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SKELETONS: Museum of Osteology

Started by MaastrichtianGuy, April 08, 2018, 04:15:39 AM

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Skeletons: Museum of Osteology is a museum at I Drive 360 in Orlando. it is the second museum opened in the united states the first being the one in Oklahoma City and also being both owned by Skulls Unlimited International. it houses over 500 animal skeletons within 40 exhibits but in this forum the pics that i took in there is gonna be prehistoric related so the museum not only it has skeletons of extant animals it also has some extinct animals in there.

Giant Elephant Bird and Egg



Steller's Sea Cow


Caribbean Monk Seal


the Human Evolution:Peking Man,Herto Man,Flores Man,Paranthropus,Praeanthropus,Kenyanthropus,Proconsul,Sahelanthropus,The Old Man,Working Man,Ardipithecus,Southern Ape,Cro Magnon,Atapuerca Man,Heidelberg Man,Australopithecus,Sivapithecus,Saadanius,Broken Hill,Aegyptopithecus,Lucy,La Ferrassie Man,Teshik-Tash Child,Twiggy,Pithecanthropus and Oase Man

the gift shop with some prehistoric related stuff