Greetings DinoWaurriors! It seems that DinoWaurs were very keen on the living tanks that are the ankylosaurs. Not only did we get the classic Ankylosaurus, as well as Euoplocephalus, but we also got another, one that hasn’t been made by any other company: Talarurus. Found in Mongolian fossil beds of the Late Cretaceous, this mid sized ankylosaur is well armoured and was able to fight against the large predators of ancient Mongolia. How did they do? Well, let’s see….

To the figure, and it’s a squat little bruiser! Flashing it’s defences to intimidate a predator, but prepared to go on the offensive at any point. Do love that pose, works for this line. It’s mostly just a brown here, with the paint wash shading helping the features pop. Like the others in this series, it’s pretty small, measuring 2.5″ long and 1″ high and wide. Pretty nice.

Next to accuracy. The issue here is that a lot is over blown. The head, squat body, tail length and scute placement is good, but over blown and too big, going into awesomebro territory. The legs are also far too close together, though that could be excused owing to it’s pose. Could be better, but could be worse.

Though a bit over done, I like this little guy. If you are a fan of ankylosaurs, you are gonna love it. Also, this is the only example of a Talarurus, so your choices are somewhat limited. If you like it, eBay is your best bet, as this line is discontinued, and I do recommend you hunt it down. It’s certainly a fun one.

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