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Started by dragon53, May 08, 2019, 05:07:56 PM

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Quote from: Mellow Stego on May 26, 2022, 02:59:18 AMSo yeah, sauropods are terrifying.

So what impact do you guys think this show will have on the toy market?

It'll probably affect some of the species represented as well as some color schemes, but I fear that'll be it. Ideally, I'd love if the rights holders worked out a deal with Safari* to produce a licensed line of figures, but that's just my fanciful thinking.

* Safari is probably the most 'viable' option for a manufacturer due to their widespread availability and price point range.


We might see another company try, as Toyway did figures with WWD, so I see a toy line possible


Quote from: Dynomikegojira on May 26, 2022, 01:55:28 AM
Quote from: Bread on May 26, 2022, 12:01:10 AM
Quote from: Dynomikegojira on May 25, 2022, 07:59:58 PMYeah I don't think we're gonna see a T.rex vs Triceratops duel on episode 5 I actually doubt we'll ever see T.rex again because we've all of it's footage and scenes it's in for the trailer but I do love the implied fight though it certainly added some character to the male. Freshwater is my least favorite episode but I still vastly enjoyed especially the Velociraptor hunt which was amazing and new.
Episode 5 is pretty much a mystery at the moment. All we've really scene is the juvenile triceratops' with the herd. If anything the series wants that episode to be a mystery since it is the last one of the season. A good finale is something worth hiding.
That episode is also covering Hateg, Qianzhosaurus and the Carnotaurus mating display I don't think they'll have to bring T.rex back but I hope I'm wrong.
I love me some Tyrannosaurus content, but I wouldn't mind if that ended after Episode 3. Although I doubt there wouldn't be an appearance of the genus on Episode 5 due to the Triceratops family being a primary subject, we simply are spoiled with Tyrannosaurus content.

I enjoy seeing these other prehistoric creatures that never appear on screen or media.

bone crusher

Quote from: Mellow Stego on May 26, 2022, 02:59:18 AMSo yeah, sauropods are terrifying.

So what impact do you guys think this show will have on the toy market?

Imagine standing in front of a Titanosaurus at point blank, you'll crap yourself uncontrollably for 5 min straight.


This restored my brothers(partial) interest in paleontology. I felt like a young kid again seeing big ol' Tyrannosaurus on screen. This one of my favorite shows of all time. It's like WWD came back.
So far my favorite episode was coasts, but my favorite designs were from deserts. I super excited for the last two.  It's a bit of a shame we only got 5 episodes,  but I am so grateful we got those anyways.


Finished watching Ice Worlds and all I can say it beat out Coasts as my favorite episode and for those of us who wanted to see more predatory behavior this episode has it in spades. Sad that we only have one episode but at the very least there's some discussions for future seasons


Oh boy I sure do hope they make more. While I'm very grateful for what we got at all, I'd love to see what else they could pull off and show.
Film Accurate Mattel JW and JP toys list (incl. extended canon species, etc):

Every Single Mainline Mattel Jurassic World Species A-Z; 2024 toys added!:

Most produced Paleozoic genera (visual encyclopedia):


I loved ep3 Freshwater but out of the first three, it's probably the one that has the most minor flaws. Strange how there weren't any crocodilians in this episode. Loved the Deinocheirus sequence, but I expected to see more of that animal as well. It was an omnivore but this wasn't shown at all. Also the behind the scenes bit being about feathers on Velociraptors wasn't the most interesting choice for me. The Velociraptors hunting was my favorite part of the episode though.

I am very much looking forward to the last two episodes, it will be hard to pick out a favorite episode overall. So far the Velociraptors hunting, the watering hole and Dreaghtnoutus bits in the deserts episode and the T. Rex family crossing the ocean in ep1 are my favorite scenes.
But today, I'm just being father


What I wouldn't give for a gular sac toting titanosaur model!


Ice Worlds was great. It brought back the better pacing from Coasts that Deserts and more so Freshwater kinda lacked.
Shrek 4 is an underrated masterpiece


Episode 4 was, again, pure greatness. Now I definitely have to pickup PNSOs Olorotitan after its appearance here.

It was mentioned that a total of 95 species would show up in Prehistoric Planet. Is there a full list of all of them? Would be nice to check out what genuses/species are already available in figure form.
But today, I'm just being father


Episode 4 was great! Maybe I am in the minority here, but I have to say episode 3 is still my favorite.

A few things I have to say so far about the show:

-Has changed my opinions about lips. I am definitely for lips now. Seeing them depicted in a documentary has for sure swayed my opinion on this debate.

-The diversity in prehistoric animals is amazing. I am glad this documentary transitions frequently, and at a good pace.

-The low amount of "battles" or therapods bringing down a herbivore I am certainly happy with. There is something about seeing a prehistoric animal relaxing and not under constant stress seems interesting to me. Shows a different side to these always depicted "fight to the death is always happening" animals.


Quote from: SRF on May 26, 2022, 10:28:04 AMEpisode 4 was, again, pure greatness. Now I definitely have to pickup PNSOs Olorotitan after its appearance here.

It was mentioned that a total of 95 species would show up in Prehistoric Planet. Is there a full list of all of them? Would be nice to check out what genuses/species are already available in figure form.

I've noticed that the show seems to have an issue with only naming dinosaurs with generic familial names like "hadrosaur" or "dromaeosaur". A list would certainly help with some of my own confusion.
"Boy do I hate being right all the time."


Gizmodo published an interview with Darren Naish and Tim Walker yesterday. Among other things, it sounds like there might be ample more behind-the-scenes content in the near future, which is very exciting!

How 'Prehistoric Planet' Made The Most Realistic Dinosaurs You've Ever Seen

I haven't posted my own thoughts here yet, but I have been loving this show for sure! While some segments have seemed a little more restrained than necessary, I really appreciate the variety of environments, behaviors, and genera being represented overall. Quite a few of these animals have been brand-new to me, while others have never looked better than they do here. The Planet Earth narrative style is working excellently, and having a few recurring genera between episodes is a nice touch for extra cohesion.

While there's obviously no guarantee of what merchandise might be produced for this show, I certainly would like to see a toy line or two that would cover most or all of the animals being portrayed. Who knows? Maybe Darren Naish has put in some words about it already; he's a collector himself and has started teasing that "All Yesterdays" figure line, so maybe time will tell.
I'm thinking I'll be posting another comment or two on Safari's Twitter poll on the matter, at the very least.


Yet again, Ice Worlds was a good episode.

Can't think of a favorite sequence. I liked seeing the troodontid using a burning splint to fish out small mammals. Based on the trailers, I was thinking it'd be Imperobator, but I'm happy we at least got to see Antarctopelta. If I had one tiny criticism, it'd be maybe having the Antarctic hadrosaur be a reused Secernosaurus rather than Edmontosaurus. But even that is a stretch. I can't really complain.

Can't wait for tomorrow's episode!


Thank you avatar_Fembrogon @Fembrogon for the link of that interview, it's fabulous!  ^-^

and ...
QuoteNaish: This is a big thing for science nerds like myself. If you see something weird in the background and you're like "What was that? I want to see more of that." Stick around. Stick around and watch the rest of the series. Because if we've made a model of it, we're not just going to have it as a background thing, are we?

By the way, Ice Worlds is my second favourite episode (difficult to beat the velociraptors) because I just think the Dromeosaurs were super cool (and colourful!). And those scenes of the dinosaurs in the top of the mountains ... what an incredible place to film.


Trying to avoid this thread until the series is done, since I'm watching it at night I guess you could say I'm a day behind. Just wanted to say that while the Freshwater episode was fantastic, it had little to do with freshwater environments. Most of it just took place in close proximity to freshwater and for me, that's not good enough. It would have been nice to see some crocodilians, turtles, and of course... fishes! But whatever, a small nitpick. I've been loving every minute of Prehistoric Planet. This is what I've been waiting for my entire life. This will pave the way for all future paleo-media and will be remembered as a milestone the same way that WWD, Jurassic Park, Sinclair's Dinoland, and Crystal Palace are. I hope.


Another thought. I think we can blame Naish for the lack of fishes. His hatred of them is legendary.


Nice episode, but I still think the previous one was my favorite so far. That said,

whatever species of dromaeosaurid that was shown was gorgeous. I thought the Microraptor styled tail was interesting, and different. Wonder why they went with it though. The coloration was lovely too.

The Olorotitan sequence was probably the stand out sequence for me from this episode, although it was nice seeing proper fluffy Ornithomimus too (and the preening animation looked very similar to the JWE one, so that was a delight for me. I think they based the nest material stealing off of some penguins, if not other birds). I'm glad we got to see them beautifully done here, and the babies playing together was super adorable. I felt horrible when they got swarmed by the mosquitos, but glad the herd could escape them, including the one that I think looked like it was left to die. I'm guessing modern day arctic swarms of mosquitos served as inspiration. Also that had to have been one of the most gorgeous places filmed for this series so far. I really wonder where all that they filmed at. And while it was already on my wishlist this makes me want to pick the PNSO Olorotitan sooner then later. Besides it is one of my favorite hadrosaurids anyways.

Also must mention how impressed I was with the snow shader or whatever used for when the resting Nanuqsaurus gets up and shakes it off. Definitely looked so real.

Sad next episode is the last though. Definitely been an interesting journey. That said I am very excited for the Hateg Island fauna, Qianzhousaurus, and Carnotaurus (the arm wiggles!) that will be showing up in it.

And of course this episode's Uncovered:

avatar_Gwangi @Gwangi That's really unfortunate if that is the case. There's a plethora of interesting prehistoric fish species, freshwater and otherwise.

Edit 2: Figured I'd share these threads that might have some interesting info in them, and might answer any questions some folks might have so far:

Edit 3: This answered my question about the Barbiadactlyus crests depicted from the other day:
Film Accurate Mattel JW and JP toys list (incl. extended canon species, etc):

Every Single Mainline Mattel Jurassic World Species A-Z; 2024 toys added!:

Most produced Paleozoic genera (visual encyclopedia):


I too was a little late with this one but I sure had a good time with it! As some have already mentioned, the stunning landscape photography seems to be brushed over in favor of the dinosaurs but I think it really shines in this episode!

Perhaps because I actually felt the CG was a bit weaker here than what we've previously seen? Not all of it or course(the Olorotitan herd looked great) but there was something about the even lighting and stark backgrounds towards the start of the episode that made the models look a little flat and less lifelike than when we had more dramatic lighting and mixed backgrounds to help distract us.

The Olorotitan scene was a personal highlight for me. Not only were the visuals phenomenal but it was so cute to see the infants loving on their parents. I got a little emotional when the small one was left to the mosquitos, only to cheer when we hear it call out to its parent before creating the hill. I also loved the cave of stars and seeing Pachyrhinosaurus! Talk about a boss on that old bull!

Overall, another stellar episode, and potentially my second favorite. I'll have to watch all five again (and again, and again, and again  :P ) before I can definitively rank them but this one's close on Desert's heels at the moment.

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