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Tylo's Book & News Paper article collection

Started by Tylosaurus, March 26, 2012, 06:02:11 PM

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Hi all,

Well, here it is all is, some say pics contain alot more words than text? Well I will explain some of it  as I go along :)

It's research and bookwork my grandfather and I continued over the generations, if we compare this know how with that of today and onwards, well evolution has truly moved along and life lead it's own paths ahead  8-)

So the oldest bookwork I have is from my grandfather, which passed away 5 years ago from this pint @ 84 YOA, these are dutch books, however, the arts used in them were very new for that time, he bought these books on July 31 1953, while it is bookwork from 1952, very very old and very rare I am think'n.

Here a painting of a Gigantosaurus which shows the size of this beast compared to a man, the entire setup of the painting with the smaller one which the artist is using all fits in to place, very good setup, I do art myself and yeah this is something I will do myself one day.

Here some other pics form this book:

For the dutch members I have more pics of this book with readable text, it's quite nice to see some very old dutch words being used, that are deminnished these days, you can look that up over here:
Bookwork, Art & Articles of Evolution 1952 - 1993

Here some newspaper articles my grandfather collected when we was helping me find as much info as possible, I kept  the utmost interesting articles that are these, dating from 1985 to 1988:

This is when I hit the Bunbury Mail in 1989, I had 281 Dino's then and over 350 animals of all types incl the dino's in total, my Karate Shihan Alan Burdett signed me in for a review and yes this was very cool, this is also my evidence that I had the Dino-Riders back then and the ones seen in the collection part of the topic are those ;)
I had them since they hit the market and I treated them like models and not toys, thus their good condition today::

And here a dutch article from Saturday Jully 19, 1993, about Jurassic Park 1 and the idea of resurrecting dinosaurs via the DNA of fossils like insects like mosquito's that got cought in Amber, which is the left overs of tree sap:

Just the idea's people had, really this gives a very neat detail on how evolution has been rediscovered and every year gave a totally more detailed look in to it, this only made things alot more interesting over the years.
Here some nice pics I took from the book: Prehistoric Life by Ellis Owen from 1975:

The contents pages:

A Dimetrodon


Plesiosaurus model and skull

Styracosaurs & Iguanadon pages


Well the first book I will pass on is The Dinosaurs 1981 by William Stout, William Service & Dr. Peter Dodson, this book has very nice stories in it that reads like stories but with a possible outcome to the scene taken place during certain lifecycles of the animals shown.

here the opening page and the three main people that took part of this wonderful bookwork:

Here the following pages of the introduction, click to get full size to read it, just to give you a glmpse what this book contains :)

Here some favoured articles of this bookwork from 1981:

High Fashion:

The Life Circle of Centrosaurus Part 1

The Life Circle of Centrosaurus Part 2 & Smallest

As end pic of this post, here a Phobosuchus aka Deinosuchus attacking a Edmontosaurus, the 15 metre croc literally snaps the duckbill in two, marvellous art this one and very well worth showing, hence the amount of detail placed into it:

Here a pic from Dinosaurs - An illistrated History 1983 about the life of a Triceratops heard that also died in that area, it's an illistration that shows how it would of looked like if the heard would be still around:

Part 2 has all my books in thumbnail format :)


Okay the third and final main post for this topic :)

This part is about the best book about prehistoric life I could buy at the time which was around Q3 1988.
This book: "Collins Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals" can be seen like a portable Wikipedia of all known types of that year.

How the book;s layout goes is that it explains how the groups are built up , it shows neat illustrated pics of the creatures each given it's proper name as where the next pages whow the same illustrated picture in black and white center top of the info's page section and all the detailed info per animal divided over two pages.

This was the book to get of it's day and it's still one of my great favs of all books I have found over the past many years, so here a glimpse of this masterpiece and how it builds up the lifetime generations of prehistoric Animals.

Fleshy Lobed Fishes

Amphibians - Invaders of the Land - Labyrinthodonts

Reptiles - Conquerors of the Land - Marine Reptiles

Snakes and Lizards

Dinosaurs and their Kin - Crocodiles

Carnivorous Dinosaurs

Flying Reptiles

Large Carnivorous Dinosaurs

Armoured Dinosaurs - Stegosaurs

Armoured Dinosaurs - Ankylosaurs

Horned Dinosaurs - Short Frilled

Horned Dinosaurs - Medium to Long Frilled

Long-Necked Browsing Dinosaurs

Ancestors of the Mammals - Mammal Like Reptiles

Birds - Masters of The Air - Early and Flightless Birds

Mammals - The Evolution of Versatility - Cats and Mongooses

Mastodonts, Mammoths and Modern Elephants

Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises

Well that should of done it, my entire Evolution project very well complete gathered from books and new paper articles from 1952 to 1993.

There is one thing I made my self at art school, I made it somewhat peaceful, since it hangs in my living room above my dining table, it's a Plesiosaur :)

Here a closeup of it, best looked at from a distance, I painted this with think layers of acrylic paint, the more layers you use the better the color come out for a better end result 8-)

Made that in 2008 and yeah it does give my living room some extra color :)
Anyhoo, I hope you liked my research or interview of my favored book and newspaper articles.

I have more books coming up soon, this was a post from the old archive, to which I want to do a new here and continue it as books are going to be added :)

Enjoy! 8)


Quite the nice collection you have there, especially the newspaper articles. I'll have to post pictures of some of the pages of my books as well.


Thanks Gwangi :) to me this is the most special as the newspaper articles go  *orthocone*

Click to Enlarge, you can read the article too then :)

That's me there back in 1989, when I collected them Chinasaurs, Dino-riders and everything else hehe My Karate Shihan Alan Burdett did this for me as a surprise, rofl!  ;D :)) *orthocone*
Since he also was a Dino fan like I was and he was kinda of surprised with my collection back then :)

Even to this very day I fan Dion's like everyone else does here  8)


That is a fantastic article you got there, certainly an achievement to be remembered. Don't ever loose that thing, you should probably put it in a frame actually. I was in my local paper as well but not for anything dinosaur related. Now that I think about it, I need to frame that myself.


Great idea , I was happy to have shown it here, never expected myself to find it and post it on any forum heh!


Took quite a lot of new pics today of my Dinosaur book collection of books from 1975 to 1995, mainly a lot of 1980's stuff :)

So here the main Dino book collection:

From this group clockwise of Each book here the titles and years:

The Dinosaurs by William Stout 1981 "Factory Sealed"
Dinosaurs An Illustrated History 1983
Collins Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals 1988
Hunting Dinosaurs 1994
Kingfisher Pocket Book of Dinosaurs 1984
Pockets-Dinosaurs 1995
The Dinosaurs by William Stout 1981
Dinosaurs by Rupert Oliver 1985

And here the other two Dino books and Dutch Fossils & Minerals Encyclopedia's:

From this group clockwise of Each book here the titles and years:

Rebo Grote Fossielen Encyclopedie 1993
The Big Book of Dinosaurs Dougal Dixon 1989
Rebo Grote Mineralen Encyclopedie 1993
Prehistoric Animals 1975

The following [posts I will show some pages of these cool books I collected Over the years, except the ones I allready shown in the previous posts which are the following:

Prehistoric Animals 1975
The Dinosaurs by William Stout 1981
Collins Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals 1988


Dinosaurs An Illustrated History 1983:

Hunting Dinosaurs 1994:

Kingfisher Pocket Book of Dinosaurs 1984:

Pockets-Dinosaurs 1995:

Dinosaurs by Rupert Oliver 1985:


I love retro dinosaur books :)

I particularly like "Prehistoric Life by Ellis Owen". Imma take a look-see on Amazon and see if I can snag a copy.


Yaps hehe good ole 80's that were my best Dino days ever, the books were really cool :D

Here the books of the second group :)

Rebo Grote Fossielen Encyclopedie 1993:

The Big Book of Dinosaurs Dougal Dixon 1989:

Rebo Grote Mineralen Encyclopedie 1993

And there you go 8)