5 (1 votes)
The first revealed Haolonggood product of 2025 is none other than the bodacious Brachiosaurus!

And as you can see from the text above, those who preorder the great sauropod will get of two new repaints of the Huayangosaurus that came with last year’s Argentinosaurus.

Still not as preferable as releasing the little stegosaur by itself, but it’s better than no second opportunity at all.

And these paint schemes look superb. I’ll add more images to this post whenever they drop.
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A magnificent figure – the BEST Brachiosaurus made!!! 5*****
Another “Grand Slam” for the gang at HLG!!!! 🙂
how much will it be and where can I pre-order it
Don’t know the price just yet, but it’ll be available from multiple vendors: Everything Dinosaur, Happy Hen Toys, MiniZoo, AliExpress, etc.
Amazing! 5 stars