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Canceled Dinosaur Revolution Creatures

Started by Yutyrannus, March 10, 2013, 02:03:49 AM

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This is a thread for creatures that were going to appear in Dinosaur Revolution but didn't. I will post all of the pictures of them I find in this post:






Female Styracosaurus


Styracosaurus (Buck)

Styracosaurus Bull




"The world's still the same. There's just less in it."


Angie has posted quite a few on her FB page as well. So really cool color concepts there.


Quote from: Blade-of-the-Moon on March 10, 2013, 02:10:11 AM
Angie has posted quite a few on her FB page as well. So really cool color concepts there.
Can you put a link? I can't find it.

"The world's still the same. There's just less in it."



"The world's still the same. There's just less in it."


Interesting! So colorful....guess they took the name Parrot Lizard quite literal when chosing colors.

Also is this just me or is something about that Repenomamus rather un-mammalian? Really reminds me more of an advanced non-mammalian Synapsid rather than a mammal...
Jurassic Park is frightning in the dark
All the dinosaurs are running wild
Someone let T. Rex out of his pen
I'm afraid those things'll harm me
'Cause they sure don't act like Barney
And they think that I'm their dinner, not their friend
Oh no


Quote from: CityRaptor on March 10, 2013, 02:27:05 PM
Interesting! So colorful....guess they took the name Parrot Lizard quite literal when chosing colors.

Also is this just me or is something about that Repenomamus rather un-mammalian? Really reminds me more of an advanced non-mammalian Synapsid rather than a mammal...

It's supposed to be a very badger-like animal, so it isn't too far off. Maybe it's the skin/fur texture that seems a little off?


They're soooo beautiful. The artists (particularly David Krentz and Angie Rodrigues) who worked on DR were so talented.


Oh, wow. I adore the Psittacosaurus! Quills and neutral hand position :D


Really looking forward to seeing Angie's Triceratops in the next issue of PT. ;D


David Krentz has these fantastic storyboard videos for the Early Cretaceous China segment. He does the narration AND the sound effects. Rarararararararararararararararararararararara


His Raptorex was really good...I  would love to see it animated some how, some day.


Quote from: Blade-of-the-Moon on March 12, 2013, 05:17:10 AM
His Raptorex was really good...I  would love to see it animated some how, some day.

How about as a Kit


wow they look great. they'd be awesome as highly detailed figures
"you know you have a lot of prehistoric figures if you have at least twenty items per page of the prehistoric/dinosaur section on ebay." - anon.


Holy.... WOW! That Psittacosaurus, that Repenomamus, and Raptorex, and Iguanodon! WHY Did they NOT appear?! Awww!! Gorgeous! Gorgeous gorgeous models! I am so mad! Why did they cut it! They had the storyboard AND the models! But, wow.. That was great. That was a great storyboard and those are beautiful models. I think my favourites are probably the Psittacosaurus and Raptorex. Those are fantastic! :)


Seeing things like this further show just how much of a missed opportunity the BluRay was for Dinotasia. Not totally dismissing it, I mean it had at least the one bonus feature everyone wanted (the entire Allosaur segment with no dialogue), but other than that... THIS is the kind of thing we were all hoping would be included. I know it would have cost them money to make NEW bonus features, but would it have cost them anything much at all to include like a still gallery of images like these (or of course all the other segments they cut that appeared in the Dinosaur Revolution version)?

Not to sound bitter, but... well I guess I am still a bit bitter about it! Still love the show(s), though! :)
Jurassic Time is back... and this time, it will stay with you forever.

Jurassic Time... it can now belong in your own museum.


Video for more cancelled dinosaurs from the TV Show. For people who cant acess Angies Facebook, here are.


Thanks RolandEden! I have watched it before, but they are very beautiful models. Just shows even more potential for Dinotasia.


No problem mate! This is so sad, how Discovery Channel butchered this show. I never imagined the dineirhosaurus and velociraptor have python and ibis colour pattern (respectivly). My favourites are the old rogue chameleon styracosaurus and the king vulture deinonychus.
Also I have more from Ricardo Delgado Blog.
Suchomimus Heron

Rigby ehem... Coati Coelophysis

Styracosaurus male

Styracosaurus female

Dinosaurs that we saw in the show
Komodo Tylosaurus

Majungasaurus Dog

Mordecai ehem...Blue Jay Troodon

Jaguar Utahraptor

Black Jaguar Utahraptor

I hope to see which animal inspired T-rex colour pattern


The Dinosaur Revolution designs were beautiful, but I really hate it when artists copy colour schemes for living animals. It just comes off as lazy to me.
What are the chances that the exact same pattern evolved in nature in a completely different species?

Btw, I don't have a problem with taking inspiration. It's exact copying that bothers me ;)

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