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Obscure Creatures You Want Turned into a Model

Started by Megalosaurus, April 18, 2012, 01:39:40 AM

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Almost every compañy/artist made models of popular/well known creatures such as T-Rex, Stegosaurus, Triceratops, and so on...
Some others take the adventure to make a model of a not so well known/not so popular creature...
But we, prehistoric life lovers have dreams. We wish that some company/artist made a model of Xsaurus, Ymammal or ZCreature.
Maybe there aren't any model of our beloved critter at all. Or maybe the pair of existent models are so outdated, or so ugly, or so inacurate.

What is the prehistoric creature that you want to someone turn into a model or toy?

Let me begin with an example.

Many of we love the Safari's Tylosaurus. Some other likes the Mojo or CollectA ones. But there's an mosasaurid i'd like to see turned into a model:

Globidens, the shell breaker.  *orthocone*
As many of you know, this mosasaur had round teeth, perfect for cracking ammonites, turtles, bivalves, etc. Also his skull is bold and strong, its eyes were presure-protected by a bone disc.

Lets check a few images:

Id like to see a model of it that really focuses on its skull and dentition. The model must have the mouth open.

So, wich obscure creature would you like to see in the next years models?
Sobreviviendo a la extinción!!!


All mosasaurs hve the eye rings--it's called a sclerotic ring, and it is found in birds and other reptiles (not crocs or mammals) as well. Plus, it's not clearly visible externally.  The museum I manage has a travelling tylosaur exhibit that features a tylosaur where the ring on one side was actually found preserved!

As for something to see next year--I don't even know how to answer these anymore.   Xiphactinus maybe?  Or  a good creodont.


Well I sent a product suggestion to CollectA, saying that they should make Creatures from before the dinosaurs.

when they Emailed me back, They said they would Consider it. I also suggested a Moschops to be there first Predino


My living room smells like old plastic dinosaur toys... Better than air freshener!


I've always liked how Globidens teeth (and skull for that matter) looks just like the skull and teeth of the savannah monitor:

It further illustrates the similarities between the mososaurs and monitor lizards.

As far as a replica prehistoric animal, I like to see a high quality (think Shane Foulkes) 1/18 Plateosaurus, Mamenchinsaurus, or Brachiosaurus. I've also wanted a large scale Saurosuchus or Carcharodontosaurus, and Mr. Foulkes said he is working on both, so yeah!  :)


Personally, I would love to see more therizinosaurs, and more prehistoric mammals and nondinos. Maybe some alverisaurids in the mix too, with their one claw arms and what not. And some more obscure charcaradontosaurids and abliesaurs too.
"Life will find a way."


Quote from: Seijun on April 18, 2012, 05:58:53 AM
Every prehistoric mammal ever.

That would be a lot of indistinguishable rodents and other small mammals... ;D


I'd like to see some of the smaller dinosaurs in model form. Like the Ashdown maniraptoran, Compsognathus, Coelophysis, Mei, or Shuvuuia - and a properly fuzzy, long-tailed Laellynosaura. As for non-dinosaurs, maybe an exotic sabretooth, like Xenosmilus or the sparassodont Thylacosmilus. Or maybe Longirostromeryx, the sabre-toothed deer  8)
Oh, and has anyone made a Helicoprion yet?


A few years ago I would have said more ceratopsids.  Now we got more ceratopsids which is awesome. 

Dryptosaurus.  That's all I ask for.  Come on CollectA its like one of the few dinosaurs you haven't done yet lol.


Quote from: Pixelboy on April 18, 2012, 02:55:23 PM
I'd like to see some of the smaller dinosaurs in model form. Like the Ashdown maniraptoran, Compsognathus, Coelophysis, Mei, or Shuvuuia - and a properly fuzzy, long-tailed Laellynosaura. As for non-dinosaurs, maybe an exotic sabretooth, like Xenosmilus or the sparassodont Thylacosmilus. Or maybe Longirostromeryx, the sabre-toothed deer  8)
Oh, and has anyone made a Helicoprion yet?

There's a really nice one in the Safari Prehistoric Sharks toob from over a year ago--it's a little larger than the usual toob figure.


Quote from: Pixelboy on April 18, 2012, 02:55:23 PM
I'd like to see some of the smaller dinosaurs in model form. Like the Ashdown maniraptoran
Okaaay. So little of that is known it can't even be determined what kind of animal it is beyond being a 'maniraptoran' - and that's a fairly broad category! (For one thing, it includes birds.) Sure, a lot of figures are made of dinosaurs known from scanty remains, but this seems a bit...extreme.
All you need is the time of chasmosaurs


Quote from: Horridus on April 18, 2012, 06:29:19 PM
Quote from: Pixelboy on April 18, 2012, 02:55:23 PM
I'd like to see some of the smaller dinosaurs in model form. Like the Ashdown maniraptoran
Okaaay. So little of that is known it can't even be determined what kind of animal it is beyond being a 'maniraptoran' - and that's a fairly broad category! (For one thing, it includes birds.) Sure, a lot of figures are made of dinosaurs known from scanty remains, but this seems a bit...extreme.

Oh? Hm, I thought I remembered someone deciding it was a troodont. Must be thinking of something else  :-[


Quote from: Pixelboy on April 18, 2012, 06:41:24 PM
Oh? Hm, I thought I remembered someone deciding it was a troodont. Must be thinking of something else  :-[
It's only one vertebra. Darren Naish said that it looked quite oviraptorosaur-ish, but obviously it's impossible to say for certain. Not unless more of it is recovered. Here's hoping!
All you need is the time of chasmosaurs


Quote from: Seijun on April 18, 2012, 05:58:53 AM
Every prehistoric mammal ever.

Those barely count as obscure. Prehistoric Mammals are most of the time more hairy or bigger versions of modern day mammals anyways and those are plenty...Although it really would help me to save money.  Unless they are mammals actually usable with Dinosaurs. You know, like that overrated scavenger...

For Safari, I would like a toob of animals that lived alongside Dinosaurs. You know, like Beelzebufo and the overrated scavenger.

More Synapsids! More small Dinosaurs! More small Pterosaurs! More Crystal Palace!  A Coelurosauravus that is not Rex!
Jurassic Park is frightning in the dark
All the dinosaurs are running wild
Someone let T. Rex out of his pen
I'm afraid those things'll harm me
'Cause they sure don't act like Barney
And they think that I'm their dinner, not their friend
Oh no


I don't remember any companies making *orthocone*  or any prehistoric nautaloids for that matter. I could see it possible for a toob containing some in the future. It also seems like there are too little thyreophorans and ornthopods in toy form.
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Quote from: Pachyrhinosaurus on April 18, 2012, 11:15:18 PM
I don't remember any companies making *orthocone*  or any prehistoric nautaloids for that matter. I could see it possible for a toob containing some in the future. It also seems like there are too little thyreophorans and ornthopods in toy form.

I have the Yowies orthocone (Cameroceras)! And there is the Kaiyodo Rayonnoceras (yeah, go that one too).

Not exactly toys, but certainly models.


Interesting choices of everyone.

Thanks for clarification.

Nice observation. Look at this living beauty:

What about a model of Thalattosaurus?

Or a related one, but with a more interesting skull. Helveticosaurus :

Sobreviviendo a la extinción!!!


That skull reminds me a bit of Dimetrodon, must be the teeth.
How about Placodus?
Jurassic Park is frightning in the dark
All the dinosaurs are running wild
Someone let T. Rex out of his pen
I'm afraid those things'll harm me
'Cause they sure don't act like Barney
And they think that I'm their dinner, not their friend
Oh no


When you say Thalattosaurus, it reminds that we really need a Mesosaurus (very important to paleobiogeography and plate tectonics).

Also, Drepanosaurus.  Even if we need to guess at the head, but it's all about the giant 'claws' anyway!

See, these types of lists are potentially never-ending!


Would Seymouria count as obscure?

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