
Poll time! Cast your votes for the best stegosaur toys, the best ceratopsoid toys (excluding Triceratops), and the best allosauroid toys (excluding Allosaurus) of all time! Some of the polls have been reset to include some recent releases, so please vote again, even if you voted previously.

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Unofficial Poll question for additional dinosaurs for the former MOS series

Started by loru1588, August 26, 2014, 09:25:26 PM

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Quote from: Ikessauro on October 27, 2014, 01:47:52 AM
I suggest always make new species. Retooling the old models is enough, don't waste efforts making another well represented dinosaur. Carnegie Amargasaurus for example, is very nicely sculpted. It's time to expand people's awareness of dinosaur species by making toys of new obscure dinosaurs. There's plenty newly discovered dinos or ones that have been known for a long time which have no toy representation. Herrerasaurus is a great example.

I'm not suggesting he make it in replacement of another species, just that I would welcome it if he did re-make it. Besides, it is always nice to have multiple takes of the same animal. The Battat Diplodocus is an amazing model but I'm still happy that Carnegie made one, and naturally the Invicta one as well. I doubt there are many of us who only buy one representation of a species. Naturally I would prefer to see Herrerasaurus as a model over something already done.


Quote from: Gryphoceratops on October 26, 2014, 10:08:32 PM
And it's...ugly.
Quote from: tyrantqueen on October 26, 2014, 10:19:00 PM
Maybe some dinosaurs were ugly.
Hahaha!  Both of these comments made me laugh!

Quote from: loru1588 on October 27, 2014, 02:02:34 AM
My line up of potential dinos for the 1st two Terra Series was pretty much set in stone when I started the project. That's why I asked for input on this as well as the former MOS series. I haven't eliminated any viable critters yet so don't lose hope yet!! LOL!! I'll know come the spring if & when I am to start a 3rd series. I'll pretty much have a line up before then, again in part due to the input I receive here.
Thanks for the reply Dan.  I'm going to continue hoping for a Herrerasaurus!  Good luck with making the dinosaurs for Terra set 2, I hope you're having fun doing it!

The Battat MOS dinosaurs are mostly still very good, I feel a lot are the best toy version of that dinosaur!  If they get the retooling they need, I would prefer future Battat dinosaurs to be genuses which aren't already in the Battat MOS or Terra lines.


There won't be cross overs of same dinosaurs between the 2 series. Too many new species or too many dinosaurs that haven't been made yet to start duplicating animals.


Quote from: tyrantqueen on October 26, 2014, 10:19:00 PM
Maybe some dinosaurs were ugly.

You misunderstand me.  It's an ugly sculpt.  You will never hear me call an animal ugly.



Quote from: Gwangi on October 28, 2014, 09:40:12 PM
Quote from: Gryphoceratops on October 28, 2014, 12:54:04 PM
Quote from: tyrantqueen on October 26, 2014, 10:19:00 PM
Maybe some dinosaurs were ugly.

You misunderstand me.  It's an ugly sculpt.  You will never hear me call an animal ugly.

Oh really?  ;D

THAT FISH IS PERFECT!!!  I'm a zookeeper I'm around what people call "ugly" animals all the time.  They all look the way they do for a reason and I find that awesome. 


Quote from: Gryphoceratops on October 28, 2014, 09:45:13 PM
Quote from: Gwangi on October 28, 2014, 09:40:12 PM
Quote from: Gryphoceratops on October 28, 2014, 12:54:04 PM
Quote from: tyrantqueen on October 26, 2014, 10:19:00 PM
Maybe some dinosaurs were ugly.

You misunderstand me.  It's an ugly sculpt.  You will never hear me call an animal ugly.

Oh really?  ;D

THAT FISH IS PERFECT!!!  I'm a zookeeper I'm around what people call "ugly" animals all the time.  They all look the way they do for a reason and I find that awesome.

I agree, and the animals people typically say are ugly I don't find ugly at all. Like you said, they look that way for a reason, form with function. That said, that fish is ugly, I realize it evolved that way for a reason but I won't lie to myself on that one.


Quote from: loru1588 on October 24, 2014, 04:41:32 PM
I was able to download some pics but I'll be getting the text soon. Too big for the Terra Series, about 10" long, so this would absolutely be a good candidate for the former MOS series. Thanks

+1 vote for the Deinocheirus


Quote from: Brachiosaurus on October 23, 2014, 11:56:15 PM
Olorotatian arharensi-12 meters
Argentinosaurus huinculensis-30 - 35 m
Glacialisaurus-20-25 feet long
Alamosaurus sanjuanensis  Over 18.3 metres
Shantungosaurus giganteus 50 feet long
Here are mine, Glacialisaurus is my #1, please do this one!!! ^-^, Cryolophasaurus needs some prey. On a side note is Glacialisaurus remains fragmented?

Changed up my list a little of what I want to see
isisaurus-one of the more complete titanosaurs
Olorotatian arharensi
Argentinosaurus huinculensis
Alamosaurus sanjuanensis
Shantungosaurus giganteus
Cedarosaurus- known for most of its body except neck and head


Quote from: Gryphoceratops on September 17, 2014, 05:49:04 AM
Quote from: Sim on September 01, 2014, 03:37:29 PM

Quote from: Gryphoceratops on August 27, 2014, 03:49:56 AM
Dryptosaurus (roughly 20 feet)- This dinosaur has been known for so long and NOBODY ever made a model of it.  It more than deserves a model.
It probably hasn't had a figure of it made because it's known from very fragmentary remains.  The brown parts in the image below are all it's known from:

Oh don't you worry I am VERY familiar with Dryptosaurus' remains.  Here is my table at the state museum several years ago.  Those are Dryptosaurus casts up top. 

A model was never made because Tyrannosaurus was discovered right after it and took all the attention.  If what you suggest is true Spinosaurus and Megalosaurus would never have gotten models either.  I am VERY well aware of exactly what remains of Dryptosaurus.  Plenty of it is known to to get an idea of what it looked like in life if you reference other basal tyrannosauroids.  It's the second dinosaur ever discovered in America, and the first carnivorous one.

Just to nitpick, Leidy's tooth taxa were all named in 1856, ten years before Dryptosaurus and the same year as Hadrosaurus: Deinodon (=Daspletosaurus?), Trachodon (=Brachylophosaurus?), Palaeoscincus (=Edmontonia?), and Troodon (=Stenonychosaurus?). Of course, all of these except Troodon are nomena dubia and Troodon probably should be too ;)

(And clearly, Spinosaurus shouldn't have gotten any models... all currently available are probably wrong :D For all we know the same goes for Megalosaurus).

A lot of people here are suggesting Argentinosaurs, which would be the most epic result of all time... but would turn out to be epically wrong in a few years before more than a femur and vertebra are found from it. All of those museum mounts are fantasy and already grossly inaccurate thanks to info from... Dreadnoughtus! Now THERE is a giant titanosaur complete enough to base a model on! Actually, Futalognkosaurus is even more complete and about the same size.

The Carnegie Collection Dinosaur Archive -


allosaurus(or megalosaurus)
another ornithopod other than gallimimus
prosauropod other than plateosaurus
trex relative like daspletosaurus


Seeing that some of the MOS models have been released for the Terra Line, Should we combine the two topics?    I think Battat should just release them All under Terra, (Even the DIplodocus)


I've been wanting to make an updated list of the dinosaurs I'd really like from Battat for a while now.  So, here it is!  It's updated with some dinosaurs I've found out are known from better remains than I previously knew, and other updates.

Baryonyx walkeri  Over 9.5 metres

I keep looking at Scott Hartman's Baryonyx skeletal from this year and thinking what a fascinating animal Baryonyx is!:  (Note the skeletal at the top with missing bones is just ONE of the several Baryonyx specimens.)  None of the Baryonyx toys out there do it justice, often getting its head wrong and putting it in a quadrupedal pose, among other issues.  I think if Dan were to do a Baryonyx in a similar pose to the one in Scott Hartman's 2015 skeletal it would be a really impressive and appealing toy!
Baryonyx fossils have been found in several parts of the world, but the most complete specimen, the holotype, was found relatively near to the part of London I live in!  I would've wanted one anyway, but this makes me want a good Baryonyx figure even more!

Herrerasaurus ischigualastensis  6 metres

One of the earliest dinosaurs!  It's a really interesting animal that's really distinctive!:  I'm still eagerly waiting for a Herrerasaurus toy that actually looks like a Herrerasaurus!  It's known from great fossil remains, including a complete skull!

Plateosaurus engelhardti  10 metres

I'm really happy it's been confirmed Dan will make a Plateosaurus - Battat's first Triassic dinosaur! Since we haven't seen any photo of it, it's still got a place on my list.  It's amazing how much (and what) is now known about Plateosaurus, as well as the huge amount of skeletons, including complete ones it's known from.  Plateosaurus really is full of surprises!

Torvosaurus tanneri 10 metres

Torvosaurus is so cool and really unique!  Just look at that long head, unusual body shape and massively built legs!:  Torvosaurus coexisted with Allosaurus and Ceratosaurus, but while there are many Allosaurus toys and some Ceratosaurus toys there are NO Torvosaurus toys!  It goes further than that too, there isn't a decent toy of ANY of its family (the megalosaurids)!  Torvosaurus's fossil remains are actually good, and in addition to that there are lots of other reasons why it would make a great toy, for example, it's visually and anatomically interesting and distinctive, it would be the first toy Torvosaurus, there's isn't a great megalosaurid toy.  I've been wanting a Torvosaurus for ages!

Shunosaurus lii  9.5 metres

Shunosaurus is a sauropod with: a tail club AND tail spikes (and an interesting head), very good fossil remains which make it one of the best anatomically known sauropods, interesting information on its palaeobiology known.  It seems like it would make a great toy, so why is the only Shunosaurus toy the bad and ugly CollectA figure?  Shunosaurus was actually going to be made for the cancelled Battat MOS dinosaurs series 4!  I hope you can give us a Shunosaurus this time round, Dan! :)  Today I found out it was revealed Shunosaurus had a tail club and tail spikes in 1989 - the year which I was born in!  I'm pleased to have found that out!

Lambeosaurus lambei  9.4 metres

This is a dinosaur I think would make an eye-catching and appealing toy!  I've seen its very unusual crest likened to a hatchet or a hand in a mitten giving a thumbs up!

This new list replaces my old one which had Suchomimus, Herrerasaurus, Plateosaurus, Carcharodontosaurus, Allosaurus, Lambeosaurus, Torvosaurus, Spinosaurus (originally) and Alamosaurus.

Thanks for the opportunity to say what dinosaurs I'd like to see from you Dan!


I did some talking with dan, and he said that he does not want to do animals that are too simalar to each other.

I Asked him if he can do both a Yanchuanosaurus, and an Allosaurus, but he said that the skulls are not different enough.

Same thing goes for Brachiosaurus and Girafatitain. both look simalr, So Dan said he would only do one or the other.

He also wants to focus on smaller Sauropods before tackling more big ones like. I think Shunosaurus would be a good possibility.

I also want more Armored dinosaurs like Peleroplites, Saichania, and maybe Shamosaurus.

Stuckasaurus (Dino Dad Reviews)

Quote from: Takama on August 01, 2015, 12:47:43 AM
Seeing that some of the MOS models have been released for the Terra Line, Should we combine the two topics?    I think Battat should just release them All under Terra, (Even the DIplodocus)

Yeah, I think we should abandon the distinction between the two given that Battat seems to have done so as well. The "MOS" moniker remains a useful shorthand for the resculpts only, and then only as an informal one technically speaking. I know Dan had been talking as if any future larger sculpts (say, of a giant sauropod for example) would be released under a separate MOS-but-not-MOS label, but Battat seems to have decided that was too complicated and just combined all their dinosaurs under the Terran banner.

Stuckasaurus (Dino Dad Reviews)

Quote from: Stuckasaurus on August 25, 2015, 05:06:00 AM
Quote from: Takama on August 01, 2015, 12:47:43 AM
Seeing that some of the MOS models have been released for the Terra Line, Should we combine the two topics?    I think Battat should just release them All under Terra, (Even the DIplodocus)

Yeah, I think we should abandon the distinction between the two given that Battat seems to have done so as well. The "MOS" moniker remains a useful shorthand for the resculpts only, and then only as an informal one technically speaking. I know Dan had been talking as if any future larger sculpts (say, of a giant sauropod for example) would be released under a separate MOS-but-not-MOS label, but Battat seems to have decided that was too complicated and just combined all their dinosaurs under the Terran banner.

Incidentally, anyone who wants to photoshop a Terran dinosaur as a Terran marine will earn a hearty chuckle from me. Hehehe!


Quote from: Takama on August 16, 2015, 09:57:10 PM
I also want more Armored dinosaurs like Peleroplites, Saichania, and maybe Shamosaurus.
I thought he said he wasn't going to sculpt poorly known animals.

"The world's still the same. There's just less in it."



Quote from: Takama on August 25, 2015, 07:16:02 AM
Poorly known as in fragmentary remains, not public awarness

Yeah, poorly known as in we don't really know anything about it or what it looked like, other than is was different in some way from everything else. Always thought that was a confusing term. Maybe we should say poorly understood or just fragmentary.
The Carnegie Collection Dinosaur Archive -

Stuckasaurus (Dino Dad Reviews)

Quote from: Dinoguy2 on August 25, 2015, 10:23:13 AM
Quote from: Takama on August 25, 2015, 07:16:02 AM
Poorly known as in fragmentary remains, not public awarness

Yeah, poorly known as in we don't really know anything about it or what it looked like, other than is was different in some way from everything else. Always thought that was a confusing term. Maybe we should say poorly understood or just fragmentary.

I know we've beat this topic to death, but I just thought I'd chime in. The words "fragmentary" or even "poorly understood" can be highly relative depending on the type of prehistoric beast you're talking about. Take a sauropod, for example. If you have most of the body, but no head, you've got a decent idea of what the creature looked like since the biggest differences between most sauropods are post-cranial.
If, conversely, you have a ceratopsian skull but no body, you've also got a very good idea of what that creature looked like, since most ceratopsians were virtually identical post-cranially (to the point were even professionals have trouble telling headless specimens apart), and all the real variability is present in the shape of the skull.

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