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PhilSauria's Paleo Plastic Collection

Started by PhilSauria, January 23, 2018, 09:45:09 AM

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The last post reminded me that I had intended to add that your logo is excellent.


Thanks for the comments. My brother works in IT, is sent all over the place for his job and makes more money that I do! I have suggested that this be a combined Birthday and Christmas present though. Opportunity does not keep to any calendar so you have to take it when you see it.

He was over there, knew I was in the grip of a PNSO addiction and how hard it is to get these from Australia (and he didn't know that Mini Zoo now stock them), so here we are.

As for the logo, I have noticed some of my images turning up in Dinosaur related image searches on Google and Robin Goodfellow and some other members have personalized theirs so hence the new addition. I work as a Graphic Designer so why not design something for myself.


Family Portraits update.

With the arrival of some new figures the other week I thought that I'd update the group photos of the species that these have expanded the ranks of.

Hardly a crowd, but if 'three's a crowd' then here we are. The Safari Prestosuchus has very sharp teeth for a figure coming from a company that usually rounds these features off.

The 2019 Safari release is the newest member of this spiky group. Fine though it is I still see the CollectA Deluxe as my personal favorite version of this animal.

The herd is finally growing in number. I am surprised that there have not been not more Woolly Rhinos over the years and am really looking forward to adding the CollectA Elasmotherium which I expect will be even bigger than the Safari Missing Link Rhino!

Another trio and the welcome acquisition of a large sauropod to make it so. A very impressive figure when seen if front of you!

There are more figures of this animal in my collection but these are the cream of the crop and the only ones that I keep on display, the Safari and Eofauna right at the front of the shelf that they occupy. I'd love to have the Vitae version but can't see myself ever getting hold of that one; always expensive and then shipping on top, so nope. Now the PNSO Gig will eventually join this lot.


avatar_PhilSauria @PhilSauria - always enjoy your updates, keep 'em coming. BTW, there are a few more Woolly Rhinos around, though none have the quality of those that you have on display. Offhand, there are ones by Starlux, Geoworld,  and AAA (large and small), as well as one by K & M (Wild Republic). See the reviews, some have been covered, though I'm not sure that you'd want to acquire them, necessarily.


Quote from: PhilSauria on May 04, 2019, 11:47:08 PM
As for the logo, I have noticed some of my images turning up in Dinosaur related image searches on Google and Robin Goodfellow and some other members have personalized theirs so hence the new addition. I work as a Graphic Designer so why not design something for myself.
I've added a logo because I found some pictures of mine used around the web without authorization (also a web-shop used a couple/ removed now ..).
Your pictures are really good so you're doing the right thing adding a logo.
Unfortunately a lot of persons over the web think that everything comes for free.. 


Firstly Robin, thanks for the compliment; that's high praise indeed coming from you.

I've never had much if any digital footprint as it were not being on social media or running a blog so it was a bit surprising the first time I did see photos I'd taken turn up as part of a Dinosaur related image search! They had been from a review I contributed to the Dino Toy Blog.

While there are so many web sites and no-one can keep track of what is used where, all I can say is that at this point in time I am not aware of any unauthorised use of my images but it is not inconceivable to consider that if something comes up in a web search then someone somewhere might consider it fair game to appropriate those pictures for their own purposes. Time will tell.


Thanks Phil for delighting us with these beautiful pictures of herds of different species of dinosaurs. They would totally serve for the thread of figures of together.

The prestosuchus and two postosuchus look fierce and threatening.


What a thoughtful gift from your brother! I'm liking the updated group shots, too, especially the stem-crocs.

I think you're wise to add a logo to your photos. I've thought about doing the same, as my photos have turned up a few times on eBay listings (including from sellers who are forum members). But I am so very lazy.
In the kingdom of the blind, better take public transit. Well, in the kingdom of the sighted, too, really--almost everyone is a terrible driver.

My attempt to find the best toy of every species

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Sometimes I draw pictures



A big box of prehistoric animals arrived this week (and one extant - I don't just collect dead things!) from Mini Zoo after two months of payments.

I'd been meaning to get hold of this one ever since I saw the re-issue with a more naturalistic colour scheme, and you really have to have one of these things in front of you to fully appreciate the amount of detail the artists at Papo put into these models!

I find Permian era animals quite fascinating and I am pleased that CollectA does too. Some are not fans of the colours but I'm okay with it, kinda reminds me of an old Burian illustration.

This one had to be added to the growing Spinosaur collection once I read that it was to be retired. Just making a stand for it now.

I hope that CollectA keep on with their large Pterosaurs, the flock is looking pretty good now, from their position looking down from atop a bookcase.

Jose S.M.

What a great batch of figures Phil! Congrats. Who makes that hippo?


Excellent additions! The new Collectasaurs are superb! :)


Great additions.
I can't deny that I am little biased in favoring the Giganotosaurus group shot.
Liking the wonderful angle on the PAPO Acrocanthosaurus.

And what a wonderful early birthday gift!


I congratulate you Phil for your new additions. On the other hand, Collecta's caiuajara does not look huge with respect to the other figures in the first photo, such as acrocanthosaurus.

Collecta's edaphosaurus is one of the star figures of this year sincerely inspired by the great artist Burian, an illustrator of the legend of my younger years. I keep that great paleoartist very remember. In this case, despite the advances in paleontology, the image of the edaphosaurus has hardly changed.


Thanks for looking in and taking the time to comment. The Hippo is also from CollectA, their latest version and a nicely detailed figure it is too, from it's glossy black eyes and leathery skin to the painting of the small teeth in the back of its mouth! Makes a nice display with the new Schleich Hippo. I like wildlife figures in general, be they of animals that are still around or the ones that are long gone.

And speaking of CollectA I was pleasantly surprised to discover yesterday that the newly renovated toy store in the shopping mall ten minutes away from us (one of two toy stores in the mall) now has a dedicated CollectA display unit so I can now examine the figures before I buy!


Wasn't really satisfied with the earlier Giganotosaurus group shot so I've taken another one which I think is an improvement.


Quote from: PhilSauria on May 19, 2019, 02:13:54 AM
Wasn't really satisfied with the earlier Giganotosaurus group shot so I've taken another one which I think is an improvement.
I like both.
And 2 is better than 1. In most cases.


Quote from: PhilSauria on May 19, 2019, 02:13:54 AM
Wasn't really satisfied with the earlier Giganotosaurus group shot so I've taken another one which I think is an improvement.

The alignment of heads is more satisfying in shot 2. 

By the way, how wonderful to have a shop stocking CollectA so close by.  That might well lead to a treat or two!


Aren't the new CollectAs great? And what good news to have a brick-and-mortar store nearby stocking them now. I've only ever found one shop in the States that carried them, and they were behind on new releases by about 2 years.
In the kingdom of the blind, better take public transit. Well, in the kingdom of the sighted, too, really--almost everyone is a terrible driver.

My attempt to find the best toy of every species

My trade/sale/wishlist thread

Sometimes I draw pictures


Wow, those are beautiful group shots of the collection! They really shine when seen in groups! Yeah, I'm really hoping CollectA will continue with the large pterosaurs, they are just so awesome.
Oh, love your new watermark, it really helps. I wish I can do the same. Yeah, it really is unfortunate how many people use others photos without permission, its amazing where ones photos sometimes show up!
I went the easy route and just added my little tag to the photos ^-^

Someday, I want to get that Papa Acro, I really like this new colors, but dang, its just too expensive now!


Thanks for the comments. I like seeing group shots of various figures and equally enjoy creating them.

It always fascinates me how the sculptors that create the figures for each company are all working off the same 'plan' (fossil material) and yet come up with such a variety of interpretations. That group of Giganotosaurs for instance.

My watermark is added in Photoshop but I am not familiar with the other image editing software out there but anything that allows you to create layers and alter the opacity of said layers would do it.

Most of my collection has come via Mini Zoo who have payment plan options so some of the more expensive items (Papo, Rebor, PNSO) can be payed off over a couple of months, and I am supporting a local business here in Australia. Paying off the new PNSO Giganotosaurus and Ankylosaurus at the moment, should see them in my hands early July. I can wait knowing that I won't break the bank short term.

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