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2 new Thai theropods: Phuwiangvenator and Vayuraptor

Started by UtahraptorFan, May 28, 2019, 09:19:36 PM

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I was going through the news stories that show up on Chrome on my Android phone and found something about 2 newly announced theropods from Thailand. I clicked on the article and it said that they had been named. Phuwiangvenator was recovered as a basal megaraptoran and Vayuraptor as a basal coelurosaur but, beyond that, incertae sedis. This particular report places megaraptorans in Coelurosauria.

Paper (open access):
Guide to whether I use suffixes in clade references:
-If it has the unaltered name of a member genus, even a nomen dubium, include it. Examples: Tyrannosaurid, Titanosaurian
-If it has the name of a genus + sauria, leave it off. Examples: Ornithomimosaur, Oviraptorosaur.
-If it's not named for a genus, leave it off. Examples: Genasaur, Gravisaur.
-Exceptions to the 3rd: Maniraptoran, Saur-/Ornithischian