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Discovery's "Dino Hunters" - Has anyone watched it?

Started by Loon, June 21, 2020, 07:01:01 AM

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I heard this show premiered last night and was wondering if anyone's seen it. I've heard there's some ethical issue with it, but I'm sure. Can anyone comment on these issues?


Quoted from "Jurassic Jabber" group on Facebook:

If you have any love for paleontology and preservation of fossils please read this!

I just finished watching the Discovery Channel show
"Dinosaur Hunters: Dinosaur Cowboys" and I have to say that I am disgusted with what I just saw.

These "cowboys" go out and dig fossils to sell at auction. They are using equipment that can damage the fossils. The entire show is based on greed. They are literally promoting finding fossils just to sell them. There is no talk at all about preserving the fossils, studying them or furthering the field of paleontology. These fossils will again be sold to people who have no idea how to care for them. They will, like so many have already, fall apart from lack of proper care and be lost to science forever.

The show is also using footage from documentaries like
"clash of the dinosaurs". Its not even subtle, they are using full clips. When talking about the final days of the dinosaurs 66 million years ago, they show a clip of an (inaccurate) Dilophosaurus which lived 144 million years before at the beginning of the Jurassic.

Do you all remember the amazing Dueling Rex and Ceritopsian fossil? These are the men that are keeping it from being studied. They are holding it in warehouse and exposed. This is one of the greatest discoveries of our time because of how these animals are preserved. Until they are able to sell the fossil at auction, they are not allowing paleontologists to study it. So it just sits....   

These men are hurting the world of paleontology and have no real respect for the field. I ask that you do not support this show.

I am also disappointed in the Discovery channel for promoting something like this. I would not have a problem if these men actually cared about earths history and not their own profit.
Untitled by suspsy3, on Flickr


Yikes, well I'm not supporting that. Not to be too rude, but these people seem like parasites. Thanks everyone for letting me know.


Jurassic Park is frightning in the dark
All the dinosaurs are running wild
Someone let T. Rex out of his pen
I'm afraid those things'll harm me
'Cause they sure don't act like Barney
And they think that I'm their dinner, not their friend
Oh no


I pray that this show underperforms. I don't want an entire generation watching this and getting this nonsense in their head.
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Quoted from one Andrew Huynh on Facebook:

On June 19, Discovery Channel will air a series called the "Dino Hunters" & I will state this bluntly: DO NOT WATCH THIS SHOW. This 'show' has nothing to do with paleontology nor science & promotes unethical factors such as:

1) The lack of perception that paleontology is carried out by only white men. This narrative is false as the field of paleontology is diverse in gender & nationalities. This takes away the fact that many paleontological research & discoveries are made by many of my female colleagues & diverts credit away from them. Dr. Megan Seitz, the fossil preparator of the Carthage Institute of Paleontology, is one of two mentors of mine who has taught me everything I know about paleontology.

2) The promotion of the commercialization of fossils in private/public trade & sales. Not only is this unethical & illegal but also has placed a spotlight into the profiting of fossils i.e. public/private auctions & sales. The commercialization of fossils hurts science, steals from the public & further fuels global fossil crime (which I have dedicated my life combating along with wildlife crime). Convicted felons & other fossil poachers are in this show.

On June 9, the Society of Vertebrate of Paleontology (SVP) wrote to David Zaslav, CEO of Discovery Channel, urging the channel to stop the broadcasting of the show before it airs on June 19. The consequences & domino effect of this show is that it will only hurt the public's perception of real paleontological research & proper science. Discovery Channel advertises itself as an educational channel & for more than a decade, real educators & scientists have disowned the channel. Discovery Channel has only promoted pseudoscience shows & steers the public away from real education.

Untitled by suspsy3, on Flickr


Looks like a bloody awful show promoting a twisted version of palaeontology. >:(

Sounds like it should be re-named "Dino-Hustlers"!


Clayton Phipps rejected a $5.5 million offer from an unknown party for the Duelling Dinosaurs fossil because he thought he should get more than that and Nate Murphy is a convicted felon.

That says it all right there. 
Untitled by suspsy3, on Flickr


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I cannot believe Discovery has gone so low. And this is the Network that introduced me to Walking With Dinosaurs. 

Im sorry,   But I hope this show fails, miserably!!!!!!! If your curious on seeing what the fuss is about. DONT TUNE IN. That just Encourages them to Continue this **** and brainwash less informed people.


Another repercussion of this show if it catches on is that it may drive up the demand (and therefore the asking prices) of fossils on the market. I have been told that shows like American Pickers impacted the value for certain antiques, especially old signage.

Fossil and mineral collecting is a great hobby but when too many people who don't know what they're doing go around and try to dig for themselves (as they might be inspired to after seeing the show) they hurt the rest of us by association when they dig on private property without permission or when they don't clean up after themselves and fill in their pits. If you want to get into this your best option is to join a local club that can arrange field trips and where you can learn from more experienced collectors.
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Quote from: Takama on June 21, 2020, 11:45:33 PM

I cannot believe Discovery has gone so low. And this is the Network that introduced me to Walking With Dinosaurs. 

Im sorry,   But I hope this show fails, miserably!!!!!!! If your curious on seeing what the fuss is about. DONT TUNE IN. That just Encourages them to Continue this **** and brainwash less informed people.

Should we really be surprised? Discovery hasn't had quality programming in forever. How could they possibly have a dinosaur/fossil themed show without reality elements like 'big money auctions"?

What we really need is a more chill show that visits the backroom collections and the people who work at them in facilities around the world--THAT is something the average person never gets to see. I spent a week in just one room at the was so awesome


As bad as this is, it's nothing new for Discovery channel. They also have shows promoting and actively glorifying a lot of (not even just environmentally) hazardous practices. Everything from strip mining to tuna fisheries. Absolutely abhorrent company.


Quote from: stargatedalek on June 22, 2020, 09:43:18 PM
As bad as this is, it's nothing new for Discovery channel. They also have shows promoting and actively glorifying a lot of (not even just environmentally) hazardous practices. Everything from strip mining to tuna fisheries. Absolutely abhorrent company.

Yup. And Shark Week has been trash for years now.
Untitled by suspsy3, on Flickr


I saw some of it as I was channel surfing. I heard about it online, and I think the monetization of fossils is wrong, but hey, this is a country that practically worships capitalism.

Those fossils belong in museums and in the hands of highly trained paleontologists.


Quote from: SBell on June 22, 2020, 06:55:18 PM
What we really need is a more chill show that visits the backroom collections and the people who work at them in facilities around the world--THAT is something the average person never gets to see. I spent a week in just one room at the was so awesome

For something like that, or anything actually educational, you're gonna have to go to Youtube. The Brainscoop does exactly what you describe. Personally I hardly even watch mainstream TV anymore, Youtube has what I want being made by people that actually want to educate.


I am going to stay out of the political debate on all this and I do have strong feeling on this I'll say this, Pete Larson of the Black Hills Institute of Geological Research was on tonight's episode.  Pete felt that the bone that was found will confirm Nanotyrannosaur as valid.  He also added in a veiled jab at Jack Horner's histology and being to narrow focused.


I don't have any dog in the Nano/Tyranno fight, but it is worth noting here that despite its official-sounding name, the Black Hills Institute is a private, for-profit entity involved in the sale of fossils, and not an academic institution. Its greatest claim to fame is having Sue seized from it by the FBI.
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...and the series has finally "graced" our far eastern shores...

Despite the dino in the title, the show is neither about dinosaurs or even paleontology.
It's about people. People who'll do what they can for profit, including taking advantage of the resources in "their" properties.  If nothing else, the show is bluntly honest. It let's viewers see the American version of what's happening in locations like the Gobi, the Sahara and Myanmar (just to name a few "hot" locations - and by hot I mean where everyone and their mother are digging up fossils for profit).

I will concede to points raised in this thread, there seems to be a jarring change in Discovery's programming. But (and I speak with an outsider's cultural perspective) Discovery has simply shifted its focus on featuring people, and leaving the judgement to the viewers. It is less scientific than what we'd probably prefer. It also nets in more viewers.

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