It’s ‘Dinorama’ time again! I’m delighted to declare the Dinosaur Toy Forum Diorama Contest 2018 sponsored by Urzeitshop, officially open! It has been a decade since the very first contest back in 2008, so let’s make this one special!
Rules, regulations, terms and conditions
Entry is free.
News: Upcoming releases from CollectA (New for 2017)
News: Update on Dinosaur Toy Blog’s Youtube channel
Did you know that the Dinosaur Toy Blog has a channel on Youtube? Well, it does. I originally launched it two years ago to experiment with video reviews of dinosaur toys, but it has evolved into something slightly more variable. The channel features several types of videos arranged in playlists.
News: Upcoming releases from Safari Ltd (New for 2017)
News: The Dinosaur Toy Forum Diorama Contest 2016
It’s time to take off your lens caps!
I’m pleased to announce the Dinosaur Toy Forum Diorama Contest 2016 is now open!
The winning dinosaur diorama of the 2015 contest: Jurassic Titans, by Carnosaur
Rules and regulations
The rules and regulations for the 2016 contest are as follows:
-Entry is free.
News: The Dinosaur Toy Forum Diorama Contest 2015 – Results
The voting is over and the results are in for the Dinosaur Toy Forum Diorama Contest 2015, sponsored by CollectA! This was the biggest contest to date with more entries (65) and more voters (197) than ever before! It was an especially close contest to the very end, but three dioramas took the top three spots convincingly.
News: Upcoming releases from Safari Ltd (New for 2016)
Despite the sad retirement of their long-respected and trend-setting Carnegie Collection this year, Safari Ltd have shown no signs of slowing down with their other major prehistoric animal line – Wild Safari. The company has five brand new for 2016 prehistoric animal sculpts in the pipeline: four dinosaurs and one marine reptile.