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Ceratopsian's custom paints and everything else: new 10 May 2024

Started by ceratopsian, March 19, 2016, 12:58:26 PM

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My pleasure to help.  ;)

These repaints look wonderful!
I am amazed how fast Martin worked it out one by one.
And he's been keeping high quality on his works.
No wonder everybody wants a repaint from him!
Nice work
QQ: 909772216
Email: [email protected]


The Sinornithosaurus is top-notch. Lovely paint, lovely sculpt!


Thank you for your appreciation, acro-man and paintingdinos.  And yes, although Martin works quickly, the quality never falters.


Just a footnote to say that my two anticipated models arrived today, safe and sound. It took me about an hour to pluck up the courage to open the massive cardboard box - a combination of worry about damage in transit and worry about whether I'd be cack-handed removing them from their wrapping.  Marilyn is a superb packer!

The Sinornithosaurus is breathtaking. He looks like might finish his swoop to gobble up his little lizard at any moment and I can almost see him breathing.  I took a bit of a gulp when I saw how he balances on just a little peg!  But to my great relief, he just fits into my "tall models" shelf, so he is already safely enclosed behind glass.

And I love the Pentaceratops.  He fits beautifully in with my little herd of "custom" or "posh model" ceratopsians.  Let's hope we see more from this model-maker.  I adore the little pebbles = boulders Martin put on the base too!



On a closer look, I found an interesting fact. The little lizard is actually killed by an accidental tread of a larger animal according to the damage it receives which fits with the shape of the big footprint. The Sinornithosaurus plays a role of a lucky scavenger rather than a hunter. It's such details that tells a wordless story and lets our imagination drift.
QQ: 909772216
Email: [email protected]


You are absolutely right.  I had noticed the large theropods footprint but hadn't associated it with the lizard.  Of course, that explains why the lizard is so squished and flattened!  Thank you.


First of all, I've changed the title of my thread so I can include new arrivals other than custom models.

I had a box full of goodies yesterday from the Forum's own Jetoar.  I like his work very much and have an area on my shelves devoted to his models.  A few weeks ago, he asked for suggestions for animals he should create.  I asked him if he would make a Mei long.  It was a fun process, as he asked me as the work progressed what I thought of it so far and showed me his tweaks - so easy to have a back and forth conversation with images in the social media era. I also had an input into the colour scheme.  Mei is for me one of the wonders of palaeontology, as the fossil gives us a glimpse of life behaviour.  If they had been selling 3D prints of the one on display earlier this year in the exhibition in Nottingham, I'd have been queuing to buy one! I've never understood why it's not more popular with the firms that produce models - I would have thought it had CollectA's name on it.

Anyway, my finished model arrived yesterday from Jetoar.  It's great.  As people said when Jetoar revealed it in his thread recently, it's cute.  For me, that's a nice change of tone from fearsome. I don't want my collection to be all on one note.  I love the way he's added little bits of moss-like plant material onto the log to make it more realistic and the little fern fronds are perfect.  She looks very comfortable napping in the shelter of the dead tree trunk.

She came with several "friends".  Here's the pair of Pelecanimimus.  I'd asked for a base - I like the feel of dioramas, with animals interacting in some sort of environment.  Again, the touches of moss-like material add to the effect.  I'd asked for one to be a bit more showy than the other - I like the patch of blue on the throat of "the male".

I also succumbed to an Anzu:

And finally a pair of Chilesaurus:

I enjoy buying models of animals that have been in the news recently, and you may remember that there were articles about it earlier this year:

Each model comes with a little laminated card.


Thank you, RobinGoodfellow.  Jetoar is indeed talented.

As I'm stuck in the house by snowfall, I took a few photos of dinosaurs purchased fairly recently, all on eBay.

The Battat Styracosaurus (Museum of Science, Boston):

The original Battat Parasaurolophus (Museum of Science, Boston):

And finally the Wild Safari Hypacrosaurus adult:

I had acquired the baby a while back - I'm pretty sure as a freebie with something else I bought.  But it took me a while to track down the parent!

And now I'd better get outside and start shovelling!

Jose S.M.

Great figures, I would like the get that Hypacrosaurus sometime, or that it's re-issued. Also the pieces by Jetoar are lovely, his work is great and I love that he gives obscure species representation.


As I've given up all hope of Terra issuing the new versions of the old Battat dinosaurs, I've gradually been trying to find those I would like on eBay.

This one arrived recently:

The seller kindly added in a few stickers:

So now I have an Edmontonia.  I have another purchase in the post.  Then my priorities are to track down a Maiasaura and a Triceratops!

Jose S.M.

Congratulations! It's a shame there's less and less probability that the remaining Battat get released, I would love to have this one, Ouranosaurus and Maiasaura, and the new sculpts too. I hope you find the ones you are searching for.


Thank you, Jose_S.M.  It is indeed such a shame.  I guess we should count ourselves lucky that some at least were released by Terra.  I wish you luck in your hunting too.


I got Edmontonia for an auction. I come from Canada, at least I will not have it in my hands in the best of cases until January 4, 2018, if all goes well. I bought it on eBay and that I did have to convince the seller to send it to Europe, since that figure was only sold to specific nations such as Canada and the United States. It cost a bunch.

Any figure of Battat is recommended but they could sell it at more accessible prices. My sought-after figures are deinonychus, gallimimus, triceratops and maiasaura, pachycephalosaurus, two versions of dilophosaurus and one of the three ancient versions of tyrannosaurus. The diplodocus is an unaffordable figure, apart from the fact that if you buy it from the US for those supersalvajes prices you demand a chilling customs tariff.

I really like the diplodocus, but I hope that one day it will be commercialized again by Battat.  :)

Anyway I congratulate you ceraptosio since you have a jewel in the collection of dinosaurs Battat.


Thank you, Shonisaurus.  Customs tariffs can indeed be very high - I am in the UK.  I wish you luck!


Quote from: ceratopsian on December 23, 2017, 07:45:16 AM
Thank you, Shonisaurus.  Customs tariffs can indeed be very high - I am in the UK.  I wish you luck!

Thank you ceraptosian! I'm going to need it. I said a lot of patience and wait.

The patience to collect the dinosaurs is sometimes bitter but it pays off.  ;)


I agree completely. Patience is important. A collector should not be rash. This is especially true when we are hunting for a model that was made in large numbers.


Around the middle of this year, I had one of our bedrooms turned into a model room.  I've been meaning for ages to post photos - but the cabinets are fully mirrored at the back.  This is lovely for seeing the back of my models but lousy for taking photographs (and very difficult to avoid photographing myself!).  It's also a dark room - I was quite keen to avoid too much direct sunlight.  All the cabinets have strip lighting at the top, which is very handy for display.  I don't turn them on often, just the occasional treat.  All I need now is a coffee table on which to put the odd book, not to mention a drink as I admire my herds!  I've torn between two styles at the moment.  So please forgive the poor photos - at least you can get a flavour.  I've had to sacrifice a bit of space to my husband for his long-distance running and also show-jumping trophies but the agreement is that he will vacate if required!



I placed my order for the new Wild Safari releases from Everything Dinosaur on 22nd and they arrived this Wednesday.  I'm thrilled with all of them.  A few more photos to add to those on the Forum:

First up, the imposing Triceratops:

The sturdy Regaliceratops:

The hefty Ankylosaurus:

The bulky Amargasaurus - I like its sense of weight but I'm less keen on the colour.  I'm debating whether to get it repainted:

The Malawisaurus of the substantial gut - I'm very taken indeed with this figure:

And my first foray into Permian stem-mammals, the Dimetrodon - I don't suppose it will be long before it has "friends":

In addition, I picked up the PNSO mini Ophthalmosaurus.  I don't collect ichthyosaurs but was given the Himalayasaurus and thought it looked lonely.

Also finally I also picked up a PNSO mini Einiosaurus.  I perhaps rather romantically thought it was be nice to have a duplicate dinosaur that I could take with me away from home sometimes - but wouldn't want to risk something I couldn't replace.

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