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Mirificus Studios Poll: Top Prehistoric "Amphibian"?

Started by ZoPteryx, October 01, 2017, 07:01:02 AM

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Which prehistoric "amphibian" would you like to see added to the Mirificus Studios line of figures?  Please choose five (5).

Panderichthys rhombolepis (Late Devonian "walking fish" just outside the ancestry of tetrapods from Latvia)
Tiktaalik roseae (Late Devonian famous "walking fish" near the ancestry of tetrapods from Canada)
Acanthostega gunnari (Late Devonian famous secondarily aquatic tetrapod relative from Greenland)
Ichthyostega stensioei (Late Devonian famous early tetrapod relative from Greenland)
Ossinodus pueri (Early Mississippian salamander-like tetrapod from Australia)
Eogyrinus attheyi (Pennsylvanian large elongate predatory possible "reptiliomorph" from England)
Spathicephalus mirus (Pennsylvanian filter-feeding amphibian from Scotland)
Crassigyrinus scoticus (Mississippian eel-like "swamp monster" from Scotland)
Utaherpeton franklini (Carboniferous tiny salamander-like amphibian from the USA)
Diplocaulus magnicornis (Permian famous boomerang-headed amphibian from the USA)
Brachydectes newberryi (Late Pennsylvanian worm-like aquatic amphibian from the USA)
Chroniosuchus paradoxus (Late Permian armor-backed "reptiliomorph" from Russia)
Pantylus cordatus (Early Permian small big-headed "microsaur" from the USA)
Eryops megacephalus (Early Permian famous terrestrial large amphibian from the USA)
Nigerpeton ricqlesi (Late Permian large flat-headed "tusked" amphibian from Niger)
Cacops aspidephorus (Early Permian small terrestrial "crocodile frog" from the USA)
Archegosaurus decheni (Early Permian short-limbed crocodile-like amphibian from Germany)
Amphibamus grandiceps (Mid Pennsylvanian small possible modern amphibian ancestor from Europe and North America)
Platyhystrix rugosus (Early Permian sail-backed terrestrial amphibian from the USA)
Zatrachys serratus (Early Permian flattened thorn-crowned amphibian from the USA)
Peltobatrachus pustulatus (Late Permian armor-ringed terrestrial amphibian from Tanzania)
Mastodonsaurus giganteus (Mid Triassic huge predatory amphibian from Europe)
Aphaneramma gavialimimus (Early Triassic long-snouted marine amphibian from Madagascar)
Gerrothorax pulcherrimus (Mid Triassic flattened aquatic amphibian with external gills from Eurasia)
Metoposaurus diagnosticus (Late Triassic well known large amphibian from Europe)
Eocaecilia micropodia (Early Jurassic small primitive caecilian from the USA)
Triadobatrachus massinoti (Early Triassic small frog-like modern amphibian ancestor from Madagascar)
Albanerpeton sp. (Cretaceous-Pliocene salamander-like amphibian from the Northern Hemisphere)
Beelzebufo ampinga (Late Cretaceous giant horned frog from Madagascar)
Habrosaurus sp. (Late Cretaceous-Paleocene giant siren from North America)
Prionosuchus plummeri (Mid Permian giant crocodile-like amphibian from Brazil)
Sclerocephalus haeuseri (Late Pennsylvanian-Early Permian well-preserved amphibian from Germany)
Proterogyrinus scheelei (Carboniferous large "reptiliomorph" from Europe and North America)
Madygenerpeton pustulatus (Mid-Late Triassic armor-backed "reptiliomorph" from Kyrgyzstan)
Gephyrostegus bohemicus (Pennsylvanian small lizard-like "reptiliomorph" from the Czech Republic)
Seymouria baylorensis (Early Permian robust terrestrial "amphibian" from North America and Europe)
Diadectes sideropelicus (Early-Mid Permian large herbivorous "amphibian" from the USA)
Limnoscelis paludis (Early Permian "dog-headed" terrestrial carnivorous "amphibian" from the USA)


I hope to use this poll, and others like it, to gauge what types of creatures folks would like to see made for my (hopefully one day available) Mirificus Studios line of figures.  Keep in mind larger species will be made at 1:40 scale, and those smaller than 6 meters/20 feet in life will likely be made at larger scales (1:20, 1:6, 1:2, etc.).  If you want a species not listed here, please write your suggestion in the comments.

Have fun voting!  :D