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My thanks to Dr. Admin and other palaeontologists

Started by Doug Watson, March 04, 2015, 11:39:47 PM

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Doug Watson

I hope Dr. Admin doesn't mind me starting a whole new topic for this but I felt it really doesn't fit anywhere else. I am a little late getting around to this but I only became an active  poster here after I worked with the good doctor on my Liopleurodon and Elasmosaurus. I approached Dr. Admin, aka Adam Smith (egads he has been unmasked) to help me with my Liopleurodon back in 2009 on the recommendation of Rick Day at CMN. Adam couldn't have been more gracious and helpful. Since then he has also helped me directly with my Elasmosaurus and has also helped me acquire hard to get papers on many of my other pieces. It is great that there are scientists out there like Adam who love to share their knowledge with people like me who are trying to get it right. In all my years at the museum or since I left I have never been blown off by a scientist, every palaeontologist or collections specialist has been more than happy to give me a hand and they have never asked for anything in return. So I thought I would use his forum to finally publicly thank him for his continued help. Thank you Dr. Admin.

These are the original sculpts for the Liopleurodon and Elasmosaurus.

While I am at it I would also like to thank the following people who have helped me when I had a question I couldn't answer on my own. I hope I haven't forgotten anyone. From now on when my pieces are revealed I'll be sure to add my thanks here and on the new release threads.

Begoña Sánchez Chillón, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC), Spain - Megatherium
Dr. C. R. Harington, CMN - Original Prehistoric Mammals series, American Mastodon
Dr. Natalia Rybczynski, CMN - Original Prehistoric Mammals series
Dr. Steve Cumbaa, CMN - Dunkleosteus, Stone Fish, Chlamydoselachus anguineus
Dr. Adam Smith Liopleurodon
Dr. Adam Smith Elasmosaurus
Dr. Robert Holmes, CMN - Vagaceratops, Acrocanthosaurus
Dr. Xiao-Chun Wu, CMN - AMNH Feathered Dinosaurs Toob
Richard Day, CMN- Acrocanthosaurus, Coelacanth & Liopleurodon
Dr. Andrew Farke - Torosaurus
Dr. Philip Currie - Anatotitan
Dr. Philip Manning - Gryposaurus
Dr. Scott Sampson - Gryposaurus
Dr. Ken Carpenter - Sauropelta, Ankylosaurus
Dr. Eric Lund - Nasutoceratops
Dr. Adam Smith & Dr. Mark Young Plesiosuchus
Dr. Adam Smith - Tylosaurus
Dr. Robert Reisz - Dimetrodon
Dr. Scott Persons - Triceratops
Dr. Cesar L. Schultz and his PHD student Marcel Lacerda for their help with Prestosuchus
Dr. Adam Smith - Ichthyosaurus and numerous paper request for my other 2020 releases
Dr. Phil Bell - for my 2020 Edmontosaurus especially when it came to interpreting the skin detail and form of the "comb".
Dr. Nathan Smith - Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, for my 2022 Cryolophosaurus
Dr. Diego Pol - Museo Paleontologico Egidio Feruglio, for his help with my 2022 Patagotitan
Dr. Adam Smith - numerous scientific papers provided for numerous subjects :)


Always a pleasure  ^-^. As a palaeontologist and a dinosaur toy collector it's both an honour and a wonderful opportunity to be able to help with the design of a figure! Still, thanks for the thanks!


Hear, Hear!

Though I have never met Adam Smith (wait a sec, does that beginning sound like I just starting writing a eulogy), or any of the people that you (Doug) thanked, this is the only forum-blog-social media that I have ever really set any time aside to pay attention to and post.  When I started writing guest reviews, I didn't plan on writing many, or even joining the forum, but I love doing research on things I enjoy (not tax law, Yuck).  I wasn't asked to do massive rewrites, (which I was prepared to do), spurned by my reviews, but encouraged to write more.  In fact, I am more worried now about my reviews, now that I know the actually designers might read my thoughts on their work.  So, I guess what I am saying, before I ramble on and on, and confuse everybody, Thank You.


It's great that there are still a few people out there willing to help others like Adam and his associates even yourself Doug. I'm very grateful for the assistance you have both given me.


I should have known Ken Carpenter had a hand in the creation of that Sauropelta (speaking of reviews, expect a glowing one for this model from me shortly!).

In addition to helping create two of the best marine reptile figures I would also just like to thank Dr. Admin for bringing this unique community together and providing us with a place to discuss our interests. I wouldn't be collecting these dinosaurs and prehistoric animals without having first read the reviews on the blog.

To most people these things are just mass produced toys made by a faceless company, but being here, talking to sculptors and collaborates alike it really makes you realize you're involved in something more than toy collecting. $10 toys don't NEED to have this level of quality, but they do because the people that produce them have the same passion as the people that collect them and this forum bridges the communication gap between us to truly create a special place for us all. I never thought when I was younger I would swap nature pictures with the man responsible for so many beautiful dinosaur sculpts that I collect, or have daily interactions with a paleontologist who specializes in marine reptiles, let alone write reviews for his blog. I hope kids don't take places like this for granted, the internet really can be a wonderful place when used the right way.


amargasaurus cazaui

I think the entire thing is awesome and I admit my collection has profited from the likes of our own Dr. Admin, Dan Larosso, Forest Rogers, but also from Doug Watson's efforts , in helping me secure signatures, information and assurances as I move forward. Not going to give away what is in the works, but I do appreciate all the help from all of you I named in making my signature collection a unique and as far as I know, unrivaled set . Thanks so much for all, that all of you do.....I truly appreicate it.
Authors with varying competence have suggested dinosaurs disappeared because of meteorites...God's will, raids by little green hunters in flying saucers, lack of standing room in Noah's Ark, and palaeoweltschmerz—Glenn Jepsen


Quote from: Gwangi on March 05, 2015, 01:15:14 AM
To most people these things are just mass produced toys made by a faceless company, but being here, talking to sculptors and collaborates alike it really makes you realize you're involved in something more than toy collecting. $10 toys don't NEED to have this level of quality, but they do because the people that produce them have the same passion as the people that collect them and this forum bridges the communication gap between us to truly create a special place for us all. I never thought when I was younger I would swap nature pictures with the man responsible for so many beautiful dinosaur sculpts that I collect, or have daily interactions with a paleontologist who specializes in marine reptiles, let alone write reviews for his blog. I hope kids don't take places like this for granted, the internet really can be a wonderful place when used the right way.

I agree whole-heartedly. When I first started getting into dinosaur toys as a kid I would never have dreamed that one day there would be so many beautiful and accurate models from so many companies available (and that I would own so many! :-X). My deepest gratitude goes to the artists that put in the effort to make the best figures they can and the paleontologists that provide input.

One of the beautiful things about this hobby is that it unites people of all different backgrounds together for the sake of pursuing a common interest. I've met and gotten to know a lot of really interesting and unique people from all over the world through this forum, for which I am grateful.


Hope safari ltd will remake a tylosaurus with a fluke tail, Mr Doug Watson collaborate with Dr Adam again :D


The fact that Dr. Admin is involved in creating a marine reptile model upgrades the figure and makes it a must-have for me :).


Wow, what a sincerely wonderful thread!

I would also like to thank you, Doug and Dan (and Forest, if you happen to see this) for some really beautiful figures that grace my truly inadequate humble shelves. Always looking forward to future figures from you guys! And of course, this place wouldn't even exist if it weren't for Dr. Adam Smith. He had a dream, and unlike so many dreamers, he realized it so now many can benefit from it. Thank you, Adam, for this and for all your wisdom you graciously and continuously share with all of us.

And lastly, I would simply like to thank all of the members on here. I am endlessly learning something new from all of you. :)

BTW, Doug, your original sculpts for the Liopleurodon and Elasmosaurus are fantastic!



Wow! I really can't add anything to what's already been said here, except to say that I agree totally. A place to chat about a hobby is cool enough, but this place has become something more than that. It's a collaborative and educational community, and I'm grateful to be a part of it  :)


it's such a thrill that the people involved in the creation of the very figures that i love and enjoy are here in this forum and exchanging thoughts and opinions.
"you know you have a lot of prehistoric figures if you have at least twenty items per page of the prehistoric/dinosaur section on ebay." - anon.

Doug Watson

Now that my 2018s are out I would like to thank Dr. Dick Harington for the help he gave me on the American Mastodon, Dr. Ken Carpenter for his help on the Ankylosaurus and Dr. Robert Reisz with his help on the Dimetrodon.
I would also once again like to thank our own Dr. Admin for helping me acquire scientific papers on many of my pieces.

amargasaurus cazaui

Quote from: Doug Watson on November 14, 2017, 12:32:14 PM
Now that my 2018s are out I would like to thank Dr. Dick Harington for the help he gave me on the American Mastodon, Dr. Ken Carpenter for his help on the Ankylosaurus and Dr. Robert Reisz with his help on the Dimetrodon.
I would also once again like to thank our own Dr. Admin for helping me acquire scientific papers on many of my pieces.
If I understand your comment correctly you are stating Dr. Carpenter provided consultation on the anklyosaurus model then? Just verifying that is what you are stating...did he actually help to the extent of viewing the model and providing his input and approval? Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to give on that Doug
Authors with varying competence have suggested dinosaurs disappeared because of meteorites...God's will, raids by little green hunters in flying saucers, lack of standing room in Noah's Ark, and palaeoweltschmerz—Glenn Jepsen

Doug Watson

Quote from: amargasaurus cazaui on November 14, 2017, 01:41:13 PM
Quote from: Doug Watson on November 14, 2017, 12:32:14 PM
Now that my 2018s are out I would like to thank Dr. Dick Harington for the help he gave me on the American Mastodon, Dr. Ken Carpenter for his help on the Ankylosaurus and Dr. Robert Reisz with his help on the Dimetrodon.
I would also once again like to thank our own Dr. Admin for helping me acquire scientific papers on many of my pieces.
If I understand your comment correctly you are stating Dr. Carpenter provided consultation on the anklyosaurus model then? Just verifying that is what you are stating...did he actually help to the extent of viewing the model and providing his input and approval? Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to give on that Doug

Dr. Carpenter very generously provided updated interpretations of Ankylosaurus by him, provided fossil images, reviewed images of my sculpt, suggested changes and approved the final version.

amargasaurus cazaui

Quote from: Doug Watson on November 14, 2017, 01:46:13 PM
Quote from: amargasaurus cazaui on November 14, 2017, 01:41:13 PM
Quote from: Doug Watson on November 14, 2017, 12:32:14 PM
Now that my 2018s are out I would like to thank Dr. Dick Harington for the help he gave me on the American Mastodon, Dr. Ken Carpenter for his help on the Ankylosaurus and Dr. Robert Reisz with his help on the Dimetrodon.
I would also once again like to thank our own Dr. Admin for helping me acquire scientific papers on many of my pieces.
If I understand your comment correctly you are stating Dr. Carpenter provided consultation on the anklyosaurus model then? Just verifying that is what you are stating...did he actually help to the extent of viewing the model and providing his input and approval? Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to give on that Doug

Dr. Carpenter very generously provided updated interpretations of Ankylosaurus by him, provided fossil images, reviewed images of my sculpt, suggested changes and approved the final version.
excellent , thanks for nailing that down, I will have to fire him an email and see if he has a sharpie handy!

Authors with varying competence have suggested dinosaurs disappeared because of meteorites...God's will, raids by little green hunters in flying saucers, lack of standing room in Noah's Ark, and palaeoweltschmerz—Glenn Jepsen

Doug Watson

It slipped my mind that I should also thank Dr. Scott Persons for supplying me with his personal description of the "Lane" Triceratops integument specimens.

Doug Watson

Just added my thanks to Dr. Cesar L. Schultz and his PHD student Marcel Lacerda for their help with Prestosuchus.
Also once again many thanks to Dr. Admin for supplying me with scientific papers on my subjects.

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