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Boki's Collection: A short goodbye (until we meet again) 3/7/23

Started by Bokisaurus, January 12, 2018, 09:40:03 PM

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Next up, a small collection of metal figures ;D

UHA Dinometal from the Chocolate (Chocolasaurus) series

Kaiyodo just love mixing dinosaur figures and chocolate /candy :))
Here we have the Dinometal series. There are 5 figures total, four fleshed out and one skull. These figures are exactly the same as the plastic version, well except they are metal.
They came in beautifully illustrated black box and of course a chocolate. Two figures, the Allosaurus and Iguanodon came together in one box, while the Tyrannosaurus and Brachiosaurus came in individual box.
There is a rare ceratosaurs skull, the 5th figure, as well. Lucky for me, I'm not much into skulls/skeleton, so never really attempted to acquire it, plus it was too expensive!

I got the set a few years back, just by luck, as  back then, I was not aware they existed. I saw sets being auctioned on eBay, and was able to acquire the sets at a very low price.
They are nice figure and makes a great complement to their PVC counterparts.

The sleek looking box and inside packaging ( the empty side is where the chocolate is packed

The figures, these two came as a pair

And the march continues...

Till next time!

I got the figure I traded my DOD figures for, It will make it's appearance soon. Any guess as to what figure it is? ;D
Cheers, and thanks for looking


WWD Ornithocheirus? Haven't spotted that one in your pics yet, but may have missed it...


Quote from: Lanthanotus on February 14, 2018, 07:49:54 PM
WWD Ornithocheirus? Haven't spotted that one in your pics yet, but may have missed it...
;D Haha, no, I hav't been that lucky yet ^-^ But a good guess :D


Okay, so this new one is the mystery figure I traded my large Dawn of Dinosaur figure for ^-^
Yes, it is indeed the elusive and rare mini T rex ^-^ When I first found out about its existence years ago, I pretty much gave up hope of owning it due it its rarity and the high cost if one even becomes available.
Like many, I watched in both horror and awe as those few figures that were auctioned on eBay sold for some impressive prices. Yes, it even rivaled the mighty Diplo in price.
This figure is the rarest of the Battat figures and also the last one produced for the line before it went extinct. Adding to its rarity is the fact that it had a very small production.
Anyway, a big thank you to fellow collector UK for giving me this opportunity to own this figure, and to finally and truly say that my Battat collection is finally complete  ^-^

I will review this figure for the blog very soon, so stay tuned. I will save most of the photos for it as well.

The figure is larger than the other mini figures and its pose based on the large version #3 with the tail pointing down

Well there you have it, mystery solved! :D
Next, WWD Ornithochirus!... just kidding... or not ^-^ ;D


The Battat dinosaur miniatures are perhaps the best miniatures made by a toy dinosaur company. They are as beautiful as the scale figures. Thank you Boki for sending us those photos.  :)


You're welcome. They look fantastic. I wondered if you would just rip the packaging open and display or leave it unopened. Well you made the right choice, it deserves to be shown off in all its glory.

Congratulations Ashley.



Quote from: UK on February 15, 2018, 07:23:45 PM
You're welcome. They look fantastic. I wondered if you would just rip the packaging open and display or leave it unopened. Well you made the right choice, it deserves to be shown off in all its glory.

Congratulations Ashley.

^-^ The first thing I did was to take it out of the plastic ^-^
This little guy is a permanent part of my collection, and I don't really like displaying figures in plastic wrap ^-^
Thanks again, he is now in a case with some of my favorite smaller figures :)


What Boki said are one of the best miniatures of dinosaurs in PVC that exist (rather, they existed in this case) in the market. I'm very glad that you have this magnificent collection of Battat dinosaurs. It is the best thing that has been done in the market.  ^-^


OMG, what an impressive group of figures from CollectA! Wow!
I am amazed by how well sculpted these figures are, and their size as well! These are the first wave for 2018, thank you Mini zoo :)

First up, the beautiful and really impressive new Mapusaurus deluxe . This is the best theropod by far from CollectA. The details are simply amazing! the color I really like, very natural and the accent orange and yellow is much more vivid and works really well. The addition of the throat wattle is a nice touch, it makes this very distinctive from any other theropod figures. The articulation of the jaw is also light years from their previous figures and really now rivals that of papo's seamless articulation - yes, that's how far they have come!
I'm simply in love with this figure ^-^

Next, the Mighty Dunkleosteus! WOW, another impressive and very LARGE figure, it dwarfs the Schelicha and Safari by far!
It really is nice to see a figure of this with skin, it looks very alive and lifelike.
The addition of damaged fins are a nice touch, give this already unique figure so much more character.
By far my favorite version of this species! Simply amazing. The jaw articulation is also flawless.

Next, old favorite Igunodon deluxe. This figure is every bit as beautiful. It truly is very well sculpted and detailed. It's a large size as well. The best, IMO, out there for sure. Check out those huge thumb spikes! ^-^

Close relative of iguanodon, the much smaller Matellisaurus. This guy is overshadowed by it much larger cousin.
But, this is a figure that is so much better in person than in photos, can't really capture the beauty of it in photo much. I love it, a nice complement for the larger Iguanodon figure.

Last but certainly not the least, the super adorable Sciurumimus ^-^
This little guys is so cute! It has so much more detail and texture than what is seen on photos. Definitely nicely sculpted, and those tiny teeth and tongue are individually sculpted flawlessly!
This is one figure that you will appreciate more in person than in any photos you will see, I highly recommend it.

Overall, I am very much impressed and excited by these new CollectA figures. The excitement is much more felt in person than when seeing the photos. These are definitely leaps and bound improvement in sculpting and the additional little details makes these figures so much more alive and full of characters.
I can't wait to see the next wave!
I will pose more photos, maybe Thursday as I have more time, including comparison shots. Hope you enjoy!


Thank you for these lovely shots - an unexpected treat. I have found with several CollectA figures I've bought that photos don't do them justice, which reflects your experience of the new offerings. Roll on their arrival at UK stockists!


Thanks for these amazing photos, especially the Mapusaur close up. I have half of these on order and now I am really hanging out for their arrival. That Mapu is going to take a prime position to be sure. One of my favorites from last year is that Styracosaurus, the quality of that figure is phenomenal and it looks like these are maintaining that standard. There is such a range of high quality figures out there now from the likes of CollectA, Papo and Safari - what a great time to be a collector; what a bad time to be trying to save money! You're only here once so why not enjoy these things I say.


I congratulate you Boki for your new acquisitions and your beautiful photos. The five are high-status dinosaurs. And honestly, as more than one member of the forum has pointed out, the promotional photos do not do them justice and they show that dinosaur figures are better in this case of Collecta having them physically or seeing them physically with respect to promotional photos or toy exhibitions.

By the way, the dunkleosteus, I suppose, will be even bigger than Schleich's. It would be good to have comparison photos of the different figures of the dunkleosteus that each toy company has made. I get the impression that it is perhaps one of the biggest dunkleosteus they have made in the toy market.

This is a great year for Collecta and for the rest of toy dinosaur companies. I had predicted it in the forum before the end of 2017 and long before they released most of the news of the novelties of dinosaurs and prehistoric animals of 2018.  :)


Okay, so I had just enough time to do a photo op of the one of the new CollectA figure, so I will do it in stages for the rest of the group.
I decided to do the Dunkleosteus first since it really is a wonderful and unique figure, one of my favorite so far.
Oh, did I say it's huge? I love how the tail is different from the others.
They have also added some dames tot he fins, these little additional details definitely makes this figure more realistic. After all , it's not a super model perfect. It's nice to see a species figure that is not perfect, that showed evidence of some of it's lifestyle .
Those dark beady eyes looks real and evil ^-^

Now, for some comparison shots. This is by far the largest figure out there, maybe only surpassed by the Chinese company Happy Toys "Schleich" inspired figure ( I don't have it).

As you can see, each of these figure are so unique and different from each other. I love that they are so different interpretation of the species.
I love the Safari colors, The Schleich I like for the extreme armors and sharp details, the Favorite looks stylized compared to the rest, the mini Kaiyodo I love it's colorful scheme.
But the CollectA for me is the most real and alive. It is full of details and you can almost feel the body armor just below the skin.
These shots should give you an idea of how massive this one is ^-^

Well, there you have it. If you were hesitant before, I tell you, this one is worth getting and appreciated in person. I can almost guarantee you that you will love this figure ;D

Jose S.M.

Great Dunkleosteus assortment, I agree that the Collecta looks very natural.


Nice photos. The CollectA Dunkleosteus is probably my favourite Dunkleosteus figure out there. I agree it looks evil, but it still looks reasonable. I also agree that the broken fins add a bit of life to the model.



Okay, I think that CollectA Dunk will be on my list (I wasn't sure...I have many!).

But it probably isn't the largest one--Favorite also makes a large vinyl one, and if the Coelacanth is any indication, it would be ridiculously huge!

As seen in a comparison from the Favorite site with the soft model version:


Thank you Boki for showing us these comparison photos with respect to the rest of PVC dunkleosteus! It was what I imagined in terms of the measures that Mike had provided with everything that this figure was going to be immense.

Thanks for sharing, each paleoartistic representation of dunkleosteus by each company is enriching according to the artistic license and production philosophy of each toy company.  :D

Although the rest of the companies have made a fabulous recreation of that animal, that does not mean that every day I like the figure of Collecta's dunkleoteus more. It is an avant-garde recreation in the style of the figures of dinosaurs and in this case of prehistoric animals from Collecta that has always fascinated me and continues to fascinate me.  8)

Of course the Collecta dunkleosteus is obviously a compulsory purchase in the toy market and as I have seen it is even bigger than its Schleich counterpart. In my case, the big is beautiful.  :)

Although I figured that the dunkleosteus of Favorite vinyl version will be bigger and certainly another great figure, I was simply referring to the dunkleosteus figures made of PVC to date including the dunkleosteus Favorite Soft model.  ;)


Thanks everyone!
Now, I'm sure you guys have been waiting for this next set of photos ^-^
It's the Mapusaurus deluxe 2018 version. Boy, they have really come a long way since the first version!
This, as I mentioned before, is CollectA's best theropod figure to date! The figure looks like it's from a different company, I'm pretty sure this one is sculpted by the new guy, Mathias Geiger, as there is definitely a different style even when compared to the others from this years releases.
This figure is marked as 1:40 scale and measures a good 13" inches long and stands 4.5" without the base (almost 5" tall at the top wow the head with base), so its a good size figure .
The detailing on this figure is just beautiful and more refined that others.
The paint job is to notch, there are no sloppy pained areas and all the blending of colors are just clean and well done, even on the teeth.

I really really Love the simple color scheme. According to Anthony, this was based on fan request, a good thing since the original version colors was not as good and would have ruined this sculpt I think.
The nice addition of wattle is something new, and it works really well and give this one a very unique and distinct look to it that no other figures has. Those fold of loose skin are all beautifully sculpted.
The yellow and orange highlights works really well, very pleasing combinations.
The head does not show the extreme shrink wrapping that is often seen and plague many other wise good  theropod figures.
CollectA also is getting better and better with the articulation of the jaw. This is very noticeable by the seamless way the jaw is attached. It looks good both with it's mouth open and closed, a really great way to have an options. I prefer it with it's mouth closed just because it is something you don't see much on theropods figures.

The solid black eye works really well on this one, and the sheen on it make it looks alive :)

And now the comparison shots that you all have been waiting for ^-^
As you can see, next to it's predecessor, he is light years away in terms of quality! He makes the older version looks so pitiful. He also dwarfs the original in hight as well.

They really redeemed themselves on this figure and made many fans happy especially with how the original version went ;D

And here he is with the other large theropod from CollectA

Notice also the similarity in style with these figure,  must be the same artist who sculpted them.
Oh, and see the change in the bases? Thank god they ditched the smooth plastic bases and went back to the more solid, thicker and detailed one.

And of course, no comparison photo op is complete without one with Mr. T ;D

You can appreciate the graceful physique of this figure when compared to mr.T, as well as appreciate the great improvement with the articulation of the jaw ( I believe Mr. T is the first one with articulated jaw from CollectA).
Well, there you have it! I hope that those of you who have been very disappointed with the first version will finally forgive CollectA ^-^
This is truly a beautiful figure, in fact it is my favorite large theropod figure now. It has a lot of personality and very much alive looking.
It's a figure that you really have to see it in person to truly appreciate it as no photos (including mine :))) can really capture it.
Till next time, cheers! Stay tunes for the others on a later post ^-^

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