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Salvat Dinosaurs

Started by Ikessauro, July 31, 2012, 03:58:44 AM

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I just found out about this new area and decided to give my contribution. I imagine that if I don't do this, no one else will, because you know... it's Salvat.  :P So I copied my Salvat Collection topic from the old forum. I'll add pics later.

Hello Guys
I was talking with Stoneage about the Salvat Collection and he said that would be nice if I started a thread about this collection, once that I have completed it, including the 42 figures and the 40 magazines. So Let's talk about It.

The Salvat collection was made by Salvat Editores from Spain and sold in Spain, Portugal and Brasil as far as I'm aware of. If it was released on other countries I really don't know.
The collection has 42 figures of prehistoric animals, most of them copied from other companies. Take a look at the list of species below.

Nº1 Tyrannosaurus rex (copied of Carnegie)
Nº2 Triceratops (copied of Carnegie)
Nº3 Spinosaurus (copied of Carnegie)
Nº4 Parasaurolophus (copied of Bullyland)
Nº5 Stegosaurus (copied of Schleich)
Nº6 Pteranodon (copied of Bullyland)
Nº7 Dimetrodon (copied of Bullyland)
Nº8 Corythosaurus (copied of Schleich)
Nº9 Elasmosaurus (copied of Carnegie)
Nº10 Diplodocus (copied of Carnegie)
Nº11 Allosaurus (Copied from a very old and incredibly ugly Bully model, which they manage to make uglier with this knockoff!)
Nº12 Saichania (copied of Schleich/ Replica-saurus)
Nº13 Maiasaura (copied of Carnegie)
Nº14 Ceratosaurus (copied of Schleich/ Replica-saurus)
Nº15 Velociraptor x 2 (I don't know, remebers me of the DOC one)
Nº16 Iguanodon (copied of Carnegie)
Nº17 Deinosuchus (copied of Carnegie)
Nº18 Psittacosaurus x 2 (copied of Carnegie)
Nº19 Brachiosaurus (copied of Carnegie)
Nº20 Dilophosaurus (copied of Carnegie)
Nº21 Kronosaurus (copied of Carnegie)
Nº22 Carnotaurus (copied of Carnegie)
Nº23 Polacanthus (copied of WWD Oficial Line)
Nº24 Plateosaurus (copied of Carnegie)
Nº25 Postosuchus (copied of WWD Oficial Line)
Nº26 Saltasaurus (copied of Carnegie)
Nº27 Apatosaurus (copied an very old Bully Apato)
Nº28 Torosaurus (copied of WWD Oficial Line)
Nº29 Utahraptor (copied Wild Safari )
Nº30 Gallimimus (copied of Battat)
Nº31 Quetzalcoatlus (copied of Carnegie)
Nº32 Pachycephalosaurus (copied of Wild Safari)
Nº33 Baryonyx (copied of Carnegie)
Nº34 Styracosaurus (I don't know, maybe Battat)
Nº35 Acrocanthosaurus (copied of Battat)
Nº36 Mosasaurus (copied of Carnegie)
Nº37 Tanystropheus (very strage figure, I don't know of what it was copied)
Nº38 Ouranosaurus (copied of Battat)
Nº39 Amargasaurus (copied of Battat)
Nº40 Therizinosaurus (copied of Dinos of China)

The magazines were sold with a figure of the animal with each issue. I think these were sold in the years 2000/2001 here in Brasil.
The figures were copied from other collections, as you can see in the list above. I noticed that the following collections/manufacturers were copied.

WWD Oficial Line
Dinos of China

I really don't know how they didn't get copyright problems. Probably, it didn't happen because they changed the colors or the sculpt.
Now, the collection is discontinued of course.

The collection has too 4 human miniatures, to compare the scale.
The scales are:
Now, the figures are a little bit rare to find here and very good condition figures are rarer yet. Mostly figures I saw had paint rubs or broken arms/legs. Wasn't an easy job finding all of them but I finally have them.
Some of them are very ugly, like the Allosaurus, others, like Acrocanthosaurus or Postosuchus are cool. :-/

I put on my profile at Collectors Quest pics of the figures and magazines.
To view the collection, the link is: :D

EDIT: Here's a topic on the old DTF with good high resolution pics of the models. Pictures taken by myself.

That's all for today folks...


Brilliant Ikessauro, I'm looking forward to the pictures too. I'm sure this will make another great resource! Thanks!

I have a few Salvats (as you know Ikessauro ;)) so I may share some pictures here too when I get a chance.


Massive collection, well done!  ;D. I think so that dinotoyforum, i have few figures of Salvat.
[Off Nick and Eddie's reactions to the dinosaurs] Oh yeah "Ooh, aah", that's how it always starts. But then there's running and screaming.

{about the T-Rex) When he sees us with his kid isn't he gonna be like "you"!?

My website: Paleo-Creatures
My website's facebook: Paleo-Creatures


Ah yes, the controversial Salvat line of course!
I have a few, really odd line. They copied others and made them... ugly *yuck* >:D
Although there are some decent ones like the Acro and posto, almost like the originals ;)
This line will be forever know as from another dimension ;D

I know I have more, but can't find the photos.
>:D Can you imagine what if they copied the really bad early CollectA's? That would be a real nightmare! Ha ha  ;D


Quote from: Bokisaurus on August 06, 2012, 01:59:36 AM
Ah yes, the controversial Salvat line of course!
I have a few, really odd line. They copied others and made them... ugly *yuck* >:D
Although there are some decent ones like the Acro and posto, almost like the originals ;)
This line will be forever know as from another dimension ;D

I know I have more, but can't find the photos.
>:D Can you imagine what if they copied the really bad early CollectA's? That would be a real nightmare! Ha ha  ;D

I'd rather not imagine  :)).
[Off Nick and Eddie's reactions to the dinosaurs] Oh yeah "Ooh, aah", that's how it always starts. But then there's running and screaming.

{about the T-Rex) When he sees us with his kid isn't he gonna be like "you"!?

My website: Paleo-Creatures
My website's facebook: Paleo-Creatures



anyone know when the production run was or if they are still being done?

thanks Randy
You can never have too many dinosaurs

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