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BrontoScorpio's Recent Acquisitions & finds ( Please Don't Quote Pictures !!! )

Started by BrontoScorpio, March 01, 2018, 02:11:11 PM

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I congratulate you, you are throwing the house out the window metaphorically speaking in relation to purchases, honestly it is money very well invested. I'm glad for you.


Now a small thing :

Fukui Prefecture Commemorative Coins for the 60th Anniversary of the Local Autonomy Law Enforcement ( 福井県 地方自治法施行60周年 )
and 'Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum' ( 福井県立恐竜博物館 ) two Commemorative medals.
There are some stamps, certificates and coins ( Types of coins : 記念 貨幣  硬貨  銀貨 記念メダル )

The other side :

It is interesting that the 'Fukui Prefecture' is the only region in Japan that has a dinosaur ( Fukuiraptor ) as it's regional simbol.
Other ways - I would not have bother here with some  'Local Autonomy Law Anniversary' ... :)

Another small ( but heavy ) Commemorative  ornament :
The 2012 Exhibition 'World's Largest Dinosaur Kingdom' ( 世界最大 恐竜王国 ) Crystal Glass ( クリスタルガラス ) Triceratops :

This Glass Triceratops was exhibited at the Expo next to the iconic Feathered T-rex :

This indeed was one of the more glamorous Expo ever with the mythical Kinto/Favorite limited figure T-rex  : 


The next mixed Parcel :

Now I have the complete collection of the 'Kabaya Dinosaur Collection' ( カバヤ 恐竜コレクション )  Ver.1,2,3 by Kazunari Araki :

An archeive pic dividing the three  edditions :

Each eddition had it's own characteristic box :

The back :

Also broaden my inventory of 'The Dawn of the Dinosaurs' Exhibition ( 地球最古の恐竜展 )  Resin figures :

Yes, I know, it's completely Outrageous ...


Another mixed parcel after closure was lifted :

- Some DINOTALES , Kabaya DINOWORLD , Furuta Dinomodels , Tamiya kits, etc.

For the below figures - The snakes are from  'UMA - Unidentified Animal'  -
But, I know nothing of the others - only that they seems to be made out of clay ( Endorphin ? )  :

But, the more interesting items , for which I bought the whole lot :
Two lovely Polyester resin ( ポリエステル・レジン )  figures of 'Dinosaur Island Desktop Series' ( 恐竜の島 デスクトップシリーズ )
Done by Masahide Nakayama ( 中山雅秀 )  and sold on 'Wonder Festival' ( ワンフェス / ワンダーフェスティバル ) held at 'Makuhari Messe' ( 幕張メッセ ) just few years ago :
- Psittacosaurus & Plesiosaurus

I did try to acquire some more figures - as the Lineup is lovely - but so far I was not able to.

All I managed to find are some online pics - so, Here are some from the Exhibition :

And some closeups :



Actually, the crown jewel in this lot to begin with is another figure.
I have been searching for it for several years -
And this one was the only time I ever saw it offered :

Anybody ??? 


No One ??
Wonder if the question was just too hard - or there's simply not much interest here for old things ...

Anyway, This is the Kaiyodo DINOLAND 1:100 Scale Quetzalcoatlus Resin model :

As seen here on two different Kaiyodo calatogs of the 1:100 scale 9 different figures, one as early as 1986 :

The 1:100 scale lineup predated the Kaiyodo DINOLAND 100mm lineup, also of 9 Resin figures/dinosaurs  , Here from the 1995 Catalog :

Together with the two 1:35 Dinosaurs - that is the complete mini Resin DINOLAND figures :

I am happy to say that with this last Quetzalcoatlus- I have completed the lineup :

There's only one figure I miss - the 100mm Plesiosaurus :

But, I don't think this figure was ever commercially issued.
The only mentioning for it which I had found was when reviewing a certain magazine :
The Hobby JAPAN ( ホビージャパン ) True / New (WILD RUSH)  / World Animal Magazine ( 真・新 ・世界動物誌 )

At the 55th issue from February 1994 , Titled : Elasmosaurus, Plesiosaurus ( エラスモサウルス、プレシオサウルス ) :

( I have allready introduced the large Elasmosaurus in a previous post )  .

Seeing here at the bottom right corner :

If anyone knows or seen anything related to this 100mm Plesiosaurus -
I'll be glad if he shares it with me.Thanks.


Quote from: BrontoScorpio on February 07, 2022, 08:59:31 AM
No One ??
Wonder if the question was just too hard - or there's simply not much interest here for old things ...'s just too hard..
You're a super-expert about japansaurs .
But probably there are few on DTF like you.
Congrats.  :)


Yeah, while those figures are certainly impressive, especially for their time, I guess any dinosaur figures predating the early 2000's or at least mid 90's is not widely known among Western collectors. After all, internet trade only became widely available from like 2002 or later onwards.


The Masahide Nakayama Psittacosaurus & Plesiosaurus look great.
I want to gently sweep my finger over that Psittacosaurus bristle tail just to know what it feels like.  ;D


Quote from: Lanthanotus on February 07, 2022, 06:17:36 PM
...  I guess any dinosaur figures predating the early 2000's or at least mid 90's is not widely known among Western collectors. ...

All the more reason for someone to pay them respect.
If everybody shall pay attention to the same widely spread items over and over again - This would be a dull and boring place.
I'm happy that I can give my small contribution for adding some diversity.
This particular line - the DINOLAND 100mm was also sold at the American natural history museum :

Quote from: Fenestra on February 07, 2022, 08:56:02 PM
...  I want to gently sweep my finger over that Psittacosaurus bristle tail just to know what it feels like.  ;D
LOL ... sounds somewhat erotic the way you portray it  :)


Another odd assorted parcel :

Gecko ( ゲッコウ ) Dynamation Series ( ダイノメーション  シリーズ  ) Spinosaurus Resin Statue  -  production / coloring: RYO (Clay Alien - ねんど星人 )


This mean to be some kind of 'Alien' variant dinosaur :

Strangely enough - most of the writing on the box is English :

I think it was mostly sold as Resin kits - and there are also pre assembled and painted models.
I know of 3 types in the series ( Spinosaurus , T-rex, Triceratops ).
Each type has 2 different color schemes :

The small sega ( セガ )  'Dinosaur King' ( 恐竜キング ) Collection Box with my previous Sega-DK boxes :

Age of Dinosaur ( エイジオブダイナソー  ) Chocolate boxes :

Although there is chocolate inside ( obviously ... )  -

What I really wanted was the 'left overs' ...

I think it's a nice event suvenire to collect :


Just recently, another parcel - with all sort of things :

Show me your other side :

Two Favorite soft models - one old Plesiosaurus and one new Iguanodon.
A Sega  Small Amargasaurus  with rare distinct colors of the Big version.
to be specific :  Sega  Vignetteum amusement Exclusive prize  ( セガ ヴィネッティアム アミューズメント専用景品 ) by Hirokazu Tokugawa ( 徳川広和 ).
some tiny Yugin ( ユージン )  Miracle Planet ( 地球大進化 ).

But, the main focus this time are the 3 Metal dinosaurs from the Tokyo 'National Science Museum' ( 国立科学博物館 ) souvenir shop :
Now I have completed my set of 6 figures - seeing here with some change in the foreground :

- Two versions of Iguanodon .
- A red Maiasaura.
- Green Triceratops and Stegosaurus.
- A Tarbosaurus that comes in all types of metalic colors ( Gold, Silver, Copper, Bronze )

Seeing here at the only goup pic I was able to find :

A metal Diplocaulus was also sold there - much bigger than all other - not particularly to my likings :

The figures were gradually introduced to the museum shop from the mid 70's.
Following every new exhibit came the small model.
For example - the Triceratops and stegosaurus shown at the museum :

Each is a tiny replica of the giant reconstruction on show :

Also found this book 'Visit the world of dinosaurs' ( 恐竜の世界をたずねて ) that used the museum's Stegosaurus on the cover :


continue with Metal figures ...
Just a short while after the latter - Two very heavy parcels arrived.
Inside - only metal figures - so not to break any other material-made item.
The all Metal figures are made of some kind of iron - probably brass or copper :

- A Mastodon , mammoth , small Stegosaurus & Brontosaurus.
- Dimetrodon , Ankylosaurus, Protoceratops, Triceratops, T-rex - Each one in principle should have 4 types of Metalic colors ( Gold , Silver , Copper and Bronze ).
- A baby Maiasaura

- Two special items : A big Stegosaurus and Archaeopteryx.

The 2nd parcel :

- A herd of Brachiosaurs
- some Diplodocus(es?) - they kind of look like a metal version of the Invicta.
- Some Elasmosaurs

I don't know the exact story behind this second line of metal items inthose two parcels.
Although some were sold at the 'National Museum of Nature and Science' ( 科博 - 国立科学博物館  ) - they are not this museum Exclusives.
Some of the people whom I bought it from, stated they bought several about 3o years ago at the 'Fukushima Prefecture Coal Fossil Museum' ( に福島県石炭化石館 ).

The two special items have another story.

I really love these two models :
- The Stegosaurus with it's neck pointing up  and fine skin texture.
- The Archaeopteryx is exquisitely made with the shining layers of feathers and the body faces forward as if it is about to take off to the air.

Change sides :

I don't know the story  behind this Stegosaurus - only that it used to be sold at some museum's gift shop.
Look how it dwars the 'Science Museum's' version :

The Archaeopteryx was introduced at the 1984 'World's Largest Dinosaur Exhibition' ( 世界最大の恐竜展 ) :

Their place on the shelf - next to the other museum metal dinosaurs :

Some rearrangements -  to make more space for the large sauropods :


Those metal figurines are amazing, I love the different shines. Are they heavy?


Wow, your interests and expertise are far-ranging. As something of a plesiosaur toy expert I can tell you I've never seen you the 100mm one listed for sale, though I have both the other resins. The Tokyo Museum plesiosaur has been hard for me to identify, so thank you for that. I got to examine one in a museum in South Dakota once and it didn't have any markings. Does yours? I picked up the silver-colored one just this year from a cheap auction in Japan, but I don't have the bronzey-finish of the one pictured looking out of place with his sauropod family. If you'd be interested in selling it please consider me. All in all a tremendous acquisition.
We are accustomed to look upon the shackled form of a conquered monster, but there - there you could look at a thing monstrous and free." - King Kong, 2005


Quote from: Duna on February 10, 2022, 10:35:56 AM
Those metal figurines are amazing, I love the different shines. Are they heavy?
They are quite heavy.
Although all are hollow - the exterior has some thickness to it - what makes it contain considerable amount of metal material.

As the figures are relatively small - the weight is substantial :

- Brachiosaurus 310 gr
- Ankylosaurus 230 gr
- Protoceratops 200 gr , etc.
- The big Stegosaurus weighs 580 gr


A rather misterious looking like Sauropod, named 'Mokele Mbembe' ( モケレ・ムベンベ ), no. 8 from the MEDICOM TOY 'Great Mystery Museum' ( 大神秘博物館 ) DX Set :

Scrolling through your collection thread I found this one and just wanted to add - in case it interests you - there`s a movie from 1985that has this special sauropod as a main actor. The movie is a Disney distribution of Disney`s "darker years" (when they also distributed those great movies as The Black Cauldron or The Dragonslayer).


Quote from: Lanthanotus on February 10, 2022, 08:15:25 PM
A rather misterious looking like Sauropod, named 'Mokele Mbembe' ( モケレ・ムベンベ ), no. 8 from the MEDICOM TOY 'Great Mystery Museum' ( 大神秘博物館 ) DX Set :

Scrolling through your collection thread I found this one and just wanted to add - in case it interests you - there`s a movie from 1985that has this special sauropod as a main actor.

The movie is a Disney distribution of Disney`s "darker years" (when they also distributed those great movies as The Black Cauldron or The Dragonslayer).

Thanks for 'Scrolling through' and thanks for reminding -
I now remember I think I saw it once - or at least a part of it ( movies like this always depresses me ).
The name of the movie was "baby: secret of the lost legend".

Regarding the  'Mokele Mbembe'- I will address it soon - as more of that collection have arrived.

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