Pleistocene Marsupial Lion/Thylacoleo (Lost Kingdoms Series A by Yowie)

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3.3 (9 votes)

Marsupials now are an interesting group, adapted to many different environments. In the distant past, even more incredible marsupials were around, megafauna and powerful carnivores lived in Australia, now gone from the world. One was a koala relative, adapted as a top predator, the Thylacoleo. With powerful teeth and a dangerous thumb claw, it was the top predator of Australia. There aren’t many models of this beast, and here is one of the earlier ones by Yowie.

To the figure! The dark leopard spot look suits a predator in the dustier parts of Australia, I dig it. The pose is something of a classic look for the species, sat while slashing with it’s left paw, looks great. There is a little wiggle to the arm, head and tail, which isn’t too loose, so it will stay in the position you set it to. As with any Yowie figure, it’s small, measuring 2.5″ long and 1.1″ high, maybe good as a youngster to the Southlands model. Not bad.

Now for accuracy. For an older model, this is pretty spot on, if a little simplified. The claws are a tad rounded, but that is likely due to the size of the model. Not too bad.

All in all, this isn’t a terrible model, just not quite the standard of the Southlands Replicas model. It is easier to find though, since the sad demise of Southlands Replicas, as they pop up on eBay periodically. I say if you are struggling to get one, this will do the job.

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