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loosing interest in collecting and dinosaurs in general

Started by Lynx, March 24, 2022, 02:39:34 PM

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i don't know what to do anymore, honestly
An oversized house cat.


I lost interest in like 2014 but gained it again after the Mattel Fallen Kingdom line. Just go with the flow and don't force yourself into the hobby. Just go with the flow of what you want. Even if you do end up losing interest, there is nothing bad about it.


There's nothing wrong with that, people change as they grow, interests come and go and sometimes come back again. Maybe you need a break, maybe you're experiencing burnout. That's life. My advice would be not to do anything impulsive that you'll regret later, like selling your collection. Pack it up if you need to, maybe in a month or year you'll come back around to it.


It's not bad, for personal, economic and work reasons I have lost a lot of the hobby of collecting dinosaurs, I think it is a stage in one's life. One changes over time, there is no need to be afraid of changes.


Stay calm. No need to justify, no need to apologize, no need to set yourself under pressure.


It happens. I get interested in other things but always come back to dinosaurs. Ive done the "upgrade collection" and yet I still buy figures and retro rubber dinos because  like them lol  If your feeling overwhelmed take a break. We don't need to buy everything, there used to be such a limited selection now with the internet and international sites it's incredibly huge and hard to choose.  You can cut back, focus on one aspect more..I actually like the hunt more than the acquiring anymore.  Try to think back about why you started in the first place.


It's normal for our interests to wax and wane over time.  Although I personally have never lost my interest in dinosaurs, sometimes it sinks out of sight a bit and it goes on the back burner.  In my case it's always come back - but we humans are all different.  I tend to keep the same hobbies over very long periods of time (like 50 years or so!), but some have come and gone after a while without trace.   There is absolutely no right or wrong in these patterns.  I think it's good advice not to do anything impulsive in a hurry.  Just wait and see how you feel in a few months or so.  It's a hobby and hobbies should bring you enjoyment, it's not a fixed choice for life!  Don't panic, don't stress - just follow your heart.


I am definitely way, way less interested in dinosaurs specifically than I once was.

In part because there are groups of far more interest to me.

In part because I am finding the market is moving in some new directions that I am not interested in--like what I consider excessively expensive models with the quality of toys (PNSO...) or increased difficulty in actually getting models.

Plus, I prefer not to store figures, so if I can't find shelf space I think really hard about it (hence, no new spinosaur figures in the last couple years)

But I'll still come back to odd ones, unique ones, and impulsive JW ones if I see them!


It happens, things happen. Your mind changes on things you have of interest or a liking to. Hobbies come and go. Its part of life.

On my end, dinosaurs have always stuck with me, but lately a good majority of my collection has been sold off. I keep a few pieces though like the Nanmu Once and Future King Tyrannosaurus, but other than that I have slowed down on collecting this hobby due to a few things. New interests/hobbies, plus life being busy. Lately I've been collecting the Star Wars Black Series line, but star wars has always been a favorite of mine so that is a factor to my priorities in collecting change. Besides that, I still keep dinosaurs in the back of my mind. I even have the Tsintoasaurus, zhuchengtyrannus, and Tsintoasaurus on order, currently making their way to their forever home (hopefully). Now what I am trying to really show and give an example about is how hobbies come and go, and that's never a bad thing.


Thank you all for your inputs
I've been buying a couple figures, but I'm giving it some time, maybe I'll gain some interest back
An oversized house cat.


It's all about perspective. Things can be the same as they were, even if perceived different. If you need to step back from it all, then by all means do so. If Dinosaurs have taught me anything, it's this: they're not going anywhere, anytime soon. So take your time :)

EDIT: Summarized
- Swede


That said, don't get overwhelmed if you've lost interest. In four months I've only bought the PNSO tsintaosaurus. In my case, I prefer to space out my purchases, I prefer to prioritize the consumption of essential products (clothing, housework, cleaning supplies (household or personal hygiene), medicines, studies, contract cleaning at home) to allow myself some whim, because in my case my dream is to save something at the end of the month for what may happen in the future and today the economic situation is not very good judging by the economic news and events of my nation and internationally.

In my case I have not lost interest in collecting but I have become realistic since I have many figures of dinosaurs and in my case I do not want to get rid of any of them but I do not have practically much space anymore and honestly I do not like to spend, it may be that with age one becomes more responsible and more thrifty, at least in my case that is what has happened and honestly only in specific cases would I buy a figure of dinosaurs and in a very selective way.

But you don't have to martyr yourself, interest in collecting is lost overnight, as has happened to you for whatever reason and in my case I have lost it for reasons of personal maturation and economic prudence, although fortunately I'm not bad today financially. One changes position overnight and it is good to adapt to any change, as long as it is for your improvement as a person and is an improvement for your family both humanly and economically and as long as it is not harmful, there is nothing wrong with it .

Life is always subject to change, nothing is eternal.


Interests come and go. I have slowed down a lot, but that's mostly because, outside of PNSO and Beasts of the Mesozoic, very few figures on the market really satisfy me. So, I will focus on those brands, and get the occasional gem like the GR Toys Carcharodontosaurus. Non-dinosaur figures from brands like Collecta or Favorite help change things up, as well. I'm just as interested, if not more so, in non-dinosaurs such as Paleozoic fauna, and there are lot less figures of such animals on the market. Hence, in some ways it's not me having no interest in figures but rather that figures I'd be interested in don't get made.

I'm still as fascinated by natural history and extinct animals as ever, I've just realized what I'm looking for in a figure and have become very picky. That's not a bad thing necessarily, it saves money and display space.


As Alan Rickman says in Die Hard, "When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer."  That is a feeling many people feel when they lose interest.  There are many reasons for this.  In collecting, perhaps the collection gets too big, or the thrill of tracking down rare figures loses it fun.  Sometimes, the thrill that we all feel on the start of journey is lost.  I do not presume why it has changed for you, and it is ok to change your interest.  When I look at my interest in dinosaurs, it has changed over the years, with many ebbs and flows.  Personally, I look forward to learning new things, which means sometimes things that I was interested in the past take a back seat over what I am currently learning or doing. 


I remember the only time i lost interest ,was when i was back at school in the 1990s and the media kept pushing carchardontosaurus as the biggest meat eater without any doubt. This got to me back then since i though t rex was the biggest and so i stopped getting the dinosaur magazines at the time and lost interest until 2005,when a visit to the nhm reminded me how great dinosaurs were and since then i keep up with collecting model dinosaurs and checking any major news reports about them..


No one can persuade or force you to enjoy collecting dinosaurs. If you're not getting any satisfaction out of it any longer, then just up and quit and find a new pastime that does satisfy you. You can always resume collecting if you change your mind.
Untitled by suspsy3, on Flickr


I've only started collecting dinosaur figures the last couple of years, but also have other hobbies and collections I pursue.

My main other collections are diecast vehicles and construction equipment, and (3rd party i.e. unlicensed) transformer toys. Compared to the prices of these, even PNSO's museum line is considered "cheap".

Like many collectors, buying all the things you want at the same time is too expensive. So I generally switch along the year. At the moment dinosaurs are at the top of my list, but there's a good chance I'll be turning to other stuff in the next couple of months, or just buy fewer figures.

Mellow Stego

I've mentioned this in another thread, but having multiple hobbies/past times always helps against burn out.

For example besides Dinosaurs being my main thing I also enjoy:
Retro gaming
Godzilla / Kaiju movies
Motorcycles/ cars

Keep calm and love dinosaurs

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