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BrontoScorpio's Recent Acquisitions & finds ( Please Don't Quote Pictures !!! )

Started by BrontoScorpio, March 01, 2018, 02:11:11 PM

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Quote from: BlueKrono on February 10, 2022, 03:49:41 PM
... The Tokyo Museum plesiosaur has been hard for me to identify, so thank you for that.
... it didn't have any markings. Does yours?
...  but I don't have the bronzey-finish of the one pictured looking out of place with his sauropod family.

I am not sure the Tarbosaurus and Plesiosaurus are 'Tokyo Museum' Exclusives.
In contrast to the other 5 painted figures ( Maiasaura, Iguanodon, Stegosaurus & Triceratops ) both Tarbosaurus and Plesiosaurus have 4 metal paintings - not just one colorful paint.
They also have been known to be sold at other museum shops.

Four color schemes I found on the Net ( Gold , Silver , Copper and Bronze )  -

[Later added] :
I suddnely remembered I even have an old painting book with those metal versions :

The four Plesiosaurs I currently have :

The Golden Plesiosaur has been bough at another museum, by the words of the previous owner.
The Red box has no print typical for the 'Tokyo Museum' stating '国立科学博物館売店' ( 'National Science Museum Shop' ).
All there is - is the word 'プレシオサウルス'  ( Plesiosaurus ) on the side of this box.

The one that is extraordinary is the blue one.
Beeing colorful is a trait typical for the 'Tokyo Science Museum'.
So, I looked under its Skirt :

And looked even closer :

So, This version is indeed 'The National Science Museum' Exclusive.
I guess this is where it started - and from there it spread to other shops.

On second thought - The Plesiosaur typical for the 'Tokyo Science Museum' is the フタバスズキ - リュウ ( Futabasaurus-Ryu ).
I remember seeing somewhere this figure called 'Futabasaurus'.

I decided to let the two 'National Science Museum' Futabasaurs meet :

- The blue metal 
- The Kaiyodo Capsule Museum ( 海洋堂  カプセルミュージアム )

If we are already at it - let's look for any markings on the other Futabasaur :

The copper  / brass / bronze has no markings.
contrary to expectations the Golden one, which was boght elsewhere, has the 'Tokyo museums' markings  - although somewhat smeared :

I looked closer :


Fascinating. Perhaps the one I saw was a recast, or had the name rubbed off. I had no idea there were so many varieties! It's rough being a completionist. ;)
We are accustomed to look upon the shackled form of a conquered monster, but there - there you could look at a thing monstrous and free." - King Kong, 2005


Quote from: BlueKrono on February 11, 2022, 08:05:26 PM
... I had no idea there were so many varieties!

Me also - when I started.

Quote from: BlueKrono on February 11, 2022, 08:05:26 PM
... It's rough being a completionist. ;)
Just had one color, then a second appeared and I thought :  "mmm... this version would look better than mine on the display shelf ... " and it evolved from there ...
and as for being 'completionist' - you probably right, and each time I tried to avoid it - I ended up returning back and paying more - so, I decided to succumb to the urge from start ...
But, I guess most of us here are somewhat 'completionist' ...

As I said previously, regarding the Plesiosaurus, it shares these traits with the Tarbosaurus :
Both where sold in the 'Tokyo Museum' and both where the only cases that had four metal color versions .

Here are 3 of them from my collection :

And while we're at it - just this week I got to complete the Triceratops V2 collection.
Those were probably sold on different locations also.

It came inside a flowery box :

All stand in order :

Also later received a boxed golden Brachiosaurus :


Monochrome Museum exclusives! I am drooling over the pictures. I guess those are not easy to get?


LOL ... Thanks.
And I do have some spares.
Though I'm not sure they can be called 'Monochromes' - does this term applies also to painted metals ? who knows ...


If talking about metal figures :
I came accross this  " Fine Pewter USA Torvosaurus ".
But, I don't know where it comes from or how or where to get it.
Can someone shed some light on this ?


Got to my last bunch of assorted parcels - 4 of them :

1st Parcel :

from above :

You can see, among other :

- Ichiban Kuji Exciting Dinosaur!   ( 一番くじ恐竜 ワクワク恐竜だいしゅうごう!! ) - Prize D Velociraptor

- yujin Dinosaur Encyclopedia ( ユージン  恐竜大図鑑 )
  Not to be confused with what I previously introduced - yujin NHK Special Miracle Planet ( 地球大進化 ) set - that has a simple pedestal
  ( Full name :  ユージン NHK スペシャル - 原色 - 地球大進化 - 図鑑 )

- some more 'Retro Classic' Dinosaur Bottle Caps  (レトロ・クラシックダイノソア 恐竜 / 恐龍 / ダイノソア ボトルキャップ) by Araki.

2nd Parcel :

3rd Parcel :

4th Parcel :

In Details :

( Parcel #3 ) Takara Tomy Arts ( タカラトミーアーツ ) - Gacha ( ガチャ  ) -  'The Great old sea' ( 大むかしの海 ) and the 2nd edition 'The world of the beginning ' ( はじまりの世界  )   :

As you could see in parcel 3 - there are actually 3 figures in each eddition  - but I took out just the 3 'Arthropods' :

Usually I can't stand 'Takara Tomy's products.
But, 'Anomalocaris' is such a favorite creature of mine - That I couldn't resist.
Seeing here with it's 2 smaller cousins :
- Kaiyodo capsule 'Graet leaps of Evolution' ( 生命大躍進 ).
- Kaiyodo DINOTALES 2 Chocola Zaurus.

( Parcel #4 ) Now I have both colors for the Sega Vignetteum Amargasaurs :

Both are fighting over the same small bush :

Each has it's distinctive box ( which I had received earlier ) :

( Parcel #1 ) For caring about 'Museum Exclusive' stuff - I also collect coins and medals.
With this last bunch, in parcel #1, I now have already 3 :

Found here in better details :

The Back side reveals those are also  'National Museum of Nature and Science' exclusives Keychains ( キーホルダー  ) .
The different sellers claim to have bought them 30 and 40 years ago at the  "Dinosaur Expo held at the Science Museum in Ueno Tokyo".

The back says ( from left to right :

テラノドン                                <Pteranodon>          (  should have been  プテラノドン )
〈白亜紀後期〉                          <Late Cretaceous>
〈約8000万年前〉                <Approximately 80 million years ago>   
〈国立科学博物館〉                   <National Science Museum>       
〈東京 上野〉                         <Tokyo Ueno>

ブロントサウルス                      <Brontosaurus>
〈ジュラ紀後期〉                      <Late Jurassic>
〈約1億5000万年前〉               <Approximately 150 million years ago>
〈国立科学博物館〉                   <National Science Museum>
〈東京 上野〉                         <Tokyo Ueno>

ティラノサウルス                      <Tyrannosaurus>
〈白亜紀後期〉                         <Late Cretaceous>
〈約7000万年前〉                 <Approximately 70 million years ago>
〈国立科学博物館〉                   <National Science Museum>
〈東京 上野〉                         <Tokyo Ueno>


Details for the mystery Dinosaurs will follow shortly ...


What bird is that in the picture of the first parcel and how big is it?


The 'Bird' in the 1st parcel is the 'Golden eagle' ( イヌワシ ) from  'Earth Life journey - Eagle / hawk' ( 地球生命紀行 鷲・鷹 ) Figure Collection by Epoch ( エポック ) company.
I will address shortly to all those birds you constantly saw glimpses of.

Just as an aperitif :


Returning to my last bunch of four assorted parcels :
The last group I was wanting to refer to  - are the Mystery Prehistoric Animals -
With this last group of parcels I have completed the items I was searching for :

From all Mystery animals Series produced that I know of - I took out the 20 Prehistoric / Dinosaurs :

First group is the 'Mu UMA-Unidentified Animal'  ( ムー UMA ~未確認動物 ).
This set with 2 series is following the 2nd book of the 10 books published for 'UMA World Super Mystery' ( 世界の超ミステリー  UMAの謎 )  :

List of books :

- The mystery of UFO and aliens
- Unidentified Animal UMA Mystery
- The mystery of ultra-ancient civilization and out-of-place arts
- Unidentified animal UMA mystery rare beast strange beast edition 
- The mystery of the super mysterious phenomenon 
- Fear! Mystery of psychic phenomenon
- The mystery of UFO and extraterrestrial civilization 
- The mystery of supernatural powers and prophecies
- The mystery of curses and magic
- Dread! Mystery of paranormal phenomenon

Here they are - arround the 2nd book 'Unidentified animal UMA mystery' ( 未確認動物UMAの謎 )   -
( Also with the 'Mystery Museum' items that will follow ) :

The complete list of 20 figures of 'Unidentified animal UMA mystery' in 2 sets -

I took 5 items :

Mu UMA ~ Unidentified Animal~ 1st - In Blue -  ( ムー UMA ~未確認動物~ 第1弾  )
- Sea serpent ( シーサーペント )
- Nessie  ( ネッシー )
- Skyfish ( スカイフィッシュ )

Mu UMA ~ Unidentified Animal~ 2nd  - In Red - ( ムー UMA~ 未確認動物~  第2弾 )
- Ogopogo ( オゴポゴ )
- Mokele-mbembe ( モケーレムベンベ )

Box and attached card :

Next, the 'Medicom Toy - Great Mystery Museum'  ( メディコムトイ  大神秘博物館 ).
They came in 4 series, each with 12 figures :

Each Serie has a distinct different Box :

And the figures in Detail - I took 7 items from the four sets :

Medicom Toy Great Mystery Museum DX ( メディコムトイ  大神秘博物館 DX )
08 Mokele-mbembe   ( モルケ・ムベンベ  ) - which I received earlier

Medicom Toy Great Mystery Museum Vol. 1   ( "  第1集  )- Nessie  ( ネッシー )
- Van Lake Monster  ( ヴァン湖の怪物 )
- Skyfish  ( スカイフィッシュ )
- Dinosaur clay figures ( 恐竜土偶 )

Medicom Toy Great Mystery Museum Vol. 2  ( "  第2集  )
09 Texas Pterosaur  ( テキサスの翼竜 )

Medicom Toy Great Mystery Museum Vol. 3 ( "  第3集 )
- U-28 only - Mosasaurus ( U-28のみたもの -  モササウルス )

About The Museum of which that serie is dedicated :

And, of course, The Kaiyodo Capsule Q & UHA Collect Club items :

List of the 5 items :

Kaiyodo Capsule Q Museum UMA Encyclopedia  ( 海洋堂 カプセルQミュージアム UMA大全 )
- Nessie  ( ネッシー )

Kaiyodo Capsule Q Museum Super Ancient Mystery / Out-of-Place  ( 海洋堂 カプセルQミュージアム 超古代の謎/オーパーツ  )
- Acamparo dinosaur earth figure A ( アカンパロ恐竜土偶A )
- Acambaro Dinosaur Earth figure B (  アカンバロ恐竜土偶B )

UHA Candy Shokugan  ( UHA 味覚糖   食玩 )
Collect Club Seven Mysteries ( コレクト倶楽部 七不思議編 )
- Nessie ( ネッシー )

Collect Club Seven Mysteries Returning ( コレクト倶楽部  帰ってきた七不思議編 )
- Nessie  ( ネッシー )

You can see from the 50 'Collect Club' items available in the two sets - I took just the two 'Nessie' :

And 3 items from the two sets of 'Kaiyodo Capsule Q Museum' :

Also took 3 items from this set of 3 series :

Godzilla special effects encyclopedia ver. 1 ( ゴジラ特撮大百科  ver. 1 )
- Gorosaurus ( ゴロザウルス )

Godzilla special effects encyclopedia ver. 3 Godzilla's son edition ( ゴジラ特撮大百科  ver. 3 ゴジラの息子編 )
- Primitive Mothra & Triceratops ( 原始モスラ&トリケラトプス )
- Cretaceous King Ghidorah & Tyrannosaurus ( 白亜紀型キングギドラ&ティラノサウルス )

Four 'King-Kong' items :
( Reminder to self - add a cover pic - I received them earlier )

List of King items I took ( There are many more that are NOT 'Dinosaur-like ) :

Konami Figure Collection King Kong ( コナミフィギュアコレクション キング・コング )
- Thunder Dragon ( 雷竜 )

Kaiyodo Seven-Eleven Limited Movie King Kong Bottle Cap ( 海洋堂 セブンイレブン限定 映画 キングコング  ボトルキャップ )
03 Destruction Dragon V Rex ( 破壊竜Vレックス )
04 Cunning hunter  ( 狡猾なる狩人 )
05 Thunder Dragon Sliding ( 雷竜滑落 )

And some other group shots :
- The two 'Mokele-mbembe'  ( Brontosaurus )  :

The 5 Nessies ( Plesiosaurus ) : 

The four 'sea serpents' (  Basilosaurus at the top , Mosasaurus  at the bottom )

All took their place on shelf :

Here on the left corner :

to sum up the Mystery show - I have left one more item.
Indeed it is not 'prehistoric' but entirely fictionary -

Kaiyodo Figure Museum (  ( 海洋堂フィギュアミュージアム ) 'Black Wall(?)' ( 黒壁 ) Limited Figure Red Dragon ( レッドドラゴン ) by Shinobu Matsumura ( 松村しのぶ )

I took this item, despite it's not 'prehistoric' from the obvious reason this item is the symbol of the Kaiyodo brand -
A big statue of it welcomes you at the entrance to the exhibition.

The Dragon appears on the magazine series 'WILD RUSH' dedicated to Kaiyodo and the work of Shinobu Matsumura :

Itcomes is different sizes and colors :


Those mistery figures are really cool! Love the Nessies. Thanks for explaining about the Kaiyodo dragon, I haven't even realised it was on its logo.


Wouldn't you say that two of those sea serpents are closer to Basilosaurus?
We are accustomed to look upon the shackled form of a conquered monster, but there - there you could look at a thing monstrous and free." - King Kong, 2005


Quote from: Duna on February 15, 2022, 03:05:14 PM
Those mistery figures are really cool! Love the Nessies. Thanks for explaining about the Kaiyodo dragon, I haven't even realised it was on its logo.

This post was one of the more challenging :
Gathering all figures, information sheets, item definitions, translations.
And then finding affiliation for which set and editing and organizing the information in an orderly way such that it would make sense.
This one was hard.

Quote from: BlueKrono on February 15, 2022, 04:03:37 PMWouldn't you say that two of those sea serpents are closer to Basilosaurus?

Come to think of it - Actually you are right.
Didn't think of getting too specific in the group shots - but those are indeed mammals/whales - namely 'Basilosaurus'.
I will add this up.


Earlier I promised to address to all those birds you constantly saw glimpses of.
Well Here it is :
As some say : "Birds are dinosaurs' and those are so nicely made - I just couldn't resist dedicating them one small shelf.
Over the last time I kept receiving in my parcels, next to the Dinosaurs, some mysterious looking capsules :

Inside are marvelous tiny colorful parts of birds produced for 'Kaiyodo' ( 海洋堂 ) to the series of 'Choco Q Japanese Animal' ( チョコQ 日本の動物 ) by Shinobu Matsumura :

I perticularly like the 'Raptor' birds or birds of prey :

And also the 'Song' birds :
( Most belong to a slightly different set of siries, also by Kaiyodo ( 海洋堂  ) , called 'Furuta Choco Egg' ( フルタ チョコエッグ )   :

Both figure series produced by Kaiyodo with candy toys and capsule figures.
Series 1,2,3,4,5  Started with Furuta's "Choco Egg," and continued with Takara Series 6,7,8,9,10,11 as "Choco Q" after Furuta and Kaiyodo departed.

Furuta series ( 1 to 5 ) :

Takara series ( 6 to 11 ) :

As you noticed, There are other animals, besides birds, Here I took some insects :

All in all I took :

- Birds of prey - Violet
- Song birds - Blue
- Whales - Brown
- Insects ( some ) - Green
- Dinosaurs - Red

The entire line - Series 1 to 5 , Classic ( which is a remake of Selected items from 1 to 5 ) , 6 to 11 and SP ( Special - which are 1 or 2 items attached to every seires ) :

There are also several series of 'Pet Animals'  ( ペット動物シリーズ ) to the set - but I have no interest in them.

Next set of birds comes from another 'Kaiyodo' brand, called 'Kaiyodo Capsule Q Museum Japanese Animals' ( 海洋堂 カプセルQミュージアム 日本の動物 ) :

After assembling :

You can see that I took samples from 6 series - one from each :

But here is the complete set of 9 series on which I marked the ones I took :

Also a set with diverse animals is the 'Kaiyodo Suntory(?) Mineral Water Forest and Clear Stream Bird Tales' ( 海洋堂 サントリー天然水 森と清流  バードテイルズ )

I took just 2 items form Serie 2 :
3. Kingfisher ( カワセミ )
4. Crested Kingfisher ( ヤマセミ )

Another nice series of tiny birds are the 'Furuta Candy Choco Egg Animal Series Bird Edition' ( フルタ 食玩 製菓  チョコエッグ  動物シリーズ  鳥編 ) :

The whole set :

I took out just several small birds from the entire set - in order to complete my group shot of Kingfishers and woodpeckers :

All in the above picture have been surveyed, but the  bigest woodpecker on the top left -
It belongs to Kaiyodo Shogakukan 'Weekly Japanese Natural Monument Animal Edition' ( 週刊日本の天然記念物動物編 ) 3D animal model.
If you remember few posts back - I had received a very large Parcel - and on the side there was this :

When spreading out wide the pile - this is what you get -
Every colorful cardboard box holds inside a figure ( hence the '3D animal model' ) :

And also a Magazine ( 'weekly' magazine ) and an information card :

The complete serie holds 50 items of all classes ( mammals, birds, fish, insects, etc. )  :

But I was only interestd in the birds - and not the domestic or the big water ones.

So, The ones I decided to get :

As you can see, they also comes in several parts and are bigger than the previous Chocoegg and ChocoQ :

Some of the birds even have an equivalent version within the ChocoEgg or ChocoQ sets :

The 'Steller's sea eagle' ( オオワシ ) has a match within the 'Kaiyodo Nagahama Kurokabe Cultural Study' ( 海洋堂 長浜黒壁文化考現学 )
of 'Lake Biwa Nature Museum' ( 琵琶湖ネイチャーミュージアム ) boxed set :

But, definately, the most impressive of all 50 'Japanese Natural Monument' ( 日本の天然記念物 ) is no. 29 the 'Golden Eagle' ( イヌワシ ) :

As birds of prey are the closest to dinosaurs also in looks - so naturally my favorites -  I have collected pickings from additional sets :

Here with two others :
- Not a 'Raptor' - but still : Nature Technicolor ( ネイチャーテクニカラー ) Antarctic ( 南極 ) south polar skuas (  オオトウゾクカモメ )
- Kaiyodo Capsule Q Museum Japanese Animal 'Crested Serpent Eagle' ( カンムリワシ )

and some more raptors :

- You already saw the 'Earth Life journey - Eagle / hawk' ( 地球生命紀行 鷲・鷹 )  epoch ( エポック ) Golden eagle ( イヌワシ ).
- 'Asahiyama Zoo Capsule' ( 旭山動物園 カプセル )  'White-tailed Eagle' ( オジロワシ )  :

All together now :

And, as always, after they took their place on the corner of the shelf - a group shot :

The one and only small shelf which I dedicated to non-dinosaur creatures :

Some references :

- Candy and Capsule toys ( Japanese version ).
- Kaiyodo Animatales.
- Kaiyodo Capsules.
- furuta chocoegg  ( page for every year between 1999 to 2021 ).
- Kaiyodo capsules.
- Kaiyodo Museum Capsules.
- Kaiyodo Capsule Q Museum Japanese Animals.


That last post was challenging - but I have now finished displaying my assorted small parcels of recent time.

Now I'm free to show the really good stuff ...




Earlier I promised to address to all those birds you constantly saw glimpses of.
Well Here it is :
As some say : "Birds are dinosaurs' and those are so nicely made - I just couldn't resist dedicating them one small shelf.
Over the last time I kept receiving in my parcels, next to the Dinosaurs, some mysterious looking capsules :

Damn you FerreroTM, who only gives us inferior toys packed in chocolate eggs, while the Japanese pack some of the most desirable animal figures in theirs :D

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