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Therizinosaurus's Collection (2013 version)

Started by therizinosaurus, July 11, 2013, 06:45:14 PM

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Hey everyone! Hopefully most of you remember me from the v1 forum, it's been a while since I've been active here :)
I figured it was finally about time I posted some new collection pics, so without further ado, I present you my collection.

I'm starting off with my early Carnegies--my love for the series is pretty well-documented, and I have a (fairly) extensive collection. Here's photos of all (or most, at least) of my pre-1996 Carnegie Collection figures, enjoy! :)

Original Carnegie Stegosaurus--as is the case with most of the following pictures, it's interesting to note how much the coloring varies on the figures.

Alongside the 2nd version of the Stegosaurus. I still don't have the green/red variant, one of the next figures I intend to purchase.

Six copies of the green T-rex--the four on the left feature the old style head, while the two on the right are the updated version.

Old vs. new sculpt.

Green rex and the 10th anniversary rex.

Three Brachiosaurs--the two on the left are pre-1996, one on the right is more recent--notice how the figure has gotten slightly smaller over time. Still missing from my collection are the green 2007 version and last year's resculpt.

The original version of the Apatosaur and baby

Old and new Apatosaurus--the new one is in the foreground with its tail raised, old is in the back with its tail lowered.

Variants of the old Apatosaur baby--the one on the right is extremely rare, it's a "gold wash" figure AKA one of the first wave of figures released.

Old baby (left) and new baby (right)

Six versions of the old Parasaurolophus. I think I have the new version, just couldn't find it for this picture.

Four of the original Trike--lots of variation with these guys.

4 generations of Trikes--the blue/brown is still my favorite

The original Maiasaura--I forgot I have a third after I took this picture, which is in its original box from ~1996.

New and old.

One of my most prized possessions, I was lucky enough to meet Jack Horner on my birthday 2 years ago :) He said he'd never autographed one of these before.

Carnegie Protoceratops--still my favorite Carnegie figure.

Original Dimetrodon with the later, larger scale one. I prefer the original.

Three of the original Euoplocephalus

Euoplocephalus and the newer Ankylosaurus

Revised (left) and original (right) Pachy

Mosasaurus, one of the least-accurate figures, but still charming.

The two on the left are original (pre-1996), the right one is revised (note the raised neck)

Original Spinosaurus

All three Spinos

Original Iguanodons, with the 2007 version at right

Plateosaurus--the left one is older than the right.

Corythosaurus, not much variation between these guys

The original Allosaurus. I love the lime green paint on the far left one

Pre-1996, 1996-2007, and the 2007 version

Three of the old Diplo. Still need to pick up the revised version from a few years ago.

Pteranodon--left is pre-1996, right 4 are more recent

Australopithecus male/female


Anyways, I'll be posting lots more pictures soon (and not just of Carnegies, don't worry!). If you have any questions feel free to ask :)

Charlie aka Theri


 :) Cool - it's fun to see all these different alternations of Carnegie figures.


Quote from: postsaurischian on July 11, 2013, 06:51:17 PM
:) Cool - it's fun to see all these different alternations of Carnegie figures.

Thanks! Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so :)

Also, not sure how I forgot these guys, they're some of my favorites in the entire collection:

Some other fun figures--the three rare PlayVision prehistoric lines--some of these guys are amongst my favorite figures ever made.



Marine Reptiles


this is like a mini history lesson of early Carnegie figures. would love to see the rest of your collection.
"you know you have a lot of prehistoric figures if you have at least twenty items per page of the prehistoric/dinosaur section on ebay." - anon.


Interesting to see the Carnegie changes but I really like those Playvision figures in particular.

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