Check this out! Mattel’s Legacy Collection Reimagined Roarin’ Real Feel Carnotaurus (geez, that’s a long title) follows in the footsteps of the Tyrannosaurus rex Off-Road Tracker Pack by replicating the colour scheme of Kenner’s Jurassic Park Series 2 “Demon.”

Not only is it a more accurate representation of Carnotaurus, it also features electronic roaring. I always wanted the “Demon” toy back in the day, but it never showed up in Canada. Have to admit, this new one is kind of tempting. It is a Target exclusive in the USA, but it will most likely become available at Toys R Us locations in Canada as well.

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To me, this is a better sculpt than the hammond collection carno
The horns are too far back on the head. Just kidding. …i already got chewed out for that comment on the Forum…lol. 🙂
It’s not a bad looking figure. Any idea how long it will be?…same or smaller than the HC version?