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What should qualify a person to be a true fan of Dinosaurs?

Started by Takama, August 15, 2016, 12:10:17 AM

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My favorite part of dinosaurs is that I can be scientific and replicate a real animal, but since we know so little, I get to make things up and put my own spin on it. I love seeing how different people reimagine the same dinosaur in their art. If we knew everything about dinosaurs I probably wouldn't be sculpting them, I like making things unique.

I kind of agree with the argument in this thread, if you really like actual dinosaurs, then you'd like them for what they are(or were  :)) ) that's what makes them different from dragons. But the awesome part about Dinosaurs is imagination and science are both essential to recreating them  :)
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Quote from: Kayakasaurus on August 15, 2016, 05:49:00 PM
the awesome part about Dinosaurs is imagination and science are both essential to recreating them  :)

That's a really good point. The primordial world, and the dinosaurs that inhabited it, were so strange, different and mysterious to us, that it almost seems like a wonderous fantasy and an act of pure imagination to visualise them. Yet it was very real and has left us clues to it's reality, and we can learn of it and explore it through science. And still the more we discover; the more real, and equally the stranger and more incredible it seems.

The Atroxious

Quote from: stargatedalek on August 15, 2016, 04:55:00 PM
I personally adore all birds, especially pigeons. Despite the stereotypes pigeons (including Raphus just for extra irony) are remarkably intelligent, them and gulls get a reputation for stupidity largely due to their comparatively poor eyesight and brazen nature. This is why gulls will gather in open areas like airports and fields, since they can see birds of prey approaching (there's even a prairie species of gull).

I like most animals, but I'm still uncomfortable around most large mammals. I grew up around birds, reptiles, arthropods and fish and not around dogs or horses, so it's always at least a little bit about what one is used to. As for dogs, well I like the more "natural looking" dogs, German shepherds and huskies namely. But the small dogs that people generally tend to be more comfortable around I just can't get over how strange and foreign they seem to me.

Technically I don't detest all pigeons. My aversion is specifically geared toward the feral rock doves. There are mourning doves too, where I live, which I like very much, in both voice and visage.

I like most birds, but certainly not all. My favorites are the larger species. Old world vultures, hornbills, crows, anhingas, and various types of hawks and eagles are all intriguing to me. I also like some smaller species as well like the hoopoes, though maybe they can be included among the hornbills. I also am fond of snakes, most arthopods, and deep sea fish in particular. I'm not as interested in most mammals, though there are a few varieties that I like, such as viverrids and wild pigs.

I also find the more wolflike dogs to be very attractive (though oddly enough, while I find wolves beautiful, I don't especially care for them as animals, same with most large, highly social mammals). I just wouldn't ever want a dog as a pet. I find it very trying to live with a demanding animal, and dogs are perhaps the most demanding animal known to man.


I can tell you... The dinosaur I'm the biggest fan of is the one in my roast dinner on a sunday afternoon. An adventure 65 minutes in the making. Am I right?  >:D

(No, but seriously; I have no idea if 65 minutes is a sufficient length of time to roast a chicken or not.)


Quote from: Chad on August 15, 2016, 02:10:56 PM
I was a fan of dinosaurs until they went electric.

That's funny, I didn't think they really jumped the shark until their Unplugged album.
In the kingdom of the blind, better take public transit. Well, in the kingdom of the sighted, too, really--almost everyone is a terrible driver.

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(I haven't read through all of the coments yet so I don't know if this topic has turned into something else or whatever)

I think a dinosaur fan is someone who goes out of their way to learn more about them. Someone who goes to the library or just browses through wikipedia to learn is a dinosaur fan in my book. However, if someone instead just watches stuff like WWD and nothing else, taking everything in it as pure fact, they are less of a dinosaur fan and more of a WWD fan (this same logic can be applied to JP and other popular dinosaur franchises).


Quote from: Silvanusaurus on August 15, 2016, 08:23:36 PM
I can tell you... The dinosaur I'm the biggest fan of is the one in my roast dinner on a sunday afternoon. An adventure 65 minutes in the making. Am I right?  >:D

(No, but seriously; I have no idea if 65 minutes is a sufficient length of time to roast a chicken or not.)

I have to agree with your perspective...  ;)

I had dinosaur wings last night - I did the on the bbq and tossed them with some hot sauce. 

I sorta feel bad as there must have been about 50 de-forelimbed dinosaurs looking for their fore-limbs...  >:D

So tasty...  Wood smoke, hot sauce and a bit of black pepper - all things that make Dino wings so nice...

Jose S.M.

This thread evolved into a cooking thread XD.  Seriously dinosaur wings are delicious.


Oh no... I must say I'm not a fan of the wings, myself... no, I shouldn't like to ruin a good dinosaur by having wings on it... and I am definitely not a fan of too many feathers on them either. Just a bit of a tuft on the head or the tail is quite enough for me. I don't like having to spit the fluffy bits out afterwards.  ;)


Quote from: Halichoeres on August 15, 2016, 08:41:47 PM
Quote from: Chad on August 15, 2016, 02:10:56 PM
I was a fan of dinosaurs until they went electric.

That's funny, I didn't think they really jumped the shark until their Unplugged album.

Quote from: dinotoyforum on August 15, 2016, 06:09:08 PM
I like dinosaurs more than all of you! ;D  :P

I liked dinosaurs before they sold out and abandoned their lepidosaur friends.


Lol, gee takama, I wonder who's topic you originally posted that on  ;)
I feel so......special.

I don't think someone personally not liking feathered dipicitons of dinosaurs automatically makes them " not a true fan of dinosaurs". I think anyone who simply likes dinosaurs should qualify as a dinosaur fan.  But that's just my opinion  :-X.

^-^ I love dinosaurs, just not overly feathered dipicitons of them. But that's just for aesthetic opinionated reasons. If they were heavily feathered, they woulda looked fine, I'm sure of it. But they are extinct and always will be extinct, so we will never know. I never picture carnivorous dinosaurs as "monsters", just large powerful carnivorous animals that were unlike anything we would be used too today, and that alone makes them amazing. They don't have to be always bearing their teeth, roaring constantly, and destroying everything in their path to be amazing critters.

And as many people pointed out, imagination is a big part of the appeal of dinosaurs. Since no one knows for sure what they looked like, you can depict them in many different ways, and that's always fun.

P. s, thanks to everyone who made me crave chicken   ::)
Is there an alternate universe in which dinosaurs collect figures of people?


I consider the premise of this thread to be a bit ridiculous. We aren't talking about football teams here.

But anyway, I don't really care if I'm considered a "true" fan of dinosaurs, or anything. I enjoy things in my own way.


As a veggie, I obviously wouldn't eat one, but I do like to see the modern ones in their natural environment! To answer the question though, no qualifications required, just a love of the subject!

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