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Mirificus Studios Poll: Top Non-Avian Theropod?

Started by ZoPteryx, September 05, 2017, 08:01:14 AM

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Which non-avian theropods would you like to see added to the Mirificus Studios line of figures?  Please choose five (5).

Herrerasaurus ischigualastensis (Late Triassic probable primitive theropod from Argentina)
Dilophosaurus wetherilli (Early Jurassic twin-crested theropod from the USA)
Rajasaurus narmadensis (Late Cretaceous large abelisaurid from India)
Limusaurus inextricabilis (Late Jurassic small herbivorous ceratosaur from China)
Wiehenvenator albati (Middle Jurassic large megalosaurid from Germany)
Baryonyx walkeri (Early Cretaceous large spinosaurid from England)
Afrovenator abakensis (Middle Jurassic archaic theropod from Niger)
Allosaurus fragilis (Late Jurassic large allosaurid from North America)
Mapusaurus roseae (Late Cretaceous giant carcharodontosaurid from Argentina)
Neovenator salerii (Early Cretaceous large neovenatorid from England)
Megaraptor namunhuaiquii (Late Cretaceous possible basal tyrannosauroid from Argentina)
Guanlong wucaii (Late Jurassic small crested tyrannosauroid from China)
Qianzhousaurus sinensis (Late Cretaceous long-snouted tyrannosaur from China)
Teratophoneus curriei (Late Cretaceous early tyrannosaurid from the USA)
Gallimimus bullatus (Late Cretaceous large ornithomimid from Mongolia)
Huaxiagnathus orientalis (Early Cretaceous mid-sized compsognathid from China)
Tanycolagreus topwilsoni (Late Jurassic archaic coelurosaur from the USA)
Yi qi (Late Jurassic small gliding scansoriopterygid from China)
Shuvuuia deserti (Late Cretaceous small alvarezsaurid from Mongolia)
Anchiornis huxleyi (Late Jurassic "four-winged" small pennaraptoran with known colors from China)
Sinornithosaurus millenii (Early Cretaceous dromaeosaurid with known colors from China)
Austroraptor cabazi (Late Cretaceous large long-snouted dromaeosaurid from Argentina)
Gobivenator mongoliensis (Late Cretaceous very complete troodontid from Mongolia)
Caudipteryx zoui (Early Cretaceous elaborately feathered oviraptorosaur from China)
Anzu wyliei (Late Cretaceous caenagnathid oviraptorosaur from the USA)
Corythoraptor jacobsi (Late Cretaceous tall-crested oviraptorid from China)
Falcarius utahensis (Early Cretaceous basal therizinosaur from the USA)
Beipiaosaurus inexpectus (Early Cretaceous oddly feathered basal therizinosaur from China)


I hope to use this poll, and others like it, to gauge what types of creatures folks would like to see made for my (hopefully one day available) Mirificus Studios line of figures.  Keep in mind larger species will be made at 1:40 scale, and those smaller than 6 meters/20 feet in life will likely be made at larger scales (1:20, 1:6, 1:2, etc.).  If you want a species not listed here, please write your suggestion in the comments.

Have fun voting!  :D

Joe the Spinosaurus

Yi Qi, Guanlong, and Mapusaurus in that order.
No matter what, this line is gonna be awesome.

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