It’s been awhile since the last PNSO reveal, but now check out Yiran the Lufengosaurus.
The light green coloration looks very sharp. And it’s always great to see a new basal sauropodomorph figure.
Haolonggood has released a most exciting teaser image of upcoming products. Check it out!
They have not officially released any names, but the genera appear to be:
Top row, left to right: Mamenchisaurus, Huayangosaurus, Amargasaurus, Camarasaurus, Tarchia.
Middle row, left to right: Gastonia, Euoplocephalus, Maiasaura, Stegosaurus, Edmontosaurus.
It has taken more than a decade but last week we launched the Animal Toy Blog, a sister site to the Dinosaur Toy Blog. The focus there, of course, is on extant creatures: those living today.
There are currently six regular reviewers headed by bmathison1972, and the site already has a dozen reviews published, plus many more in the pipeline.
Did you know that the Dinosaur Toy Blog has a channel on Youtube? Well, it does. I originally launched it two years ago to experiment with video reviews of dinosaur toys, but it has evolved into something slightly more variable. The channel features several types of videos arranged in playlists.
Giganotosaurus (Carnegie Collection by Safari Ltd)
Dilong (Carnegie Collection by Safari Ltd)
Parasaurolophus (Carnegie Collection by Safari Ltd)
The Dinosaur Toy Forum – the official forum of The Dinosaur Toy Blog – was launched this month as a place for dinosaur toy collectors and enthusiasts to share and discuss their collections and to talk about dinosaur toys in general. Please feel free to browse the posts and we look forward to you joining in the discussions!