate changes that followed 65% of all life died out. It took millions of years for the earth to recover but when it did the giant dinosaurs were gone - never to return." - WWD



Thanks, Neosodon, a shame about those photos though, I hate when cameras do that without a proper warning, experienced it myself.

I heard about that "noone's gonna cut in half a valueable skull" before and can't really understand it.... first hand, what's it's worth if not a scietific one (yeah I know people pay awefull lots of money for those skull, but if they are in property of a museum anyway?),.. and second hand... can't they just drill a core hole, I mean the time's over when you had to fell a tree to get its age... can't same be done with bones? And if not, why?


These were very good questions to ask, and I'm glad the paleontologist could answer them all extremely well.


Very cool, Neosodon.

I never was convinced with the Torosaurus = adult Triceratops hypothesis. I'm on here while watching a Youtube video of "Dinosaur George" Blasing's podcast and in one of his old Ask DG videos, somebody asked his opinion and he compared it with a soldier with a shield, saying it's like using one, but cutting two big holes in it when you turn 35. That, to me, is a perfect analogy.

As for green dinosaurs, I consider that plausible.
Guide to whether I use suffixes in clade references:
-If it has the unaltered name of a member genus, even a nomen dubium, include it. Examples: Tyrannosaurid, Titanosaurian
-If it has the name of a genus + sauria, leave it off. Examples: Ornithomimosaur, Oviraptorosaur.
-If it's not named for a genus, leave it off. Examples: Genasaur, Gravisaur.
-Exceptions to the 3rd: Maniraptoran, Saur-/Ornithischian

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