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Can't post or push live reviews on the ATB - is anyone who can access to DTB having the same problem

Started by bmathison1972, October 29, 2022, 09:27:28 PM

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Below is a cut-and-paste of some issues I am having on the ATB, for which I function as the editor (similar to suspsy on the DTB). I am curious if anyone on DTB has experienced something similar:

First of all, I have been in touch with Adam, our administrator and he has been looking into things, but here is the gist of things:

Several months ago, I could not post or push live reviews on the ATB. I have no trouble doing a 'quick edit' in the Dashboard, and I have no problem uploading media (hence I have been able to do my daily 'Museum' posts with no issues. The problem was only on Chrome and only on my home computer; I was using Microsoft Edge as a back-up at home and have had no problems with Chrome at work.

Last night, after putting a Guest review in draft, I did a Windows update on my computer. Now, as of this morning, I am having the same problems with Microsoft Edge.

Interestingly, Edge is giving me a warning message when I go to post a new review. When I go add a new post, there is a red banner with this message:
AIOSEO relies on the WordPress Rest API and your site might have it disabled. Click here to learn more

When I click it goes to this site:
All in One SEO uses the WordPress REST API - AIOSEO

On that page if I click on the WordPress REST API link, it goes here:
REST API Handbook | WordPress Developer Resources

I am not sure if the solution to my problem rests here; I don't understand enough of the computer mumbo-jumbo to be sure LOL

I do a CCleaner sweep every time a browser closes, so I know it's not a cache issue

I know we don't have as many posters as of late on ATB but has anyone else experience this? I will cross post this on DTF to see if anyone has had this issue.


On the basis of the above I just updated the plugin AIOSEO on the ATB. Let me know if that has solved it for you!

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