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Duna's collection (Ikea cabinet and more) "updated feb"

Started by Duna, October 15, 2019, 09:47:18 PM

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Quote from: Shonisaurus on November 16, 2019, 11:33:06 PM
Safari nigersaurus is a pretty good figure. I recommend it. I do not know if it is within your expectations or you expect a much better figure.
Oh, thank you Shonisaurus! I did not know the figure, it's not sold in the shop I usually buy from, but sure I'll get it. I know your criteria is really good so your opinion is perfectly valid for me. I think it's a nice figure which I would really like to have in my collection.


Quote from: Duna on November 17, 2019, 08:23:13 AM
Quote from: Shonisaurus on November 16, 2019, 11:33:06 PM
Safari nigersaurus is a pretty good figure. I recommend it. I do not know if it is within your expectations or you expect a much better figure.
Oh, thank you Shonisaurus! I did not know the figure, it's not sold in the shop I usually buy from, but sure I'll get it. I know your criteria is really good so your opinion is perfectly valid for me. I think it's a nice figure which I would really like to have in my collection.

Safari Nigersaurus was discontinued on 2019.
But it's quite easy to find on the web..


Quote from: RobinGoodfellow on November 17, 2019, 08:59:42 AM
Safari Nigersaurus was discontinued on 2019.
But it's quite easy to find on the web.
Oh, thank you, I didn't know that. I just emailed everythingdinosaur to make a reservation along with the Papo spinosaurus.


Quote from: Duna on November 17, 2019, 08:23:13 AM
Quote from: Shonisaurus on November 16, 2019, 11:33:06 PM
Safari nigersaurus is a pretty good figure. I recommend it. I do not know if it is within your expectations or you expect a much better figure.
Oh, thank you Shonisaurus! I did not know the figure, it's not sold in the shop I usually buy from, but sure I'll get it. I know your criteria is really good so your opinion is perfectly valid for me. I think it's a nice figure which I would really like to have in my collection.

It is easy to find that figure and at a fairly affordable price. The nigersaurus of Safari as commented by other forum members was recently discontinued.

When it comes to cryolophosaurus, you could get the Battat Terra cryolophosaurus, which is also discontinued like the rest of Battat, but it's easy to find on eBay. It is a pretty figure but has no articulated jaw.

As for the mamemchisaurus ... there is the mamenchisaurus of Safari that was discontinued many years ago and whose prices for eBay to give an example are extremely scandalous especially if it is a new figure. I honestly do not recommend this since you would spend a considerable sum of money. It belonged to the Chinese dinosaurs of Safari and is difficult to find on eBay at an affordable price.


Quote from: Shonisaurus on November 17, 2019, 11:42:57 AM
It is easy to find that figure and at a fairly affordable price. The nigersaurus of Safari as commented by other forum members was recently discontinued.

When it comes to cryolophosaurus, you could get the Battat Terra cryolophosaurus, which is also discontinued like the rest of Battat, but it's easy to find on eBay. It is a pretty figure but has no articulated jaw.

As for the mamemchisaurus ... there is the mamenchisaurus of Safari that was discontinued many years ago and whose prices for eBay to give an example are extremely scandalous especially if it is a new figure. I honestly do not recommend this since you would spend a considerable sum of money. It belonged to the Chinese dinosaurs of Safari and is difficult to find on eBay at an affordable price.
Thanks for the recommendation of the nigersaurus, I'll be getting it for sure. The Battat cryolophosaurus is really nice but I'll wait for Collecta o Safari to make a newer version of it. I don't mind waiting for it for a few years since this year and the following are going to be quite expensive for me because of the 2020 Safari new figures (I want 8!) and Bajadasaurus from Collecta (maybe some inverts) and over all, Papo Spinosaurus.
I've been thinking a lot about the mamenchisaurus, and since it's known for its majestic lenght, and a shorter figure should be so so small, I may better buy the PNSO large to display on top of the cabinet. I'll sleep on it :D


Just received the Eofauna Atlasaurus and all I can say is that IT IS a masterpiece as the Deinotherium. I really like the colors a lot, and the head and neck are a beautiful blue color which is imposible to realise in pics how nice it is. In photos it looks blacker, but it is not.

Another 3 more dinos to cross in my list, 3 less to go! ;)


I hope that Papo spinosaurus will be received soon in stores. I am looking forward to having that figure together with the two Eofauna figures. I congratulate you Duna again. You have an exquisite taste when choosing dinosaur figures and other prehistoric toy animals.


I just got my Atlasaurus last night and it is an absolute beauty. I'm very happy when the only version of a species happens to be this excellent.
In the kingdom of the blind, better take public transit. Well, in the kingdom of the sighted, too, really--almost everyone is a terrible driver.

My attempt to find the best toy of every species

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Sometimes I draw pictures


Just before the end of the year, these arrived! :)) Sent by Alcaiceria, in only 2 days.

My opinion about the figures:

- Collecta Carcharodontosaurus 2014: In fact I was not going to buy this figure, but Iguanodon was out of stock, so I got it to complete the shipment. It's nice, large and I love the colors. But it looks too wide in the thighs area, quite rare.
- Collecta argentinosaurus 2012: It looks much better than I expect for such a cheap figure. It really deserves a place in any collection, well sculpted and nice realistic colors. Pity that it's so small, but it looks fantastic next to the Collecta rearing diplodocus.
- Safari triceratops 2019: Wow, I'm really in love with this guy because it looks much much better than in pics. It's large, heavy and the head is amazingly well sculpted.
- Safari stegosaurus 2019: I knew it was superb before buying it, but I would have liked a bit larger. It's the only thing to say about this wonderful little figure.
- Safari deinocheirus 2017: Easily my favorite of this bunch and that's only because it has surprised me the most about being so nice looking. I love everything in this figure: the pink around the eye was a fantastic choice and the colors suit very nicely to this huge creature.

I'll be getting slowly the other figures I'm missing in order to save for this year, most of the Safari ones are in my list ...  ::)


Congratulations for your acquisitions Duna!
I think that you bought some really great models. I have a CollectA Argentinosaurus too and I really like it, and the WS Deinocheirus is a true gem which I'll surely get soon.

Bigger than a camarasaurus,
and with a bite more stronger that the T-Rex bite,
Ticamasaurus is certainly the king of the Jurassic period.

With Balaur feet, dromaeosaurus bite, microraptor wings, and a terrible poison, the Deinoraptor Dromaeonychus is a lethal enemy for the most ferocious hybrid too.

My Repaints Thread:

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My Collection Thread:


avatar_Duna @Duna, I have just discovered this thread and may I just say that that cabinet looks AMAZING.  I'm honestly green with envy, because I'd love to steal your idea but sadly don't have the space.  If I did, I'd probably have to get another one for my natural history collection.  Ah, well.  I can dream...
UPDATE - Where've I been, my other hobbies, and how to navigate my Flickr:
Flickr for crafts and models:
Flickr for wildlife photos: Link to be added
Twitter: @MaudScientist


In my wishlist there was the Pachyrhinosaurus, but I came across this free 3D model design of P. lakustai by Raggo3D. I printed myself. Dinotoycollector corrected for me the lower jaw in the 3D archive (it was too thin). Both frill long horns' tips were badly printed so I cut them ...  :))

I have no idea about painting (other things than skeletons and skulls) this is my first model and I just wanted to make it quite dark to match the other dinos in the shelf. I just painted and changed colors until I liked it.
Sorry about the quality of the pics.  The skin texture was smooth, it would have looked better with scales, to disguise the printing layers. But from the distance, it looks nice.


My congratulations Duna for the acquisitions of the pachyrhinosaurus and the dinosaurs of Safari and Collecta especially the triceratops and stegosaurus of Safari are two masterful figures. I am very happy for all your acquisitions. Enjoy!!!!


I'd say for your first time painting a model, you've done quite well! Very nice figure.
In the kingdom of the blind, better take public transit. Well, in the kingdom of the sighted, too, really--almost everyone is a terrible driver.

My attempt to find the best toy of every species

My trade/sale/wishlist thread

Sometimes I draw pictures

Gothmog the Baryonyx

Wow, that Pachyrhinosaurus painting looks very nice, keep it up!  :)
Megalosaurus, Iguanodon, Archaeopteryx, Cetiosaurus, Compsognathus, Hadrosaurus, Brontosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, Albertosaurus, Herrerasaurus, Stenonychosaurus, Deinonychus, Maiasaura, Carnotaurus, Baryonyx, Argentinosaurus, Sinosauropteryx, Microraptor, Citipati, Mei, Tianyulong, Kulindadromeus, Zhenyuanlong, Yutyrannus, Borealopelta, Caihong


Hey avatar_Duna @Duna!
the figure turned out very good. I like the paint scheme a lot. You definitely have great talent here. And the jaw looks so much better than on my version  ::) I think if you'll keep doing this there will be some amazing things for us to see in the future.


I think that your repaint is wonderful, avatar_Duna @Duna ! I like the color scheme that you chose for it, and I really look forward to see your future works (especially considering that this Pachy is your first painting attempt)! Congratulations!


P.S. at the end did you received your Papo Spinosaurus and Safari Nigersaurus?
Bigger than a camarasaurus,
and with a bite more stronger that the T-Rex bite,
Ticamasaurus is certainly the king of the Jurassic period.

With Balaur feet, dromaeosaurus bite, microraptor wings, and a terrible poison, the Deinoraptor Dromaeonychus is a lethal enemy for the most ferocious hybrid too.

My Repaints Thread:

My Art And Sculptures Thread:

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Thank you all for you opinions, I know it would be better painted if I knew better how to do it, but I had a good time, thanks above all to avatar_DinoToyCollector @DinoToyCollector who woke my interest in models and painting, and specially for correcting the model for me. :) I would really like to watch some tutorials about 3D modelling, you can do fantastic things. By the moment I only design some tools and pieces I use in bird cages, aquarium ...
Quote from: Killekor on January 20, 2020, 12:48:16 PM
I think that your repaint is wonderful, avatar_Duna @Duna ! I like the color scheme that you chose for it, and I really look forward to see your future works (especially considering that this Pachy is your first painting attempt)! Congratulations!
P.S. at the end did you received your Papo Spinosaurus and Safari Nigersaurus?
:'( :'( No, my poor parcel spent 18 days in my post office without sending me the collect paper, and when I received at my postbox, I was startled about the date, hurried to the office, but it was too late, the parcel had been returned the same morning. I talked to ED, put a complaint to Correos, but there was nothing I could do. ED told me my parcel would be sent back again when they got it back. So I'm still waiting and my poor figures are travelling through Europe ...


I received today my Safari purchases from this year and the Collecta iguanodon. So more figures in my list to cross, only a few missing ... ;)

All figures (Collecta and Safari) except pachycephalosaurus and itchyosaurus have come quite warped, some foot don't touch the ground and others are twisted. It's nothing I can not fix with hot water (I have become an "expert" in fixing figures thanks to the feathered Rex and Papo oviraptor  :D) so that does not bother me.

My opinion about them:
- Collecta iguanodon 2018: I was after this figure for a long time, I had bought the Papo iguanodon without thinking too much, but later I decided that I like the Collecta version more, which is more accurate. It has not dissapointed me, it's fantastic: large and well sculpted.
- Safari deinonychus 2020: This is the Figure of the Year of Safari in my opinion. It's large, more than I expected, well fed, and the detail is exquisite. Looks like it was alive, just going for a walk.
- Safari edmontosaurus 2020: A real beauty. A pity about the hoove, but nothing to say against this figure. It's nice and large and color fits very well.
- Safari pachycephalosaurus 2020: Very nice. But ... there's something strange about the belly, too high (bellies hang lower - it reminds me of a pearlscale goldfish).
- Safari itchyosaurus 2020: I got in love with this figure from the very first moment I saw the picture. It's so perfect: the most accurate itchyosaurus in the market, the color is really original, it's nicely sculpted and the size is want I wanted.  As I only get one figure per group of non dinosaurs for my collection, I think this itchyosaurus is the best ambassador for its family in my collection.
- Safari sarcosuchus 2020: Just the same as itchyosaurus: and even better, it's large!
- Safari dilophosaurus 2020: It wasn't in my list from the first moment, the pose and the colors said nothing to me. But it was in my wish-list (dilophosaurus is one of the classic dinos) and price was affordable, so at the end I added it to my order. It's not a figure that stands out by itself, but it's quite nice. Very small, however, but cute. Mine has come with orange painting on the face.

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