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Cleaning up the attic; stuff for identification/review?

Started by Funk, August 29, 2019, 04:42:08 PM

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Hi, I know there are probably other threads where this could be spread out in, but I thought it would be a good idea to keep it in one place to keep track of it.

My mom has recently been throwing stuff out from her storeroom, so after recalling I probably had a lot of old dinosaur toys around that don't seem to have been reviewed, I thought it might be nice to show what I find here. Both to get it identified, but also to see if any of it is worth reviewing. There's a lot more from where it came, and 'll be posting here as I find more (I of course have a lot of JP and Dino Riders tuff etc., but it has all been reviewed, so I'll refrain from posting it). I have been a member here since 2014, by the way, but I must somehow have forgotten...

The ones below seem to be from some rearly Jurassic Park merchandise if I recall correctly, anyone know? Maybe with some kind of candy... I also think some of them had bases on their legs, which I cut off as a kid because I didn't like them...

Charming white rubber figures which I have no iea what are, maybe I have some more of them:

This seems to be some kind of Monsters In My Pocket figure, but not sure:

No idea what this is, but he looks happy:

Baby Parasaurolophus, don't know the company, maybe U.K.R.D.:

Some hilariously bad Chinasaurs:

Bat-winged Pteranodon which I think is U.K.R.D., but has no stamp:

This is a weird Allosaurus that if I recall correctly came with a real chunk of dinosaur bone in the package, anyone know the line?

This is an old HG Toys Tyrannosaurus which I had identified here before (link:, and which is still not reviewed here as far as I can see:

This is a U.K.R.D. Parasaurolophus, they seem to be very common, but not yet reviewed as far as I can see? I think I have some more dinosaurs from that company that have not been reviewed.

These U.K.R.D. dinosaurs were pretty cool, they had wire in their limbs so they could be posed, and don't seem to have been reviewed:

Couldn't find this Bullyland Plesiosaurus among the reviews?

A really ugly TLW remote controlled Triceratops, I also have a Stegosaurus somewhere.

These 1993 JP metal figures don't seem to have been reviewed?

Some boring figures in smashed vehicles that came with a TLW playset:

Am I mistaken or have these baby JP figures not been reviewed? I think I have most of them.

This Monsters in my Pocket sauropod seems to be unreviewed:

Smilodon P.

The "weird Allosaurus" is a Thunder-Beasts Coelurus.


Looks like you've got a lot of review material there. Good writing!
Untitled by suspsy3, on Flickr


QuoteThe "weird Allosaurus" is a Thunder-Beasts Coelurus.
Thanks, seems it hasn't been reviewed either. Now I think of it, I have no idea why I thought it was supposed to be Allosaurus...

Just occurred to me this thread would maybe be more appropriate in the Collections forum?

Here's an unreviewed UKRD Allosaurus (they are all very Sibbickian):

Some Chap Mei dinosaurs that haven't been reviewed yet (these were my little brother's), Tyrannosaurus:

Carnivorous Chap Mei Parasaurolophus:

Monsters In My Pocket Tyrannosaurus:

UKRD Ankylosaurus, which is obviously Euoplocephalus, though based on the Scolosaurus holotype judging on those shoulder spiky osteoderms.

I believe this is a glow in the dark UKRD Pachycephalosaurus skeleton, but please notify me if anyone knows better:

These I need some help identifying, I believe most of them came together in a tube, which does not seem to be reviewed here, but I don't know if these are all of them, or if they all came in the same one (note two different types of Styracosaurus):

This Ouranosaurus skeleton came with a toy showing the "live" animal, which I can't find right now. Anyone know the company?

A really ugly Tyrannosaurus hand puppet, I have some much better looking somewhere, including a rather accurate Carnotaurus:


That Bullyland Plesiosaurus looks like the one from their original dinosaur set back in the mid 80s, though I think they were reissued a few times.

The Carnegie Collection Dinosaur Archive -


Interesting, I'm pretty sure I bought it on its own at a museum or zoo, but it's the same figure (here is a photo from about the same angle). Seems I also have the Ankylosaurus on that picture, which hasn't been
reviewed either...


Hello Funk, welcome back to the Forum after 5 years!
To help you further with the identification:
1. The Parasaurolophus Baby in the egg is from AAA, not from U.K.R.D.
2. The Little yellow-brown bat-winged Pteranodon is y e s from U.K.R.D. ! I own a few of them and a few, too from his very large mother Pteranodon!
3. The Bullyland Plesiosaurus is, I think, the oldest colour variation in military green, I own two in turquoise green with blue overshadings, but some,
    which are solid blue or green, are in existence,too!
4. From the three hilariously bad chinasaurs the left green Stegosaurus and the yellow-brown Apatosaurus are china/hong kong knock-offs from the
    absolutely very first issues of the later AAA dinosaurs...the crazy dino guy in the middle is a simple fantasy dino or lizard knock-off toy, he looks
    very funny like a cross between frog and lizard, do you have a photo with him alone,please?Perhaps he could be your Collection mascot?
5. The bendable dinos are from U.K.R.D., that´s right, the brown left is a Velociraptor, the blue a Parasaurolophus, I own more of them.
6. The other U.K.R.D. dinos are very nice, too, I own nearly 80 of them, U.K.R.D produced them in four or five sizes, from very little to around 30 cm!
7. Your glow-in-the-dark Pachycephalosaurus skeleton and Ouranosaurus skeleton are very super and the green Chap Mei Parasaurolophus is really a beauty!

Very nice finds you dug out from the attic of your mother, great treasures of your childhood, keep them in honour!
Great, that you shared your oldie dinos with us!
Happy further dino collecting! Have a fantastic time with other dino crazy people here in the dinotoyforum!




Paleontology: Science for the love to dinosaurs!


Thanks for those detailed and enthusiastic comments, PlesiosaurusNessy! I'll be sure to post more to challenge your identification skills...

I remember those UKRD dinosaurs where everywhere, the kindergarden I went to had dozens of them, so I'm surprised they haven't all been reviewed here...

Here is that weird frog/hadrosaur thing alone:

Is a collection mascot a kind of avatar here, or just "in spirit"?


Hey, Funk, I am happy, that I could be of assistence to you, help to identify your oldie dinos!
Okay, no problem, I will take the challenge, identifying more of your coming dinos!

Hmm, no, a mascot is no kind of avatar or a spirit thing.
A mascot is mostly a little animal, it can consist of all materials, it is like a little talisman, a kind of a little protector of yourself,
of a collection , the mascot of a great project, of a zoo or something similar.

For example, from the Walt Disney Parks, the Minnie Mouse and Donald Duck are the mascots, the fashion label Lacoste has a
crocodil as a mascot and brand sign, to name a few...

This really curious froggy hadrosaur could became a little protector of your dino collection, because he looks absolutely crazy and unique,
like a little brand mark of your collection....

And..., he is so very much crying for help....please help me, don´t send me back in the attic and don´t throw me away, pleeaassee...,
please rescue me from the dinosaurs and let me alive....!

I really like this little froggy guy! And I think, he is very hungry and begging for food, perhaps you have a few flies for him ?

I have to say, that English is not my mother language, I am from Germany and you mentioned the word "kindergarden", in german
it is "Kindergarten"and I know, that in Great Britain and USA they use this word "kindergarden"!

But, I don´t know, where are you from, normally people who´s mother language is English, know the word "mascot"!

This crazy froggy dino thing is so very mega cool! Thanks for the wonderful pictures!
Paleontology: Science for the love to dinosaurs!


Ah, I see, so the mascot of the collection, he does seem to be pretty unique and cartoonish, so makes sense... His mouth is wide open and seems to go all the way into the body, and I just noticed there is something in there after I put my finger in, maybe some long lost toy I put in his mouth and since forgot?

I live in Denmark, by the way, so not too far from you. And now we're talking about these figures in a nostalgic way, here's a photo form when I was 5 or 6 and had the dino figures I had collected by then exhibited at the local library, along with some old drawings:

It was before the Jurassic Park movie and the proper JP toys had reached Denmark, but I had seen ads for them, so there is my version of the JP logo on one of the drawings... And therefore, the only JP toy you can see is a grey egg that had candy in it, and a small grey Dilophosaurus toy that came with it, both in the middle right of the photo... Other cool stuff is various Dino Riders (that giraffe Quetzalquatlus is supposed to be rare) and those Panini sticker figures on their cardboard background... You can also see that old HG Toys Tyrannosaurus I posted earlier at the right.


Hurray for carnivorous Parasaurolophus!   

6 year old me would have been insanely jealous of you getting to show off your collection and drawings in a display case at the library  :)


Is that perhaps a recurring theme? Was there maybe also a JP line hybrid? Oh yeah, "Paradeinonychus":


Quote from: irimali on August 31, 2019, 06:43:40 PM
Hurray for carnivorous Parasaurolophus!   

6 year old me would have been insanely jealous of you getting to show off your collection and drawings in a display case at the library  :)

I love that this card is blatantly the Playskool Parasaurolophus.

I also remember my parents buying me a pack of these cards when I was a kid, then realizing they weren't regular dinosaur cards and never doing that again  ;)
The Carnegie Collection Dinosaur Archive -

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