News category: Announcement

News: Upcoming releases from Haolonggood (New for 2024)(Pt. 3)

News Category: , Brand:

4.4 (21 votes)

Haolonggood has released a most exciting teaser image of upcoming products. Check it out!

They have not officially released any names, but the genera appear to be:

Top row, left to right: Mamenchisaurus, Huayangosaurus, Amargasaurus, Camarasaurus, Tarchia.

Middle row, left to right: Gastonia, Euoplocephalus, Maiasaura, Stegosaurus, Edmontosaurus.

News: Announcing… the Animal Toy Blog!

News Category: Brand:

4.2 (6 votes)

It has taken more than a decade but last week we launched the Animal Toy Blog, a sister site to the Dinosaur Toy Blog. The focus there, of course, is on extant creatures: those living today.

There are currently six regular reviewers headed by bmathison1972, and the site already has a dozen reviews published, plus many more in the pipeline.

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