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Impact of the Coronavirus and Self-Isolation

Started by suspsy, March 03, 2020, 11:39:25 AM

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I've cut a few people out of my life completely over the last few years due to their increasing toxicity and stupidity with regard to the pandemic, vaccines, and certain other topics. I have absolutely zero regret about doing so. I don't believe in the concept of "friends forever." As far as I am concerned, once you've crossed a certain line, I'm done with you.
Untitled by suspsy3, on Flickr


Finally starting to feel human again 23 days after the symptoms hit. Luckily I didn't pass it on to my wife and she has settled down in reminding me how it ruined our wedding anniversary, Christmas and new year lol.

The local hospital trust I work for has 1/6th of the covid patients it had this time last year and 50% of covid related staff sickness. The biggest impact currently on patient care is the inability to discharge healthy people home due to lack of care provision because of vacancies and sickness.

Hopefully the gains made though immunisation, natural immunity and the emergence of the omicron variant will continue in 2022. I think the next pandemic we need to cure is the mental health of those lost to conspiracy and those who've been isolated from our communities.


He who dwells in pond


I hadn't posted here for almost 2 weeks, caught the omicron variant, we hadn't visited with family for almost 2 years trying to avoid this thing, so finally with everyone fully vaccinated and boosted etc.  we felt comfortable finally spending some time with family.  To our shock and horror we learned that more than 1/3 of the family at our gathering were  completely unvaccinated and didn't even want to wear masks!  My wife wanted to leave and my parents understandably didn't want us to go, we spent a weekend there and did everything in our power to protect ourselves but it's so depressing that loved ones are so diluted, misinformed, and just plain unreasonable about all of this.  It really has put a huge dent on family relationships, I'be lost so much respect for so many people that I love.  I 100% blame them for getting omicron because if everyone had the shot the number of new cases would be very much contained.   Our home has been shrouded in a dark cloud for 10 days with all of us fully vaccinated taking turns running temperature, experiencing nausea, vomiting, felt like the worst flu ever and I can't imagine it doing us any good in regards to our immune systems.  All of our pcr tests came back positive.  My wife and I now regret getting together with family because ultimately we are responsible for our kids and even tho we were all vaccinated they caught the worse of it, no one wants to see their kids sick even if they are teenagers they are still our babies :(

Everyone is exhausted and a bit depressed but we're slowly getting back to normal, my wife went back to work tuesday, I went back today, and my kids are going back to school tomorrow.  But still the first two weeks of this new year have been awful, I look forward to things getting better.  I hope everyone that's ill gets better and for those that are still not vaccinated, please listen to reason, this is not about social pressure, this is not about individual choices, this is about thinking about the bigger picture, this is about public safety.   The virus is out there, it doesn't care about debates or politics and it can't be negotiated with.  we all either use the weapons at our disposal to fight back or we all pay the consequences.



Ugh. Just tested positive. I have 3shots and it still got me.

And I feel like crap.

Fortunately, the family remains negative, but anxious.


Sorry to hear that more and more members are getting infected with this omicron!
It just amazing how quickly it has spread.
I hope that you all avatar_Brontozaurus @Brontozaurus avatar_CARN0TAURUS @CARN0TAURUS avatar_SBell @SBell and anyone else I
missed have a speedy recovery and have mild symptoms.
avatar_UK @UK glad you're starting to feel better, yeah, for me the fatigue, lost of smell and taste were the worst symptoms.
I still haven't recovered my taste or smell? But the fatigue is ebbing.
Thanks god for the vaccine and booster, I think if I haven't gotten all my symptoms would have been far severe.
Stay safe everyone!


avatar_UK @UK  I'm so glad you're feeling better.
avatar_Carnotaurus @Carnotaurus  I'm sorry you took the new variant, it's unfortunate that some people who are relatives refuse to give vaccines, endanger their lives and those of those around them. Unfortunately, in my relatives there are people who refuse to give this vaccine.
avatar_SBell @SBell  Best wishes for recovery.


Glad to hear you are feeling normal again, avatar_UK @UK.  Such good news your wife escaped it.

Quote from: UK on January 13, 2022, 10:24:36 PM
Finally starting to feel human again 23 days after the symptoms hit. Luckily I didn't pass it on to my wife and she has settled down in reminding me how it ruined our wedding anniversary, Christmas and new year lol.

The local hospital trust I work for has 1/6th of the covid patients it had this time last year and 50% of covid related staff sickness. The biggest impact currently on patient care is the inability to discharge healthy people home due to lack of care provision because of vacancies and sickness.

Hopefully the gains made though immunisation, natural immunity and the emergence of the omicron variant will continue in 2022. I think the next pandemic we need to cure is the mental health of those lost to conspiracy and those who've been isolated from our communities.


I'm mostly just stiff and, well, flu-like, so that's good. I can still taste and smell at least (if I lost that, I could get tricked into eating Brussels sprouts and that will not do  ;D)

Appreciate the well wishes, and I hope everyone else stays healthy and/or gets better as soon as possible too!


Glad to hear you are recovering avatar_UK @UK and I'm sorry to see more fellow members here have had it catch up to them. Wishing for swift recovery for all you folks.
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Quote from: Faelrin on January 14, 2022, 07:30:11 PM
Glad to hear you are recovering avatar_UK @UK and I'm sorry to see more fellow members here have had it catch up to them. Wishing for swift recovery for all you folks.

Thank you avatar_Faelrin @Faelrin.

avatar_SBell @SBell plenty of fluids and rest. I found it was a case of 1 step forward and two steps back for a while in that I'd start to feel better and then feel considerably worse. Yesterday I really felt a lot better and then today just tired and wiped out again. Probably my doing a two and half hour walk didn't help. It seems there is a massive range of how people feel during infection.


Quote from: UK on January 14, 2022, 11:05:06 PM
Quote from: Faelrin on January 14, 2022, 07:30:11 PM
Glad to hear you are recovering avatar_UK @UK and I'm sorry to see more fellow members here have had it catch up to them. Wishing for swift recovery for all you folks.

Thank you avatar_Faelrin @Faelrin.

avatar_SBell @SBell plenty of fluids and rest. I found it was a case of 1 step forward and two steps back for a while in that I'd start to feel better and then feel considerably worse. Yesterday I really felt a lot better and then today just tired and wiped out again. Probably my doing a two and half hour walk didn't help. It seems there is a massive range of how people feel during infection.

That's what it did to all 4 of us here in the house too.  The first 2 days I was really bad then day 3 I told my wife, "I think I'm in the clear honey"  and then 2 days after feeling like I was on the mend I began running temp, vomiting, congested running nose, sore throat, and coughing all over again.  The second time I started to feel better I kept my mouth shut and just waited and hoped for the best and sure enough a day later I was running temperature again for the third time, everything came back except the vomiting, and I've been feeling weak and tired since but now I've been in the clear for 3-4 days and am past my quarantine date so I went back to work. 

My son was delirious talking to "the running people" he was having hallucinations!  My daughter couldn't sleep in her bed because she was afraid to go #2 in bed because her diarrhea was so severe poor thing was getting almost no sleep.  All we ate was bananas and rice plus pedialyte  mixed with water for a week!  This thing isn't like any flu I've ever had and we were all vaccinated for pete's sake! 

One of  the people I work with is going to lose his job because we all received a mandate and he refused to get vaccinated and now he's been sick for 6 weeks and can't get rid of it, he's missed a ton of work.  Someone at work told us that he's desperate to get vaccinated now because he's so freaked out he can't recover from it, but it's too late.  We received that mandate back in October and they gave us plenty of time and notice to vaccinate.  Now it's coming into effect this month.  plus it's too late for him to vaccinate now, he was told he'd have to recover fully before getting the series anyways. 


Yeah, that's the same sad song every antivaxxer sings when COVID pounces on them. I really can't muster any sympathy, especially not at this stage in the pandemic. If you choose to ignore science and listen to lies and quackery instead, then such is your fate. COVID doesn't give a fig about hubris or regret.
Untitled by suspsy3, on Flickr


To avatar_UK @UK, avatar_CARN0TAURUS @CARN0TAURUS and everyone else who has recovered, that's a relief. Sorry to everyone else who has caught it recently.

It does seem like it could be a matter of time before we all get it now, especially for me working in a public building, but it's comforting to know the vaccine will give us a head start fighting it off and greatly minimises the symptoms and chances of it killing us. It sounds awful even with the vaccine, all the more reason to take it!

avatar_Takama @Takama, how are you? I hope you are pulling through and not suffering too much.


Quote from: dinotoyforum on January 15, 2022, 12:59:20 AM
To avatar_UK @UK, avatar_CARN0TAURUS @CARN0TAURUS and everyone else who has recovered, that's a relief. Sorry to everyone else who has caught it recently.

It does seem like it could be a matter of time before we all get it now, especially for me working in a public building, but it's comforting to know the vaccine will give us a head start fighting it off and greatly minimises the symptoms and chances of it killing us. It sounds awful even with the vaccine, all the more reason to take it!

avatar_Takama @Takama, how are you? I hope you are pulling through and not suffering too much.

avatar_DinoToyForum @dinotoyforum Im actually in the recovering stage now, with just a lingering cough. I was relieved from my qureritine period and had a vist with my doctor. And Even though im a very careful person when it comes to going out. She was even surprised to see me catch it.

Fortnatly my symptoms were mild, almost like that of a bad cold times 3 with the worst symptom being a constant nightly cough. I feared this virus for the past 2 years, and now that i caght it myself, Im just happy whatever varient it was (They did not test for that the day i found out i was positive) was nothing more deadly. and if the Vaccines  i took around the start of 2021 were still working in my system, then im thankfull for them as well.   Still, Despite the mild Symptoms, I was scared things would get worse, (like being put on a venalator).

thankfually Im well enough to type all this, thankfully, Im well enough that all i have is an ocasinal cough they said i will have for a week or more.   


avatar_Carnotaurus @Carnotaurus I am very sorry for what happened to you and your family, I hope you recover from this illness.

avatar_Takama @TakamaI wish you a speedy recovery and I am glad that the covid has affected you quite little.



Just got my booster shot. My arm is pretty sore but I think ill live.


Boosted back in November, and I thought the new job would be pretty smooth sailing...

Near the end of a joint lab session, one of my coworkers got into a shouting match over vaccination with the other forensic engineers.  I put my camera back into the bag and walked out, and could still hear them going at it through a closed fire door.  Once my probationary period ends in a few weeks, I'm talking to HR about their gross lack of professionalism and threatening behaviors.  (I wasn't the target this time, thankfully.)  These people are armed.  This is terrifying.  No, I can't escape, my reserves aren't rebuilt yet, that's going to be another six months.

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