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PhilSauria's Paleo Plastic Collection

Started by PhilSauria, January 23, 2018, 09:45:09 AM

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Welcome back!  Two excellent additions and an impressive herd too.  Eofauna has come up with a winning production plan so far.  They are an exciting firm.


Thanks for the comments! I wasn't gone for that long, a month tops. Just found that you could hit your head against a brick wall for only so long (in terms of classic / older additions) so I stopped. How could you walk away from collecting though with so many impressive figures on the horizon. I'll be counting down the days until the release of that Eofauna Giganotosaurus (no mean feat considering there is no date yet!, although I did read December somewhere...).
I like how the 'Dinosaur' Toy Forum is so inclusive - there wasn't actually one Dinosaur in that last update of mine. I like all prehistoric animals, well animals of any era. My extant animals collection has more than doubled in the last few weeks, especially the Elephants.
Actually as the quality of the new releases continues to improve I am less inclined to acquire some of the older figures, many now looking more like the 'toys' that there were originally intended to be in comparison the the Museum Quality of some of the high-end, for want of a better term, releases from the likes of Eofauna, Papo, PNSO etc. Great time to be a collector of this stuff, though the family accountant might not agree!!


It's been a while but here are a couple of new acquisitions. I have given up trying to get hold of any more older figures, for reasons that I have mentioned often enough, but these two are of a more recent vintage (if that's not a contradiction in terms!).
Thanks to the generosity of Forum member Shonisaurus I now have one of these! Bit of a warp to one leg but I should be able to fix that.

And this guy, which I knew that I must have as soon as I saw it. It's big, bigger than the Rebor rex and measuring 40cm from head to tail but nobody, me included, has been able to find out the manufacturer. It's unbranded, doesn't seem to be a bootleg of anything else, too good for a Chinasaur and owes more to Jurassic Park than any museum specimen, though the arms are quite accurate in being so small. I like it anyhow and may do a review for the Toy blog if there is a category for it. Usually comes with a base, which you pay extra for, but there are plenty of images of the base, with dimensions and from a variety of angles - so I'll be making my own. Result in a future post.

Gothmog the Baryonyx

Great figures, that Baryonyx is one of my faves and I'm pleased it exists.
Megalosaurus, Iguanodon, Archaeopteryx, Cetiosaurus, Compsognathus, Hadrosaurus, Brontosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, Albertosaurus, Herrerasaurus, Stenonychosaurus, Deinonychus, Maiasaura, Carnotaurus, Baryonyx, Argentinosaurus, Sinosauropteryx, Microraptor, Citipati, Mei, Tianyulong, Kulindadromeus, Zhenyuanlong, Yutyrannus, Borealopelta, Caihong


Thanks PhilSauria for these pictures. I'm glad that you like Favorite baryonyx, on the other hand, the giant tyrannosaurus I just received a few days ago, sincerely, I would like to know which company it belongs to. For my part, it has sustainability problems, so I have decided to keep it in its base. plastic. Obviously my shipment was delayed by the Christmas holidays as happened to me with the stygimiloch but both I received on Thursday and Friday respectively. Magnificent figures by the way.

The Chinese and Asian companies of toys of dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals in general are equalizing in precision, beauty and detail to European and American companies. The Chinese companies are competent and they are giving me great satisfactions from the collector's point of view. Now we have to wait for how the Nanmu Studio company will take off in the market, it is a promising company, I hope that in the coming months it will receive the indominus that matches the beauty of the JW brand.


My big rex model stands okay sometimes and others not - seems to depend on the weather, and it's very warm here at the moment, our Summer, with each day over 30 degrees Celsius. Not a fan of the heat myself so not my favorite season.

I didn't buy the base (it cost more than many of the figures I buy!) but I have made my own based on images and dimensions available online. Made from air drying clay so it is currently drying out prior to being painted and in this heat I don't expect that part of the process to take long!

I'd love to buy some of the W Dragon models (love that Allosaurus, even more so with the new colour scheme) and other new brands coming onto the market but they are for the most part out of my price range unfortunately. I can only look at images with envy.

Thanks for checking in and adding a comment.

Bought some decent shelves just before Christmas and as soon as I have everything to my satisfaction in regard to the display I plan on a global collection post - all of the figures roaming around on the shiny new shelves!


Interesting rex ^-^ Glad you were able to get that Bary, cool figure which I don't have.


Well I just read this entire thread and... you sir have a very impressive assortment of prehistoric wonders.
"Boy do I hate being right all the time."


Thanks for the comment, and taking the time to scroll through it all. Additions have been a bit sporadic and infrequent lately, for reasons outlined in some of the posts, but when the new releases start landing here that could change. Though it won't be entirely new figures as a long term watch item finally came down into my acceptable price range (for this item) and was ordered.

Some figures are just too out of reach as far as my finances are concerned, much as I'd like to have them in my hands!, but there are a couple of the pricier items close to what I could stretch for so that may happen, as long as I can square the outlay with my other half!


I recently had the new Schleich Spinosaurus land on the step and have been quite impressed with it on the whole, though I may have to work on those teeth at a later date to sharpen them up.

Spinosaurs R Us

Much to my surprise I found some new Mattels!, though as usual nothing like the selection that must fill the shelves in other parts of the world. The Battle Damage Pteranodon was just the right size to display well with my other flying reptiles. (Currently working on a display setup to show them off 'in flight'.)

And a few days later what should I find but a few more, at another store, so I had to have the Parasauroplophus (my 12th now).
Alas no Albertosaurus as I hoped may be there as well. I should be so lucky! Not optimistic about it turning up at all.

Coming soon: the PNSO Opthalmosaurus!!! (Came into some cash from the sale of an old camera - good timing with the listing of this one at the lowest price I'd seen so far). Think I'll need a wide-angle lens to shoot that one!


My congratulations for your new acquisitions PhilSauria are magnificent. The different updated versions of spinosaurus of Favorite, Carnegie, Schleich and Collecta enrich the image of this theropod that is changing its appearance over the years as the same paleontological science in the wake of new discoveries.

The Mattels pteranodon and parasaurolophus do not have to envy anything to Beasts of the Mesozoic for setting an example of a brand.

On the other hand I am also waiting for the PNSO opthalmosaurus together with the megalodon and basilosaurus from the same company. They will surely come to me roughly together.


Found a couple more Mattels, a rare thing in these here parts, finally nudging my tally of figures from the company into double figures.
A nice pair of Ceratopsians.


Beautiful figures of Mattel ceratopsids the sinocerops and protoceratops would make a good set with the projected ceraptosides of Beasts of the Mesozoic.


Excellent new JW figures! Hope to get my hands on those soon as well. :)


More new stuff!

I'd been keeping a watch on this one for close to a year before it recently came down to what I was willing to pay for it.

Here it is with the other two big fliers I have, this flock to be joined by Collecta's new Caiuajara when that becomes available here.

This one arrived late this week, payed for thanks to some money coming my way via the sale of one of my old cameras. The price tag on this one I've noticed has risen a bit since I placed my order. Too big for my usual photo backdrop so had to move it to photo site B.

It pretty much dwarfs just about anything else except other PNSO figures and here it is lording it over the other Ichthyosaurs that I have.


Thank you for sharing the photos of your PNSO PhilSauria ophthalmosaurus, I am amazed at the enormous size it has, mine is on the way I hope that I fit in my shelves is a formidable figure, I will like in my case have it physically to compare it with other figures like the basilosaurus and megalodon of PNSO that fortunately I already have.

On the other hand I bought the tapejara Monsterhouse and is as you say a large pterosaur figure and would add formidable I hope you make a good set as you say with the caiuajara when I receive my store all my life.


What an impressive PNSO Ophthalmosaurus!



Please feel free to submit reviews of the ichthyosaur and the pterosaur!
Untitled by suspsy3, on Flickr


Where has this thread been all my life?! It is a visual feast!! Just spent my Sunday evening reading through from start to finish, what a treat! Your collection is stunning avatar_PhilSauria @PhilSauria ;D Such a stunning and diverse parade of figures. Wow!!
"You can have all the dinosaurs you want my love, providing we have enough space"

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