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Mirificus Studios Poll: Top Herbivorous Mammal?

Started by ZoPteryx, November 07, 2017, 04:51:22 AM

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Which herbivorous mammal would you like to see added to the Mirificus Studios line of figures?  Please choose ten (10).

Titanoides primaevus (Late Paleocene primitive bear-like pantodont from North America)
Palorchestes azael (Miocene-Pleistocene "marsupial tapir" from Australia)
Zygomaturus trilobus (Pleistocene high-nosed diprotodont marsupial from Australia)
Sthenurus stirlingi (Pliocene-Pleistocene giant walking kangaroo from Australia)
Eremotherium rusconi (Pliocene-Holocene giant ground sloth from the Americas)
Kvabebihyrax kachethicus (Late Pliocene large amphibious hyrax from the Caucasus)
Pezosiren portelli (Early Eocene primitive walking sirenian from Jamaica)
Neoparadoxia cecilialina (Miocene large marine desmostylid from North America)
Zygolophodon borsoni (Miocene-Pleistocene long tusked giant mastodon from Europe)
Stegotetrabelodon syrticus (Late Miocene large four tusked elephant from Africa)
Josephoartigasia monesi (Pliocene largest ever rodent from South America)
Merycoidodon culbertsoni (Eocene-Oligocene well known small oreodont from North America)
Diacodexis pakistanensis (Eocene small long-tailed primitive ungulate from Asia)
Aepycamelus elrodi (Miocene "giraffe camel" from North America)
Megatylopus gigas (Miocene-Pleistocene giant camel from North America)
Kubanochoerus gigas (Miocene large "unicorn pig" from Eurasia)
Protoceras celer (Oligocene-Miocene six horned antelope-like ungulate from North America)
Synthetoceras tricornatus (Miocene famous Y-horned antelope-like ungulate from North America)
Prolibytherium magnieri (Miocene giraffe relative with disc-like ossicones in the male from Africa)
Ilingoceros alexandrae (Miocene spiral-horned pronghorn from North America)
Bramatherium perimense (Miocene-Pliocene giant "crowned okapi" from Asia)
Sivatherium giganteum (Pliocene-Holocene giant moose-antlered giraffe from Africa and Asia)
Candiacervus major (Pleistocene deer with oar-shaped antlers from Crete)
Eucladoceros dicranios (Pliocene-Pleistocene large "bush-antlered deer" from Eurasia)
Hoplitomeryx matthei (Miocene-Pliocene three-horned fanged deer from Europe)
Pelorovis antiquus (Pliocene-Holocene long-horned cattle from Africa)
Rusingoryx atopocranion (Pleistocene dome-headed wildebeast from Africa)
Anthracotherium magnum (Eocene-Miocene long-skulled hippo-like ungulate from Eurasia)
Choeropsis madagascariensis (Holocene Malagasy Pygmy Hippopotamus from Madagascar)
Eurohippus messelensis (Eocene tiny primitive horse from Europe)
Merychippus insignis (Miocene three-toed horse from North America)
Hippidion principale (Pliocene-Holocene long-snouted horse from the Americas)
Heptodon posticus (Eocene small basal tapir from North America)
Hyracodon nebraskensis (Eocene-Oligocene horse-like relative of indricotheres from North America)
Paraceratherium transouralicum (Oligocene famous gigantic indricothere from Eurasia)
Metamynodon planifrons (Oligocene-Miocene hippo-like ungulate from North America)
Teleoceras major (Miocene-Pliocene tusked hippo-like rhinoceros from North America)
Elasmotherium sibiricum (Pliocene-Pleistocene rhinoceros with a single giant horn from Eurasia)
Embolotherium andrewsi (Eocene large tall-horned brontothere from Mongolia)
Eotitanops borealis (Eocene small basal brontothere from the Northern Hemisphere)
Anisodon grande (Miocene classic "claw beast" chalicothere from Europe)
Tylocephalonyx skinneri (Miocene dome-headed chalicothere from North America)
Phenacodus primaevus (Paleocene-Eocene small long-bodied primitive ungulate from the Northern Hemisphere)
Trigodon gaudryi (Miocene-Pliocene horned rhino-like notoungulate from South America)
Toxodon platensis (Miocene-Holocene very large notoungulate from South America)
Granastrapotherium snorki (Miocene large "hippo-elephant hybrid" from South America)
Macrauchenia patachonica (Miocene-Pleistocene large llama-like litoptern from South America)
Thoatherium crepidatum (Miocene small antelope-like litoptern from South America)
Eobasileus cornutus (Eocene large six-horned "saber-toothed" dinoceratan from North America)
Archaeotherium mortoni (Eocene-Oligocene medium-sized entelodont from North America)


I hope to use this poll, and others like it, to gauge what types of creatures folks would like to see made for my (hopefully one day available) Mirificus Studios line of figures.  Keep in mind larger species will be made at 1:40 scale, and those smaller than 6 meters/20 feet in life will likely be made at larger scales (1:20, 1:6, 1:2, etc.).  If you want a species not listed here, please write your suggestion in the comments.

Yes, this is a rather arbitrary grouping of mammals.  Any left out here will be in other polls.

Have fun voting!  :D

Btw, work has begun on the winners from some of the previous polls.  ;)


I think you should a Livyatan or if that is too large than Dorudon or some other kind of prehistoric marine mammal.


Quote from: JoeytheDeinocheirus on November 07, 2017, 05:27:43 AM
I think you should a Livyatan or if that is too large than Dorudon or some other kind of prehistoric marine mammal.
I just realized you want a herbivorous mammal, so scratch off anything I said in my previous post

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