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New to the Forum

Started by JVM, July 17, 2021, 10:21:00 AM

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Hi, it's nice to meet you all!

I've read reviews around here on occasions before but only recently really dug into the blog. It's been a fun way to get back in touch with my inner kid who loved dinosaurs - the respect for the fun and imagination dinosaurs can represent while still respectfully pointing out how the toys can be improved. It seems like a perfect balance.

I collected dinosaur toys obsessively as a kid in the nineties (I am 26) but never knew much about brands or cared about consistency, though I did recognize differences in style. We had a few educational toy stores around here and an excellent museum downtown - it was amazing to be part of the hype when Sue first arrived in Chicago! I only recently thought to look into the companies that produced these toys and have been fascinated to put so much history to these childhood memories - those cute retro dinosaurs were Marx recasts, those beautifully painted parasaurs were from AAA, that now innacurate but gorgeous Elasmosaurus was a part of the Carnegie Collection as were many other old favorites, that too-artsy-for-play Ceratosaurus was a Battat, that extra tall Tyrannosaurus was from Imperial... and I had King's Big Bucket of Dinosaurs from Animal Planet, which I think counts as 'chinasaurs' here? Not to mention dozens and dozens of mini dinos, a few Papos, a few Schleichs and more, to say nothing of my Jurassic Park collection... Mattel's line is what brought me out of a long dark age for dinosaurs.

Thanks to DTB, I've been tracking down a few dinos I saw as kids and missed out on - like the Carnegie Spinosaurus and the '96 Safari Ltd Allosaurus. I was inspired to pull the trigger on the Schleich Baryonyx which is already one of my new favorites. I also swore there was a larger scale Dilophosaurus similar to the Safari toob one but that looks definitely not true! I'm not new the hobby exactly but I am new to discussing it with others.

I'm still acquainting myself with how the forum functions and relates to the main site a little. I've been on message boards before but it's been many years since I was involved in one with a 'main site' attached to it. Please let me know anything I should about the sites that might not be obvious.



In the kingdom of the blind, better take public transit. Well, in the kingdom of the sighted, too, really--almost everyone is a terrible driver.

My attempt to find the best toy of every species

My trade/sale/wishlist thread

Sometimes I draw pictures


Welcome to the forum! Your story sounds similar to that of many other members, myself included. You're in good company!


Welcome aboard! Hope to see you around, especially on the blog.



J @JVM Welcome to DTF what I say to all new DTF members, enjoy and get the most out of the forum you can have a great time if you want. All the DTF members are quite nice.  :)

Amazon ad:


"you know you have a lot of prehistoric figures if you have at least twenty items per page of the prehistoric/dinosaur section on ebay." - anon.


Hello and welcome to the forum!


Greetings and welcome! You'll find the blog and forum a rich and friendly environment for information. I appreciate the anecdotes about the Field and the old toys; they sound not unlike some of my old experiences (although I admit, I barely remember the events around Sue by now). Enjoy your stay!

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