Search results for «papo»

Kaprosuchus (Papo)

…ild Safari? Well, as far as sheer sculpting detail and scariness are concerned, victory definitely goes to the Papo Kapro. But in terms of scientific accuracy, the Safari ‘suchus wins due to its better placed eyes and its more bulbous snout. It’s also way less expensive–especially given that Papo has jacked up their prices this year. Bottom line, these are both great toys. Indeed, the Kaprosuchus is now one of my favourite Papo figures. Like the B…

Polacanthus (Papo)

…esn’t appear to be the work of Seo Jung-woon, the craftsman behind most of Papo’s dinosaurs. As a toy for children, I think it works fine–the spines are stiff enough to hurt if you step on them, but they’re flexible enough not to do any actual damage. And it’s in a good pose for a battle with your kid’s favorite theropod. As a collector’s item, I would instead recommend the static but more accurate Walking with Dinosaurs version if you can get it….

Velociraptor (Blue Version)(Papo)

…quite as flashy as the T. rexes, but easily the most colourful of all the Papo raptors. The Acrocanthosaurus is similarly coloured too. This Velociraptor stands 9.5cm tall and measures slightly over 17 cm long. I’m not going to go into a description of the fine sculpting or the many, many glaring inaccuracies riddling this toy, as both have been covered in the review of the original version. So why did I even bother with this toy given my passion…

Baryonyx (Papo)

…is in keeping with the remarkably high standard we’ve come to expect from Papo. Best of all, the jaws are just as thin as in real spinosaur specimens, an aspect often overlooked by other manufacturers. Detail is hardly skimped on on the rest of the figure, either, which looks just as convincing as ever in spite of that very silly posture. Skin sags and folds, muscles bulge, and tendons strain as the big ugly thing lunges forward. In what has beco…

Styracosaurus (Papo)

…hat demands attention. Anatomically, yes, there are flaws, as is usual for Papo. However, when compared with some of the other figures from the range (like the aforementioned Oviraptor and Plesiosaurus) they are quite minor. Most obviously the neck is too long and the tail too short (compared with chasmosaurines like Triceratops, centrosaurine ceratopsians had proportionately longer tails). Other than that there isn’t an awful lot to complain abou…

Dinosaur Mini Tub A (Papo)

…urus, Allosaurus, Pteranodon, Dimetrodon, Ankylosaurus and Giganotosaurus. Papo has not yet released a bigger version of Giganotosaurus, although there are still high hopes for it. Papo has also released repaints of all of their mini dinosaurs from both tubs (see the reviews for Giganotosaurus and Carnotaurus). These dinosaurs have nearly the same dull colours and sculpts as their big versions. First we have this Triceratops. At first sight, it lo…

Archaeopteryx (Papo)

…oved. Whoever crafted this figure is a first rate talent. But this being a Papo product, it’s not without its share of inaccuracies. Namely, the neck, legs, and toes are far too short and far too beefy. Indeed, they resemble those of a tyrannosaur. The real Archaeopteryx was a sleek, graceful animal; this depiction looks like it’s been overdosing on steroids. In addition, we now know that the second inner toes were raised, just like those on manir…

Tyrannosaurus rex (Rainbow Running Version by Papo)

…T. rex are infamous for having difficulty standing on their own. Happily, Papo appears to have addressed this flaw. As you can see in the comparison photo below, Bluefoot leans less to the right than Roughskull, making him a centimetre taller and greatly improving his stability! Out of all three versions, this one is now my favourite, due to the spiffy colour scheme and the improved stability. If you don’t own any of them yet, I definitely recomm…

Tyrannosaurus rex (Papo)

…essary anyway because the figure is in the dreaded ‘tripod’ pose. Like all Papos, it has Papo”, the manufacturing date (2005), Made In China, and CE stampted on it somewhere (in this one on the inside of the right thigh). The Papo ‘Rex’ fits in with most of the other Papos in that it is not to scale. A close-up of the creature’s head show the bulbous bases of the lower jaw and the pyramidal ‘crests’ above the eyes, now considered by some experts…

Velociraptor (Feathered Version by Papo)

…might be something like 1:10 scale by my haphazard guesswork. As with all Papo dinosaurs, no scale is noted officially. The animal is posed leaning forward with its left foot in the air, and support is provided by the claws on its wings. It is my opinion that bipedal dinosaurs always benefit from a base to stand on, so as to eliminate the need for support gimmicks such as these, but that’s not how Papo does things. In any case, it’s not a terribl…

Triceratops (Baby)(Papo)

…tops is posed in a mirror image stance of its parent’s. As with nearly all Papo products, the sculpting and detail are nothing short of superb. The beak and horns have grooves in them, the edge of the frill is lined with tiny studs, and every square inch of skin is covered in scales and wrinkles. Even the roof of the mouth has detailing to it. One feature I don’t like is the dark scale pattern on the frill. To me, it just appears unnecessary and u…

Megaloceros (Papo)

…4.1″ long, 4.8″ high and 4″ wide, making it a decent size, especially with Papo’s other Ice Age mammals. The pose is dramatic, striding majestically, scanning his territory for threats, not looking too worried about anything really. The colours are great, with a mix of browns and whites, really looking the part for a deer, though I wish the hump was a darker colour and they added the stripes seen in certain cave art from Grotte de Cougnac in Franc…

Pteranodon (Papo)

…the figure is in fact a Ludodactylus. With the Exception of the teeth the Papo Pteranodon is pretty accurate and detailed. The only other major error I noticed is the lack of a pteroid bone in the wrist, otherwise the arms are really good – the number of digits and finger bones is spot on and you can even differentiate between the radius and ulna in the forearm – I suppose it makes sense for a large flying animal to be as skinny as possible. The…

Smilodon Roaring (Papo)

…his head that would look that nice. 2017 Papo vs Safari Smilodon The 2017 Papo Roaring Smilodon is certainly a different take on this classic creature. When I first saw this figure I wasn’t sure about it. It is certainly dynamic but I had some concerns. First it has a mane. Secondly there was just something that looked wrong with the animal, but I couldn’t figure out what. There isn’t any fossil evidence for a Smilodon having a mane or stripes, b…

Carnotaurus (Mini)(Papo)

…urse, it will be appearing in the upcoming Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. Papo released a splendid Carnotaurus figure back in 2013, then a miniature version in 2015. And here I’ll be looking at the 2017 repaint of said miniature. Like the Giganotosaurus, it is considerably more visually striking. The main colour is medium green with dark green running down the back, black claws, full orange spots and eyes, a pink mouth, and white teeth. Brown or…

Woolly rhinoceros (Papo)

…al companies have tried their hand at this prehistoric mammal, and this is Papo’s example. The figure measures 6.5″ from back hoof to horn and is 3.6″ in to the top of the hump, generally making it in good scale with mammoths from Papo or other companies. The pose is not the most interesting; it could be browsing, possibly preparing to charge, or just wondering about an icy plain. The detail on this figure is exquisite. Its face is similar to mode…

Smilodon (2011)(Papo)

…ther amusing. Speculation will always be a large part of paleontology. The Papo Smilodon was released back in 2011, so its fangs are out in the open for all to see. It is posed in an extreme crouching stance with its muscular limbs taut and its mouth open in a roar. No proper predator would ever let out the slightest peep during a hunt, so it’s doubtful that this guy (you can clearly tell this is a male) is stalking game. No, more likely he’s conf…

Stegosaurus (Papo)

…ut every dinosaur toy collection has one!) so we’ll look at the attempt by Papo for now. f The detail on this Stegosaurus is really insane. Each individual scale is sculpted, and the plates/spikes/nails are all very lifelike. There are nice skin sags on the tail, belly and legs, and there are even traces of ribs showing in the torso. Unfortunately, for such a detailed figure, it has a lot of inaccuracies. First off, the head (while very nicely scu…

Velociraptor (Papo)

3.6 (20 votes) Up for review is yet another Papo dinosaur – Velociraptor. This figure is largely praised in the dinosaur toy collecting community, as is the real Velociraptor itself! Unfortunately, most aspects of this Velociraptor are wrong. The tail is too short and curved, the arms are awkwardly pronated, the tibias seem a little too long, and there’s no feathers – all very un-dromeosaurid like features. The shape of the skull is largely too r…

Cave Bear (Papo)

…he amount of detail is up to the standard that we have come to expect from Papo, and normally see delivered with only a few exceptions (let’s not mention that Amargasaurus. Sorry, I just did!). Not only is the paint application to those big canines impressive, but the teeth inside the mouth are spot on as well. Turning the bear over, we see that the pads on the soles of its feet are also fully sculpted. While its shaggy coat is not exactly rendere…

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