
Poll time! Cast your votes for the best stegosaur toys, the best ceratopsoid toys (excluding Triceratops), and the best allosauroid toys (excluding Allosaurus) of all time! Some of the polls have been reset to include some recent releases, so please vote again, even if you voted previously.

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avatar_Master Tyrannosaurus

Hi, nice to meet you all

Started by Master Tyrannosaurus, June 16, 2021, 06:13:29 AM

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Master Tyrannosaurus

I joined here, and I have so many things I'd like to have answered. I can't wait to talk with you guys! I like dinos, spec evo, magic the gathering, tokusatsu shows, and reptiles. I own a crested gecko that is named Otis. I'm currently 14, 15 this October.


Hello and welcome, avatar_Master Tyrannosaurus @Master Tyrannosaurus ! I believe you'll fit right in here.


avatar_Master Tyrannosaurus @Master Tyrannosaurus Welcome to DTF I see that you are a lover not only of dinosaurs but of current animals you have a gecko that says a lot about you from a positive point of view enjoy the forum and get the most out of it, it is advice that I would give to any friend and to any person that I know. You can have a great time and it is the ideal place for any collector of dinosaurs and prehistoric animals.


hi and welcome. i hope you enjoy your stay in the forum. have fun!
"you know you have a lot of prehistoric figures if you have at least twenty items per page of the prehistoric/dinosaur section on ebay." - anon.


Quote from: Master Tyrannosaurus on June 16, 2021, 06:13:29 AM
I joined here, and I have so many things I'd like to have answered. I can't wait to talk with you guys! I like dinos, spec evo, magic the gathering, tokusatsu shows, and reptiles. I own a crested gecko that is named Otis. I'm currently 14, 15 this October.
Well you made the right choice coming here. Welcome aboard mate, we got all kinds of topics here that you will love. I too is around your age, and also love dinosaurs (obviously, heh heh) , reptiles, and spec evo. Looking forward to become your friend. Have fun


Welcome aboard!! Good hobbies, definitely gonna do well here!

Jose S.M.

Amazon ad:


Hi and welcome!
Also a reptile fan here. I had over a hundred and dart frogs, too. From 5 years ago only left a bearded dragon, two ball pythons and a russian tortoise.


We are accustomed to look upon the shackled form of a conquered monster, but there - there you could look at a thing monstrous and free." - King Kong, 2005


Hello and welcome to the forum!

You can support the Dinosaur Toy Forum by making dino-purchases through these links to Ebay and Amazon. Disclaimer: these and other links to and on the Dinosaur Toy Forum are often affiliate links, so when you make purchases through them we may make a commission.