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Age of Reptiles

Started by Balaur, August 25, 2013, 07:46:01 PM

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Quote from: Yutyrannus on October 09, 2013, 01:22:15 AM
Nice :)! So there are two episodes now?

Not exactly.... When I was working on the special I thought that I could do a story on Spinosaurus, and another on Pachyrhinosaurus. I never shared that with you guys though. Now, I scooped out Spinosaurus in place with my favafavfavfavfavfavfavourite dinosaur, Leaellynasaura, and is now a special about polar dinosaurs. It still has alot to do with migrations to though.

Also, I am planning a movie version of Age of Reptiles. Kind of like the Walking with Dinosaurs movie coming this Christmas, in that it is filmed more thematically but still realistically. It will NOT have talking dinosaurs, dinosaurs with thoughts we can hear, and anthropomorphised eyes. It is also will have the ever so slightest bit of narration, only a quick snippet at the beginning, middle, and end of the movie.

It will kind of be like what I wanted WWD 3D to be, before it turned into a total kids movie....


Quote from: Balaur on October 09, 2013, 02:33:21 AM
Quote from: Yutyrannus on October 09, 2013, 01:22:15 AM
Nice :)! So there are two episodes now?

Not exactly.... When I was working on the special I thought that I could do a story on Spinosaurus, and another on Pachyrhinosaurus. I never shared that with you guys though. Now, I scooped out Spinosaurus in place with my favafavfavfavfavfavfavourite dinosaur, Leaellynasaura, and is now a special about polar dinosaurs. It still has alot to do with migrations to though.

Also, I am planning a movie version of Age of Reptiles. Kind of like the Walking with Dinosaurs movie coming this Christmas, in that it is filmed more thematically but still realistically. It will NOT have talking dinosaurs, dinosaurs with thoughts we can hear, and anthropomorphised eyes. It is also will have the ever so slightest bit of narration, only a quick snippet at the beginning, middle, and end of the movie.

It will kind of be like what I wanted WWD 3D to be, before it turned into a total kids movie....
Cool :)! What species will the movie be following?

"The world's still the same. There's just less in it."


Quote from: Yutyrannus on October 09, 2013, 03:04:56 AM
Quote from: Balaur on October 09, 2013, 02:33:21 AM
Quote from: Yutyrannus on October 09, 2013, 01:22:15 AM
Nice :)! So there are two episodes now?

Not exactly.... When I was working on the special I thought that I could do a story on Spinosaurus, and another on Pachyrhinosaurus. I never shared that with you guys though. Now, I scooped out Spinosaurus in place with my favafavfavfavfavfavfavourite dinosaur, Leaellynasaura, and is now a special about polar dinosaurs. It still has alot to do with migrations to though.

Also, I am planning a movie version of Age of Reptiles. Kind of like the Walking with Dinosaurs movie coming this Christmas, in that it is filmed more thematically but still realistically. It will NOT have talking dinosaurs, dinosaurs with thoughts we can hear, and anthropomorphised eyes. It is also will have the ever so slightest bit of narration, only a quick snippet at the beginning, middle, and end of the movie.

It will kind of be like what I wanted WWD 3D to be, before it turned into a total kids movie....
Cool :)! What species will the movie be following?

I have just began "production" for the movie, but I am pretty sure that it will cover the Solnhofen Limestone, 150 million years ago. Warning: Creatures will have names, be slightly anthropomorphized in body language, but so slight that it won't be noticable. If anyone doesn't like that, then sorry. Of course, no talking dinosaurs, or though hearing dinosaurs.

The movie will follow a Sciurumimus from the day he hatched from his egg to his last day on Earth. (Just a little spoiler, his last day was not because of natural causes) The film also covers the life of an Anurognathus, and we follow the two as they grow up, and how each of them meet their ultimate demise.


Cool, I love the Sciurumimus idea, also if you would like to use the Yutyrannus story I started a while back (the one with Patch the Yutyrannus,  Scar the Sinotyrannus etc.) you are welcome to. I think either way you go with this it will be awesome ;D!

"The world's still the same. There's just less in it."


Quote from: Yutyrannus on October 09, 2013, 12:58:59 PM
Cool, I love the Sciurumimus idea, also if you would like to use the Yutyrannus story I started a while back (the one with Patch the Yutyrannus,  Scar the Sinotyrannus etc.) you are welcome to. I think either way you go with this it will be awesome ;D!

Thanks! I want to use the Jurassic because it is always the Cretaceous seen, so yeah... Also, do you mind if the creatures have names? I'll post the name list soon.


Well, here is my name list -
Otto - The main Sciurumimus, we follow, from the nanosecond he hatches, to his demise.
Sarah - Otto's mother, who just wants to make sure Otto gets the best care and he grows up to adulthood.
Andy - The main Anurognathus we follow. He hatches the same day Otto does, and is also clever, and witty. He frequently crosses paths with Otto, and usually gets chased away, before he engages in a symbiotic relationship with Otto.
Ammut - A Pliosaurus, who is old and lives off the coast of Solnhofen Island. He is distinguished by a scar coming form from his eye and down his cheek. This is Otto's most feared rival.
Rafels - A Rhamphorhynchus. He is supper furry, just like all of his kind, and likes to punt around in the lagoon.

Other creatures appearing in the movie are -
Ornithischian dinosaur
Stonsefield Wukongopterid


Quote from: Balaur on October 09, 2013, 03:15:42 PM
Quote from: Yutyrannus on October 09, 2013, 12:58:59 PM
Cool, I love the Sciurumimus idea, also if you would like to use the Yutyrannus story I started a while back (the one with Patch the Yutyrannus,  Scar the Sinotyrannus etc.) you are welcome to. I think either way you go with this it will be awesome ;D!

Thanks! I want to use the Jurassic because it is always the Cretaceous seen, so yeah... Also, do you mind if the creatures have names? I'll post the name list soon.
No, I don't mind names. It's is talking and hearing thoughts that I mind.

"The world's still the same. There's just less in it."


Love the cast list for the movie :)! I would much rather see this in theaters in December than the kid-oriented monstronsity Walking with Dinosaurs 3D.

"The world's still the same. There's just less in it."


Yep. I have added Machimosaurus to the cast list and the Leedsichthys.


Cool! Can't wait to see pictures of Otto and Ammut :)!

"The world's still the same. There's just less in it."


More updates to the movie.

The movie is set up in several "acts". Here are the acts.

Act 1 - Day One: Otto's first day.
Act 2 - Three Months Prior: Andy's mother laying her egg three months before Andy and Otto hatch.
Act 3 - Day One, part 2: Andy hatches
Act 4 - Three Months: Otto and Andy explore the lagoon, Otto's father meets his end.
Act 5 - Two Years Hence: Otto as a juvenile, and Andy beginning their symbiotic relationship.
Act 6 - Five Years Hence: Otto finds a mate, and forms a small pack with his mate, himself, and Sarah. Sarah has a very bad encounter with Europasaurus.
Act 7 - Hell: This is when Andy, Otto, Rafels, and Ammut die.

So, basically, the movie starts out a cutesy and adorable, and gets more and more depressing as it progresses until everyone dies.

Well, I had to spoil some of it right! ;)


Cool! Also, I like spoilers, so I'm fine with it.

"The world's still the same. There's just less in it."


Oh, perfect! Then that means I will add more things to expect soon.

I have decided to redo my Hatzegopteryx. The reason why is because it looks shrink wrapped. You can see the membrane and differentiate it from that and the arm and leg bones, which I have learned to avoid, thanks to the Caviramus picture by Joschua Knuppe. I just finished my new Hatzegopteryx, and I looks a million times better than before.

The crest on the top of its head is covered in long pycnofibers, like when my hair is all facing fowards and all crazy when I wake up in the mornings. ;D

It is also coloured like a red velvet cake, only the most delicious cake on the planet! ;D


Can't wait to see the velvet cake Hatzegopteryx ^-^! Also, I will probably post a WIP of my Smaug picture in my art thread today.

"The world's still the same. There's just less in it."


When are you going to post the Hatzegopteryx?

"The world's still the same. There's just less in it."



Okay, while assessing my episodes, I realized that I might change locations. And I have. I swapped out Las Hoyas for the Crato Formation, and that episode will focus on pterosaurs, because I didn't have an episode focusing on pterosaurs, so I had to change an episode.

Actually, I have to say when I compare my stories written out for Las Hoyas and the new pterosaur episode, the pterosaur episode is way better, and while it is in my head at this time, it is going to be a fun episode probably. ;)


I have exciting news! I have my first episode storyline done! I am posting it here. It may not make a lot of sense, but I hope you get the idea of it. I am unsure of the story, so any help on improving it is appreciated. Read on: 

At the swamp filled with large horsetails, a herd of Ischigualastia feed on the horsetails.
Nearby, on the moss covered ground next to the river, the entrance of a burrow sits. A Probelesodon emerges and goes looking for food. He slowly goes over a log, and finds a dragonfly. He neatly ambushes it and rushes back to the burrow to feed on it.
The day wheres off, when the first sign of things to come is shown. A group of Pisanosaurus feed on ferns and other primitive plants. They are in a clan, and they are the earliest dinosaurs. They have evolved complex social lives. A sentry is always on the look out for predators. They have better than average eyesight, and a good sense of hearing a smell. When a sentry is hungry, they go feed as another member of the clan replaces them. They sit in the sun in trees to help them digest their food. They prefer to be in areas like this, but they require a lot of food for being warm blooded, and soon they will have to leave in search of food elsewhere. As they feed, the young Pisanosaurus also will take liking into eating insects. One even catches a very small species of dragonfly and eats it. Soon, two Eoraptor arrive. They are omnivores, and are no threat to Pisanosaurus. They start to feed on the ferns as well. They have larger eyes, and have better vision, and usually join Pisanosaurus clans for mutual protection. Another thing they benefit from is that they also feed off of the dung from Pisanosaurus and can get even more nutrients. As the two species feed, a Herrerasaurus watches them. It is the largest dinosaur in the area, and unlike Eoraptor and Pisanosaurus, Herrerasaurus is a carnivore. He stalks them. However, an Eoraptor spots him and screeches and soon the rest of the dinosaurs flee as the Herrerasaurus runs out but trips on a falling sprouting tree and fails. he gets back up, the dinosaurs taunting him. The Pisanosaurus even start to kick dirt and throw rocks at him. The Herrerasaurus leaves. He will have to try again later.
This is not the only part of the area there is. Outside of the forest there is a vast desert oasis. Here, the Pisanosaurus and two Eoraptor arrive. They find a river.
The sun sets, and the dinosaurs all sleep. However, in the moon light, the silesaurids become more social. For them, this provides cover to mate. They gather in large numbers, the males forming a large group and running past a large group of stationary females. The females may then join in and together they run around. After a certain amount of time, they mate. They then move off and do it again and the females go begin their migration to the nesting grounds far south.
In the morning, the Pisanosaurus wake up and feed themselves. Some Pisanosaurus still need to feed their young. They go to their young and feed them a milk like substance filled with nutrients by regurgitating it form them to eat.
Meanwhile, the Herrerasaurus has forced himself into the desert. The dry season has just begun, and so animals are pushed out into the oasis because that is where most of the life they need to survive on live. However, the Herrerasaurus has just entered another's hunting ground. The two face off, and then get into a brief fight, ending with the intruder biting the defenders head and the defender loosing his hunting ground. Herrerasaurus can now go ahead and feed.
Back at the river oasis, the Eoraptors leave the Pisanosaurus. They are on the prowl for mates too. However, once they see a Saurosuchus, they immediately hide under a rock. The Saurosuchus arrives at the river to drink. Some Ischigualastia arrive too. It is a stand off, until the Ischigualastia charge at it and he runs off.
The dry season gets tough, and the Eoraptors start to call for their mates. Here, they make large mounds of dirt and call for females. A female arrives to a males and the two then engage in a mating display before mating.
Back in the forest, the foresrt has not changed significantly since the dry season. However, various plant species here will not appear again. On of them are the very tail Equisetum arenaceum. These horsetails are nearly 5 to 6 meters tall, and very small forests spanning a few meters are common in the water. This forest is right next to a small cliff. From above, a few Ischigualastia feed on the tips of the leaves, along with some Taeniopterus marantacea. Some Ischigualastia enter the waters. They have tough beaks and some even cut down the massive horsetails and when they collapse, they fall into the water. Now, the Ischigualastia can feed on the horsetails without a restriction. Some feed on the smaller horsetails, and can wait out the drought.
Elsehwere, the Saurosuchus is feeding on a recently killed Ischigualastia. As he feeds, another Saurosuchus arrives and attempts to take over the carcass. The two roar for a time, before the killer knows that it is better to leave his carcass to a rival than to risk injury. He jumps over some rocks and drinks water.
The dry season drags on. During the hottest part of the day, Pisanosaurus sleep in the shade. A few wake up to groom but then go back to sleep. IN the forest, the water is receding, and the horsetails go into a state of torpor (is that possible?) until the wet season arrives.
Out in the desert, a Herrerasaurus goes to the watering hole to drink. This provides a chance for the Saurosuchus to sneak up on it. He lunges forth and grabs the dinosaur from the head and kills him with a shake and snap and runs off to eat him.
The Eoraptors have laid eggs, and the male stays at the nest to look after the young. Probelesodon occasionally arrive but are scared off by the male. The dry season is nearly over, and the male Eoraptor  climbs up a rock having been distracted by an insect. This allows the eggs to hatch without his supervision and allows a Probelesodon to grab a chick and eats it. The male comes back down to scare him off, but the cynodont has already grabbed another baby and runs off. He will look after the chicks to his highest standard.
The wet season arrives and floods the entire landscape. The Eoraptors and forced up on the rocks and watches as a torrent of water flows past them, occasionally caring animals with it. The Herrerasaurus hides under a cave that is high above the water and watches it flow past. He had his head out in the rain to cool him off. The flood has transformed the landscape.
In the forest, the river, is now fully awake again. At the burrow of moss, the male Eoraptor emerges with a Probelesodon dead in his mouth. He arrives to his mate and his chicks, who have relocated in the forest and feeds them the recently killed cynodont.
The Pisanosaurus get ready to leave for the forest but before that they fuel up on water. Some Eoraptors join in. They have no sentries on alert. A big mistake, since the Herrerasaurus watches them carefully from behind the rocks. He suddenly leaps out and takes the dinosaurs by totally surprise and chases a Pisanosaurus into the larger river and grabs it and kills it. He emerges from the water to feed upon his recent kill.
The Pisanosaurus go back to the forest, which has rebounded. The daily cycle of life continues here, and for the early dinosaurs, they are outnumbered significantly by other animals. They may seem like they have gained a foothold, but even the largest dinosaur predator, Herrerasaurus, falls victim to Saurosuchus. However, their time will come. Soon an extinction will pave the way for the dinosaurs to take over the world.

Again, any improving or correcting is welcome.


This is so awesome! I wish I could actually watch this (maybe someday...). Can't wait for the next one! Also, if you were able to actually make this, who would you have as the narrator? I would have Kenneth Branagh for my series'.

"The world's still the same. There's just less in it."


Hmmmmmm.... I have thought of that question at least thirty times. I would maybe has Kenneth Branagh, maybe Alice Roberts, I am not sure. Probably Branagh, 'cause, you know, WWD. ;)

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