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Boki's Collection: A short goodbye (until we meet again) 3/7/23

Started by Bokisaurus, January 12, 2018, 09:40:03 PM

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Untitled by suspsy3, on Flickr


Big thanks for the photos - mine is on order and your shots really have me looking forward to its arrival, even more so. Comparing it with the older version you would say that they came from a different brand if you didn't know otherwise - talk about evolution! Not a fan of the feathered rex, something about it doesn't quite sit right, the long skinny tail?, not sure - but I am actually leaning towards checking out their new feathered rex. The Mapusaurus kinda snuck under my radar on its initial release but I'm glad I took a closer look at it, and on doing an actual size printout from one of the images and seeing the size of it - I was sold, or it was sold - to me. You are providing quite the service to fellow collectors with these images, they give a far better idea of what we are looking at than the promo pix.


As usual Bokisaurus, you're doing a better job highlighting the product than the crew doing the promo images (which is not meant as an insult to them, but simply praise to your handling of the photos).

That is one nice looking Mapusaurus.  I wonder if their new Rex would also look better in hand compared to the stock photo (strange mohawk aside).
I initially said that I'm only getting their Brontosaurus this year, but these photos... i must... can't.... ugh... ordered.


Thanks Boki for your photos you can see this figure much better than with respect to the promotional photo, it is a figure of extraordinary quality.

As you mentioned the mapusaurus I really like the artist has done a good job has improved that figure ostensible with respect to the previous representation. His colors are nice sober but elegant and cared for and his size is considerable, apart from I am appears without seams and that reddish dew makes him more interesting.

Compared to the torvosaurus and tyrannosaurus is as great as those predecessors in the market. Of course Collecta every year pleasantly surprises us, very beautiful and impressive figures.  8)


There's something wrong with the Mapusaurus tongue, they made it too long.


Thanks everyone, I hope I'm doing the figures justice, and that they are helpful for t hose still deciding about these figures ;D


Okay, the next one up is the mighty Iguanodon figure, new for 2018.
Wow, this is by far, IMHO, the best toy version out there and it is huge and robust figure! It is jam packed with details and very well executed sculpt.
It has quickly became my favorite Iguanodon figure, bumping out WWD and the Safari figures off the display shelf  ;D

It is supposed to be 1:40 scale, but it is bigger than that, closer to 1:30 I think.

And the obligatory comparison shots of course

The much smaller Safari version goes well as a juvenile next to this puppy ;D

Original version, boy, they have come a long long way :)

With a few others

And I can't help it >:D A scene from WWD ;D They make a good pair! Now, this utharaptor has someone to attack ! ;)

And then we have the lovely Mantellisaurus. This one is closer to 1:40 scale and is really beautiful and elegant little figure.
It is dwarfed by the large iguanodon, as it should be as it is a much smaller animal.
I really like this figure and it's a great pose, something different and great for dioramas  ;D
Again, I cannot stress enough that these figures are so much more beautiful and better appreciated in person than in any photos.

You can be creative with this guys background

Okay, and the last, but definitely not the least, the adorable Juvenile Sciurumimus
It is super cute an dos much more detailed in person than in photos. What a unique little figure.

With CollectA's juvenile T rex and that little guy for scale ^-^

Well, there you go, the first wave of CollectA's 2018 offerings. I personally can't wait for the rest of the figures now that I have seen the quality of these first ones.
Till then, thanks for looking and cheers!


Thanks for the photos Boki.

The sciurumimus I never thought was so beautiful and so nice. It is a great figure despite its size.  8) The mantellisaurus is an ideal figure for dioramas.  :)

And above all the iguanodon is for me the jewel of the group by far. It is perhaps as you say (for you the best) for me one of the best iguanodontes made by a toy company and rivaling in genius with the styracosaurus of Collecta of 2017.  8)

It is a great photographic work that you have provided to the forum and for me it is appreciated. And there are still more than half of Collecta 2018 prehistoric animals to reveal in the sales and I'm sure they will be as cool as these figures. But sincerely the masterpiece this year by Collecta for me are the iguanodon with the mapusaurus, ceratosaurus, feathered tyrannosaurus, estemmenosuchus, dimetrodon and sciurumimus without detracting from the rest of the figures of Collecta that by the way are worthy of obtaining the highest score.  :)


This new one by Collecta is the undisputed king of iguanodons. If I had to pick only two from the company's range I'd go with the Styracosaurus and the Iguanodon. They're absolutely wonderful models, in the same league of much more expensive sculptures and kits.


Wow indeed - that Iguanodon is quite wow-inducing. Thanks for the photo sess and I really like the head shot; just confirms that the level of detail is about what I suspected. Magnificent. These figures could give Papo a run for their (our?) money, and I realise that I may cop some flack for saying that from certain quarters - just my opinion folks. Soon as I receive mine next month I'll be posting a new Iguanodon herd pic featuring this guy on my collection thread. Thanks again for the great pics!


Beautiful photos of three very desirable figures.  I'm already thinking how I'm going to display the Mantellisaurus with water etc to make the most of its imaginative pose.


Quote from: PhilSauria on February 25, 2018, 04:22:38 AM
These figures could give Papo a run for their (our?) money, and I realise that I may cop some flack for saying that from certain quarters - just my opinion folks.

Papo and Collecta have quite different styles, both very distinctive, in my opinion. I like both and I think they're certainly the best out of all major companies. But on the Iguanodon, I think Collecta's is definitely better overall. It's like comparing an actual animal with a cool characterization, in this case Collecta's naturalistic approach wins. My two cents, obviously.


Quote from: Reptilia on February 25, 2018, 02:49:43 PM
Quote from: PhilSauria on February 25, 2018, 04:22:38 AM
These figures could give Papo a run for their (our?) money, and I realise that I may cop some flack for saying that from certain quarters - just my opinion folks.

Papo and Collecta have quite different styles, both very distinctive, in my opinion. I like both and I think they're certainly the best out of all major companies. But on the Iguanodon, I think Collecta's is definitely better overall. It's like comparing an actual animal with a cool characterization, in this case Collecta's naturalistic approach wins. My two cents, obviously.

Both iguanodon Collecta and Papo's are great. The iguanodon Collecta is from the paleoartistic point more accurate or more scientific while the iguanodon Papo is more avant-garde and therefore with paleoartistic interpretations typical of the company. I like the two iguanodontes but honestly the one that I love the most is the iguanodon Collecta, which by far is the star figure as I said this year.

As in 2017 the best figures were styracosaurus and dimorphodon Supreme this year the best figure of Collecta is perhaps by far the iguanodon.

On the other hand my preferred classic companies in my case with Safari, Collecta, Papo and Favorite.  8)

And among the old companies Battat, Invicta and Carnegie without a doubt.  :)

And among modern companies, the ones I like the most are PNSO (I hope it will produce new figures again), Vitae, Rebor and Mojo.   ^-^


That is one of the best Iguanodon models I've seen yet.And the Sciurumimus seems to be much more detailed in person than what is seen in the promo pictures. :)
Don't you hate it when you legitimately compliment someone's mustache and she gets angry with you?


I just finished penning a review for the Iguanodon; it'll be going up on the blog on the 5th. It really is every bit as magnificent as it looks. Makes the Deluxe Parasaurolophus look amateurish, quite frankly.
Untitled by suspsy3, on Flickr


Quote from: suspsy on February 25, 2018, 06:16:36 PM
Makes the Deluxe Parasaurolophus look amateurish, quite frankly.

I figured they could make a nice pair of ornithopods together.


Quote from: suspsy on February 25, 2018, 06:16:36 PM
I just finished penning a review for the Iguanodon; it'll be going up on the blog on the 5th. It really is every bit as magnificent as it looks. Makes the Deluxe Parasaurolophus look amateurish, quite frankly.

I do not understand paleontology but from the first moment the iguanodon Collecta 2018 fascinated me and I have not changed my mind is a very great figure. I agree with you Suspsy. Perhaps the best figure of Collecta 2018.  :)


Thanks everyone, nice to see people enjoying this beautiful model. Make you wonder how many dioramas this figure will show up in this year? ;D
For the next installment, I'm working/trying to decide on either the my Invicta, WWD, or Kaiyodo Dinoland to feature next :)


Quote from: Bokisaurus on February 27, 2018, 07:01:32 PM
Thanks everyone, nice to see people enjoying this beautiful model. Make you wonder how many dioramas this figure will show up in this year? ;D
For the next installment, I'm working/trying to decide on either the my Invicta, WWD, or Kaiyodo Dinoland to feature next :)

Not in mine :P ..... but it nevertheless is an impressive model that will soon find its way into my collection.


Time for the next installment, this time we look at the WWD figure by Toyway.
Like many of you, I was blown away when I first saw the movie Walking with Dinosaurs! It was awe inspiring and truly brought many prehistoric animals alive in a natural setting.
The documentary style show featured dinosaurs like we have never seen before, as living animals.
Back then, before the internet became a part of our daily life, it was hard to know what figures were available. I was not even aware that there was toy figures associated with the film. I found out about them purely by accident. I was doing holiday shopping when I stumbled upon a store that was selling the figures. I was so excited to see them! Each figures were packed in blister box, and back then, it cost a lot, they were ranging $10-15 each! When I saw the wall with the display, I pretty much tore and took every box hanging to see if there are more behind each one.
I found the Torosaurus, Iguanodon, Polacanthus, Ankylosaurus, Stegosaurus, and Tyrannosaurus. I pretty much spend my shopping money and got each one... for me! ^-^
It was not till much later that I found out that there were more species (there are 12 total, excluding the Ornithocheirus).
It was not until I found out about eBay and the forum that I finally completed the collection. The Liopleurodon, Postosuchus has proven to be so elusive and rare that they were the last ones I acquired.
The figures are nicely sculpted, but unfortunately are posed in a very static way with not much hind of life or movement.
It's a shame that there was no diplodocus made, from what I heard, it posed packaging problems ( much like that Ornithocheirus) due to it's shape and size so it was scraped from the lineup.

The figures are: Utahraptor and Laellynasaurus ( packaged together), Torosaurus, Polacanthus, Iguanodon, Allosaurus, Postosuchus, Stegosdaurus, Opthalmosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Liopleurodon, and Tryrannosaurus.
As we all know, the Ornithocheirus was made an exclusive magazine "giveaway ", and had very low production numbers, making it the most rare and elusive, and also the most expensive of the group.
One day, hopefully one will land on my collection (yeah right! :))), one can dream.
These 12 figure made up the official formal set with no other additions, although there was supposed to be an Iguanodon that was the North American version, the one with brown and white stripes in the film.
It is expected with any movie tie-in that the the line had a short lifespan , only produced for a few years before they went extinct.

There was a set of baby dinosaurs that was released as a package set. Unfortunately, this is nothing to get excited about. The only thing that is WWD is the box! The figures are repackaged figures from Safari! I don't know much about the story of this set, but obviously Safari had a small tie-in with the whole WWD :))

In addition, there was also a small set of four miniature figures that was officially sanctioned by the BBC and was distributed by Quick chain of fast food restaurant in their kids meal.
These set of figures are rare and hard to find outside of Europe, let alone the entire set.
As you all know by now, I was lucky enough to snag the complete set that was offered by Sbell last year ( thank you again!!!). I also did a review of these figures for the blog.
The figures:

As you can see, these little guys came with a small diorama boxes with fossil replica inside. Very elaborate packaging.

Then when the WWD Live! was happening, excitement grew that maybe, just maybe, there will be a toy revival! Well, the show was phenomenal and really awe-inspiring. I saw it once and was tempted to see it a second time! It was as close to the real thing as one can get.
The only toy that was part of the show was some overpriced cheap versions of Brachiosaurus ( I have long since given away) and a Tyrannosaurus ( which I recently just found), which I will soon give away as well.

Then a sequel movie was released. Unfortunately, this was more Hollywood that nature documentary. It was a good movie that I really enjoyed a lot.
The figures that was released as tie-in were okay in quality, and most of them were small. There are some treasures for sure.

I only got a few sample of the toys, mostly for the interesting species and the Pachyrhino stars.

Well, that's it for now. I will continue to dream of one day owning that elusive and near mythical Ornithocheirus figure ;D
Next time, we will look at a set that is often called the "unofficial WWD" set, the TS Toy figures that were inspired by the WWD flm. Until then, cheers, and thanks for checking in ^-^

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