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REBOR general discussion

Started by Shadowknight1, February 01, 2015, 07:27:37 PM

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Anybody know a good paint match for the Killer Queen plain variant?
Mine took a tumble and has a few paint scuffs I'd like to fix up.


L @Lizardbreath it's really unlikely that you'll find an off-the-shelf match for that paint color (not least because it probably represents multiple layered paint applications). If you have a cheap dinosaur figure you don't mind ruining, I'd recommend getting some Liquitex acrylics in a few different colors (black, white, blue, yellow, red, and maybe brown, but you can get good browns from the other five if you're careful) and do some test mixes on the throwaway figure.
In the kingdom of the blind, better take public transit. Well, in the kingdom of the sighted, too, really--almost everyone is a terrible driver.

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So there's gonna be like 4 versions for the GNG T. rex:


  Now I want the Sideshow coloured version :) .


I keep the two most realistic versions or rather more classic in terms of painting of Rebor tyrannosaurus, brown and green.


YES. I am fully on board for the red/yellow version! Love it.


First they Color one after Jack from Dinosaur Revolution/Dinotasia

Then they color one after the Sidshow Collectibles model

avatar_REBOR_STUDIO @REBOR_STUDIO are you fans of David Krentz? ;D


I can't pick between the JP male scheme and the dinosaur revolution scheme. Maybe I'll just get both if they're as cheap as Rebor estimated them to be  ^-^.


The red version looks snazzy.
IMG_0123 by Suspsy Three, on Flickr


All color schemes look great, i honestly want they all.


Quote from: Andreioli on October 01, 2019, 07:45:27 PM
So there's gonna be like 4 versions for the GNG T. rex:

Absolutely in for the jungle and skeleton variants!! This is AMAZING. Honestly, I wish more companies would repaint their fantastic sculpts with more variety (though not you, Schleich).


Those colors are all super nice!
I'm excited for REBOR's Acro!  Can't ya tell?


Definitely one of Rebor's best, but I'm still adhering to my pledge to not buy any more Ty***nosaurus figures.
In the kingdom of the blind, better take public transit. Well, in the kingdom of the sighted, too, really--almost everyone is a terrible driver.

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Quote from: postsaurischian on October 01, 2019, 08:38:41 PM
  Now I want the Sideshow coloured version :) .

Which one? The brown and red ones are both colored similar to the Sideshow Rexes.


How big will they be, roughly?


Hi friends. Here is my last unboxing and review. In this case is "Greenday"

Thanks   ^-^
[Off Nick and Eddie's reactions to the dinosaurs] Oh yeah "Ooh, aah", that's how it always starts. But then there's running and screaming.

{about the T-Rex) When he sees us with his kid isn't he gonna be like "you"!?

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Thanks for the video, Jetoar! It has been really useful.
It actually convinced me to buy one, especially after having seen it with the frill!

Bigger than a camarasaurus,
and with a bite more stronger that the T-Rex bite,
Ticamasaurus is certainly the king of the Jurassic period.

With Balaur feet, dromaeosaurus bite, microraptor wings, and a terrible poison, the Deinoraptor Dromaeonychus is a lethal enemy for the most ferocious hybrid too.

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Thanks for the Jetoar video. Fortunately, my two Rebor tyrannosaurus (green and brown version) do not suffer from stability problems. By the way, Rebor dilophosaurus is fabulous from what I see in these images and with the JP-inspired gola it gives it a much more disturbing look and makes the dilophosaurus exotic beauties.


Does anyone know why REBOR Carnotaurus is not listed in BBTS and other places? Is it being phased out or just temporarily not available?


Quote from: tanystropheus on October 09, 2019, 02:20:36 AM
Does anyone know why REBOR Carnotaurus is not listed in BBTS and other places? Is it being phased out or just temporarily not available?

A quick look around indicates it's out of stock pretty much everywhere...

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