Review and photos by EmperorDinobot, edited by Suspsy
Hello everybody! We all know and love the myth, the dinosaur, the legendary Troodon, and I, Emperor Dinobot will now proceed to give some thoughts to the Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous Attack Pack toy by Mattel!

I may be a Jurassic fan, but I have to admit that I have never played Telltale’s Jurassic Park: The Game. Still, I do know enough about it, and have seen renderings of some of InGen’s lesser known exhibits which were to be showcased in Isla Nublar had there been no incident. I was surprised to find out that Troodon was supposed to make an appearance, but given the choices made by Dr. Wu and InGen’s scientists when cloning dinosaurs, it turned out that it was strictly nocturnal, which references its large braincase and ginormous orbits. It was long speculated that Troodon was nocturnal, but in the game, they have funny glow-in-the-dark eyes which are used to intimidate prey, giving the player an eerie feeling.

The figure itself is faithful to the renders with the right color palette consisting of a grey body with black quills, and fuchsia for the belly, the neck, and the tip of the tail. The hands are in the right position, which is a plus, and it does not have oversized feet. I wish the claws were painted, though, and it would have been fun for the eyes to be glow-in-the-dark too. A decent model, in my opinion, and I hope it does not get a repaint, because this is just fine.

It’s a vicious little critter, this one, measuring around 7 inches long and 3 inches tall.

I am pretty happy that Mattel gave us an accurate representation of JP: The Game’s Troodon, and I wish they would give us other animals from the games over the years. A Tylosaurus would be amazing, as well as human characters from the game, or some of the creatures from some of the older games such as Trespasser. Or even the goofy green chameleon Carnotaurus from The Lost World Arcade game!

I am quite pleased with this figure, and I love how it is in the right scale, comparing fairly well with 3.75 inch figures, although it should be slightly smaller. I highly recommend this figure to any Jurassic fan.

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Ez a figura tényleg baromi jó!A lába ritka dolog a matteltől.
Én is megszerezteeeeem!Ahogy te is mondtad,ez egy nagyon ajánlatos figura.
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